Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos qualifies for pension
When I started working government jobs were low paying jobs that had job security.
Now it looks like most government jobs are very high paying jobs with lots of job security.
Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos qualifies for pension
By Amy B Wang and Eugene Scott The Republic | Sun Aug 4, 2013 2:13 AM
When Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos leaves his post, he will qualify to receive full pension payouts in the six-figure range through the City of Phoenix Employee Retirement System because his age and years of service total 80.
Cavazos, who turned 53 in January, abruptly announced Thursday he would step down to become city manager of Santa Ana, Calif., a move that is pending Santa Ana City Council approval on Monday. Cavazos has been Phoenix city manager for four years and has been with the city since 1987.
If approved, Cavazos would likely leave Phoenix in mid-October, with nearly 27 years of service with the city.
Cavazos did not return calls on Thursday or Friday.
Phoenix spokeswoman Toni Maccarone said the city manager would not grant interviews until after the Santa Ana City Council meeting on Monday “out of respect for the process.”
“Retirement is a very personal decision,” Maccarone said. “I just would like to caution you on doing your own calculations because retirement calculations are very complicated, and until a person actually submits paperwork and gives a firm date of retirement, no one knows the exact numbers.”
Cavazos is Phoenix’s highest-paid employee. His average annual total compensation during his final three years would be significantly higher because he received a $78,000 raise last year, bringing his annual base pay to $315,000. A retiree’s annual pension is based on a formula that includes the final three-year average of an employee’s total compensation.
In addition, the municipal pension program in Phoenix allows employees to add deferred compensation, fringe and travel allowances, and sick leave into their benefit calculations to boost their pensions. It is unknown how many of those benefits the city will allow Cavazos to roll in to “spike” his annual retirement payout.
Cavazos has a contract calling for the city to contribute an additional amount equal to 11 percent of his annual pay, or $34,650, into a deferred-compensation account. Cavazos also is reimbursed 3 percent, or $9,450, of his required 5 percent annual contribution to the city’s main pension system, meaning he only pays in 2 percent.
Cavazos would receive his pension payouts from Phoenix in addition to his new city-manager salary in Santa Ana, if he is approved for that job. His base salary in Santa Ana would be $315,000, with total benefits that could cost the city more than half a million dollars a year, according to a preliminary agenda posted on the city’s website.
In March, Phoenix voters passed reforms aimed at controlling surging employee-pension costs. The measures will overhaul the retirement system for thousands of new city workers, potentially saving taxpayers nearly $600 million over 25 years. The reforms include not allowing a new employee to retire until the combination of that person’s age and years of service equals 87.
The reforms will not impact Cavazos, said Phoenix Councilman Daniel Valenzuela, who co-chaired the city’s pension-reform committee. “It’s for new employees. Anyone who is currently working with the city of Phoenix is essentially locked into a contract which includes their wages and benefits,” Valenzuela said.
Valenzuela said Cavazos’ salary — and the retirement benefits that come with it — were well deserved.
The councilman said Cavazos’ work during the economic downturn was exemplary.
“The city was facing in very recent history a 27 percent deficit: a $227 million deficit. And today there’s approximately $44 million in the contingency fund, the highest it’s ever been,” Valenzuela said.
Valenzuela said losing Cavazos shows that even after raising the city manager’s salary, Phoenix still struggles to remain competitive.
“I don’t foresee having to do it again. But even with Phoenix being the sixth-largest city in the country, David’s pay is still significantly lower than the seventh-largest city in the country, San Antonio,” he said. The top executive in San Antonio earns a base salary of $355,000. “But with that said, I still think that’s a very high salary.”
Republic reporter Craig Harris contributed to this article.
The GOP flips the script on Obama
If you ask me Obama seems to have been a clone of tyrant George W. Bush ever since he got elected. Well in addition to also being a socialist tyrant.
The GOP flips the script on Obama
By Dana Milbank, Published: August 2
Republicans need to make up their minds: Is President Obama a socialist or a corporate stooge?
“The president claims his economic agenda is for the middle class. But it’s actually for the well-connected,” Paul Ryan, the GOP’s 2012 vice presidential nominee, wrote this week in USA Today, rejecting Obama’s latest proposal for a corporate tax cut. “There’s no doubt that it works well for them. But for the rest of us, it’s not working at all.”
Ryan, in his brief commentary, protested that Obama is “interested in tax reform for corporations — but not for families or small business.” He further accused Obama of implementing health-care and regulatory policies that favor big businesses and big banks.
That’s rich.
Ryan, after all, is the guy who just a year ago accused Obama of “sowing social unrest and class resentment,” of supporting “a government-run economy” and of “denigrating people who are successful.” He has charged the president with leading the nation toward “a cradle-to-grave, European-style social welfare state.”
Republican lawmakers seem to think that Americans have short memories and lack Internet connections, for their latest line of attack — that Obama’s health-care and tax policies favor the corporate elite — directly contradicts their previous allegation that Obama was waging “class warfare” with “socialist” policies attacking these very same corporate elites.
“Why is it,” Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) asked at a Ways and Means Committee hearing last month, “that under this White House, Warren Buffett gets a break from Obamacare, but Joe Six-Pack, the single mom working at the local restaurant, they don’t get any kind of break?”
The theme was picked up Wednesday by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who, rather than crediting Obama for offering to cut the corporate tax rate, complained that Obama’s “scheme” would “actually require small businesses to pay higher tax rates than big companies.”
So Obama’s that rare socialist who is in bed with big business? Then again, the point of the Republicans’ critique of Obama isn’t to be logical; it’s to be critical — relentlessly, if not rationally.
Boehner, asked at a news conference this week about Obama’s series of speeches on the economy, replied: “If I had poll numbers as low as his, I’d probably be out doing the same thing if I were him.” Obama’s job-approval rating is 46 percent. Boehner’s is just over half that.
The indecision over whether Obama is a socialist or a plutocrat is but one of the contradictory critiques his opponents have yet to resolve. They also haven’t determined whether he’s a tyrant or a weakling, arrogant or apologetic. It all suggests the opposition is based less on principle than on reflex.
“We have a president that’s a socialist,” Texas Gov. Rick Perry said at one of the 2012 Republican presidential debates, disregarding both nuance and grammar.
But now, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is one of several Republicans complaining that Obama is unfairly boosting corporations by extending the deadline for them to comply with Obamacare. “We have big business being thrown a big bone,” he said on the Senate floor this week. “This is not fair.”
Likewise, Boehner says, “the president is not leading,” a charge echoed by other prominent Republicans. Mitt Romney called Obama a “weak president,” and Newt Gingrich, during the 2012 campaign, called Obama “so weak that he makes Jimmy Carter look strong.”
That should come as a relief to Republicans, who spent much of 2010 calling Obama a tyrant. Many of them still do. Darrell Issa (Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, says Obama is guilty of “imperial behavior” and “abuse of power.” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) asserts that Obama is “someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch.” And Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) still prefers to think of Obama as “a tyrannical despot.”
If you’re going to be a despot, you might as well be a tyrannical one.
The Republican lawmakers may be so muddled because their thought leaders can’t agree on the proper line of attack. Karl Rove believes Obama is a “political thug,” Rush Limbaugh thinks the president is a “street thug,” and Grover Norquist concurs that Obama acts as if “someone made him king.” But Sean Hannity prefers to think of him as “weak.”
The confusion grew so intense during Obama’s intervention in Libya that some Republicans contradicted their own critiques in the span of days. Gingrich, for example, demanded in early March 2011 that the United States should “exercise a no-fly zone this evening.” Two weeks later, after Obama took the action that would bring down Moammar Gaddafi, Gingrich said, “I would not have intervened.”
It was a brave stand against the cruel tyranny of consistency.
Twitter: @Milbank
Union told to address perception it protects bad teachers
Union told to address perception it protects bad teachers
Duh!!!! Isn't that the whole purpose of unions, to protect their members from their employers???? If you ask me the unions are just doing their job.
Of course the real problem here is the "government schools" or "public schools". As long as people are required to pay taxes to support government schools that don't educated their kids we will have this problem. The solution is to get rid of the government schools and let parents send their kids to any school they want.
Union told to address perception it protects bad teachers
L.A. teachers union urged to improve training for bad teachers
By Teresa Watanabe
August 4, 2013, 9:41 p.m.
The Los Angeles teachers union must combat public perceptions that it protects bad teachers and should help them improve with better training, a city school board member told union activists in a wide-ranging speech Sunday.
Monica Ratliff, a fifth-grade teacher who pulled off an upset win in May for the Los Angeles Board of Education, told more than 400 leaders of United Teachers Los Angeles that the public likes teachers but distrusts labor unions.
"People have a fair amount of affection for teachers," said Ratliff, who drew a standing ovation of cheers and chants. "People have a fair amount of distrust of labor. … If we don't recognize it, it will be our undoing."
She also said union members should be more active in lobbying the state Legislature for such changes as keeping teacher performance ratings confidential — an L.A. Superior Court judge ruled last week that those ratings should be released to The Times. And Ratliff urged teachers to better spotlight their "wonderful work" by offering school visits to board members and others.
Ratliff unexpectedly defeated Antonio Sanchez, a candidate with much more campaign funding and with backing from former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. But she also triumphed without financial assistance from UTLA, which endorsed both candidates.
During the UTLA-hosted weekend of workshops, speakers and political campaigning for new union officers at a Los Angeles hotel, several teachers said their morale was low and anxieties high. The weekend's events were attended by mostly activist teachers who represent the union on their school campuses.
Despite some victories this year — passage of a state ballot measure for more school funding and a revamped L.A. school board that the union perceives as more "teacher-friendly" — many instructors said they felt beaten down by large classes, staff cutbacks, rising teacher dismissals and public disrespect. They also expressed frustration over escalating job demands to raise student test scores, serve breakfast in the classroom and submit to a new teacher evaluation system that many complained they had no voice in shaping.
"In a very real way, UTLA is under attack and we are still at war," union President Warren Fletcher said during a lunchtime address Saturday.
Aaron Bruhnke, a San Pedro High School economics teacher, said his classes sizes are set to balloon to about 50 students this year, and nearly 20% of the teaching staff has been cut in the last five years, including all college counselors. Abelardo Diaz said his Advanced Placement Spanish courses at the Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts are now at 45 students, nearly twice the size recommended by the College Board.
At a Latino Caucus meeting, teachers bemoaned the district's classroom breakfast program, saying it cut into their teaching time, drew vermin and caused messes they had to clean.
And in a meeting for South L.A. teachers, the area's leader, Ingrid Villeda, expressed concerns that the district would replace veteran instructors with inexperienced young ones — including some of the 500 new teachers headed to Los Angeles under a $20-million grant to Teach for America, a nonprofit based in New York. Three teachers also outlined their efforts to fight off campaigns to overhaul their elementary schools — Miramonte, 93rd Street and 68th Street — under the parent trigger law, which allows parents to petition for changes at low-performing campuses.
Villeda and others said they felt threatened by such efforts to take over campuses, attack their seniority rights in lawsuits and displace teachers. "There is fear in every school," Villeda said.
Several teachers also said they distrusted L.A. Unified schools Supt. John Deasy and blamed him for what they called an imperious manner. In his remarks, Fletcher criticized Deasy for "scolding, scapegoating and demeaning teachers" rather than supporting or listening to them but would not say whether the union would seek his ouster. The union previously has conducted a vote of no-confidence in the superintendent in a small survey of teachers.
The union held trainings on parent trigger campaigns, the teacher evaluation system and community organizing, along with workshops on teaching math, reading and even yoga.
The weekend also kicked off campaigning for the union election early next year. Alex Caputo-Pearl, a former Crenshaw High School teacher, announced his bid for president on a slate that has drawn the support of six of the union's eight area leaders. Caputo-Pearl said his "Union Power" group believes Fletcher has been too passive in fighting attacks on teachers and plans to organize the broader community to press for smaller classes, pay raises and protections for campuses against charter schools and other outside groups.
Fletcher, who said he is "leaning" toward a reelection bid but has not officially decided, said he welcomed a "healthy debate" over his performance and union priorities. Among other achievements, he said he helped stop district efforts to use teacher performance ratings in evaluations and protected thousands of jobs from elimination last year. He said his top priorities were restoring jobs — more than 500 laid-off teachers are still out of work — and seeking pay raises.
A consensus by Congress
A consensus by Congress
Sun Aug 4, 2013 7:16 PM
I never thought our do-nothing Congress would agree on anything. And lo and behold, they agreed to take five weeks off for vacation! They need the rest.
— Carl Milton, Gold Canyon
Black farmers closer to payouts
When it comes to doling out pork, our government masters don't obey the "equal opportunity laws" they expect the rest of us to obey.
I don't agree with this pork, I am just pointing out what hypocrites our royal rulers are in Washington, D.C.
Black farmers closer to payouts
Aug. 4, 2013 10:16 PM |
WASHINGTON — About 18,000 black farmers, mostly in the South, are expected to receive notice later this month they will receive payments as part of a landmark $1.2 billion discrimination settlement with the Department of Agriculture.
The lead lawyers for the farmers were expected Friday to submit a formal report from the claims administrator, including final payment figures, to U.S. District Court in Washington.
“They need to go ahead and expedite these payments so the farmers won’t have to continue to wait,” said John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association. “Here is it, planting season has come and gone, and the farmers still don’t have their money. These farmers are frustrated.”
It’s been more than two years since President Barack Obama signed the settlement into law. Congress approved the $1.2 billion settlement in 2010 in what has become known as “the Pigford case.”
The case against federal agriculture officials found that the agency denied loans and other assistance for years to black farmers because of their race.
Second round
The settlement marks the second round of payments for black farmers. Thousands received payments as part of a 1999 class-action settlement. The second round, dubbed Pigford II, will pay farmers who missed the first filing deadline.
The maximum payment is $62,500 — $50,000 for the claim and $12,500 for taxes. The filing deadline was last May.
Of the $1.2 billion, about $91 million was approved for attorney fees.
Lawyers for the farmers have said claims were being reviewed by a court-approved mediation and arbitration firm. The lawyers were expected to submit a final report from the claims administrator Friday.
The process has taken longer than initially projected. Farmers originally were told payments could arrive by late 2012.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., who pushed for the settlement in Congress, said he remains “deeply concerned with the length of time that it has taken to resolve these discrimination claims.”
He called on lawyers for the farmers, the claims administrator and federal agriculture and justice officials, to move more quickly to resolve any issues.
Boyd said he also met with Congressional Black Caucus members to relay the concerns of farmers, as well as Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., and staff from Thompson’s office.
“I know black farmers are frustrated with the delays in the Pigford II settlement payments. I am frustrated, too,” Clyburn said. “But there were safeguards built into the legislation to ensure all of the claims are thoroughly vetted in an effort to be good stewards of public funds.”
Photo radar bandits for 15 mph school zones???
Scottsdale Schools to be run like POW camps???
Scottsdale Schools to be run like prisons???
Photo radar bandits for 15 mph school zones???
Also the schools in the Scottsdale school district will now be run like like prisons where the students are treated like inmates, rather then students.
Tighter security first lesson in Scottsdale this school year
By Laurie Merrill and Mary Beth Faller The Republic | Mon Aug 5, 2013 9:35 AM
Parents and students will notice increased safety and security measures in the Scottsdale Unified School District when school resumes this week.
Classes begin Wednesday, and some of the changes will affect parents before they even get to the school buildings.
School-zone cameras
Scottsdale has become the first municipality in the region to launch portable school towers, new devices that look like phone booths but conceal cameras, police said.
The two units, which began issuing citations July 21, will be rotated through Scottsdale’s 31 school zones, according to police.
Unlike typical speed cameras that snap photos when a car exceeds the limit by 11 mph, the school towers click into action at 6 mph over the limit.
The speed limit is 15 mph between the portable signs erected when school is in session, according to state law.
Motorists in the zones may not pass other vehicles and must stop when anyone is in the crosswalk.
Failure to stop when a child is in the crosswalk could mean double fines.
Violators face fines of $219 and $305 and are not eligible for traffic school, according to Scottsdale City Court. They must appear in court.
The Scottsdale, Cave Creek and Paradise Valley unified school districts all have campuses in Scottsdale, as well as several charter and private schools.
Scottsdale police in June tested a portable tower on Miller Road, Officer Dave Pubins said. From June 4 to 6, the devices recorded 130 violations, though no citations were issued during the test phase, Pubins said.
When school is not in session, the tools will be placed near other pedestrian high-traffic areas, such as parks, pools, shopping areas and sports fields, Pubins said.
The Scottsdale City Council in December approved a five-year contract with American Traffic Solutions, the company contracted to provide photo enforcement in the city.
The school towers and two mobile photo-enforcement vans were included in the contract, which also called for adding cameras to eight new intersections and more electronic-feedback signs, police said.
The devices can be used in places with too little room for the vans, Pubins said. Scottsdale will keep deploying the vans in school zones that have enough parking and continue to use patrol officers, police said.
The contract calls for the city to pay ATS $1.2 million the first year, the same amount it paid last year, according to a City Council report.
Officials said the program is essentially self-supporting, citing revenue generated from traffic penalties. In fiscal 2010-11, the program put about $925,000 back into city coffers, the report said.
‘Gate-to-gate’ security
Parents will no longer be allowed to walk their children to the classroom door under a stricter security policy in the Scottsdale district.
James Dorer, chief of security for the district, said the schools will start a “gate-to-gate” philosophy, meaning that gates at all campuses will be closed.
In the morning, parents who choose to park instead of using the drop-off lane must leave their children at the gate, where staff will take them to their classrooms or the playgrounds. The same rules apply for afternoon pickup.
Parents who want to go to a classroom must sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge.
“We know parents like to walk their kids to the classroom,” he said, and it has been common for most elementary schools to leave the gates open for classroom drop-off and pickup.
“But that becomes a weak spot,” he said of the congregated adults outside the classrooms. “We don’t truly know if they are parents and what their intentions are.
“The vast majority are parents who are supposed to be there, and they are welcome, but we need to have a process.”
Badges required
All parents on Scottsdale district campuses will be required to get a visitor badge at the front office, even if they are quickly visiting a classroom.
“I’m trying to stress that anytime anyone is on a campus, they have to have an ID (badge) visible, so someone who doesn’t have one sticks out. That’s the goal,” Dorer said.
However, the district is tweaking its philosophy on ID badges for students. A year ago, Dorer outlined a plan that would eventually require all students to wear ID badges at all times. This year, middle- and high-school students will be required to wear them but not younger students.
“We had some successes and some setbacks as with any first-year program,” he said. “There has been mixed reception to it.”
Dorer said that some parents of elementary students didn’t support the plan, and that enforcement varied among campuses.
Elementary students still are supposed to keep their ID badges with them this year, but there won’t be daily enforcement, Dorer said.
Middle- and high-school students still will be required to wear their badges, and that was a mixed bag last year, too. A missing badge, which costs $5 to replace, was considered a dress-code violation, and the district recorded a 900 percent increase in that type of violation last year.
Dorer said that in the workplace, employees are required to wear security badges. “We’re trying to prep our students for that world.
“It’s a change of culture, and it will take time.”
Search Warrants required for drone overflights???
If you ask me the 4th Amendment is pretty clear and we don't need a bunch of silly new laws forbidding government spying on us.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"
The problem is our government masters have made thousands of lame excuses on WHY they don't have to honor the 4th Amendment. As in this case the cops use the lame excuse that flying an airplane over your home to spy on you isn't really spying on you and thus not a violation of the 4th Amendment.
What rubbish. If the government is peeking into your home, property or belonging for any reason looking for reasons to arrest you, that is a search and the government should be required to get a search warrant before doing it. Period!!!!!
Drone Regulations: Spying Concerns Prompt States To Consider Legislation
By LISA CORNWELL 08/04/13 10:16 AM ET EDT AP
CINCINNATI -- Thousands of civilian drones are expected in U.S. skies within a few years and concerns they could be used to spy on Americans are fueling legislative efforts in several states to regulate the unmanned aircraft.
Varied legislation involving drones was introduced this year in more than 40 states, including Ohio. Many of those bills seek to regulate law enforcement's use of information-gathering drones by requiring search warrants. Some bills have stalled or are still pending, but at least six states now require warrants, and Virginia has put a two-year moratorium on drone use by law enforcement to provide more time to develop guidelines.
Domestic drones often resemble the small radio-controlled model airplanes and helicopters flown by hobbyists and can help monitor floods and other emergencies, survey crops and assist search-and-rescue operations. But privacy advocates are worried because the aircraft can also carry cameras and other equipment to capture images of people and property.
"Right now police can't come into your house without a search warrant," said Ohio Rep. Rex Damschroder, who has proposed drone regulations. "But with drones, they can come right over your backyard and take pictures."
Since 2006, the Federal Aviation Administration has approved more than 1,400 requests for drone use from government agencies and public universities wanting to operate the unmanned aircraft for purposes including research and public safety. Since 2008, approval had been granted to at least 80 law enforcement agencies.
But the FAA estimates that as many as 7,500 small commercial unmanned aircraft could be operating domestically within the next few years. A federal law enacted last year requires the FAA to develop a plan for safely integrating the aircraft into U.S. airspace by September 2015.
Damschroder's proposed bill would prohibit law enforcement agencies from using drones to get evidence or other information without a search warrant. Exceptions would include credible risks of terrorist attacks or the need for swift action to prevent imminent harm to life or property or to prevent suspects from escaping or destroying evidence.
The Republican said he isn't against drones but worries they could threaten constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
"I don't want the government just going up and down every street snooping," Damschroder said.
The Ohio House speaker's office says it's too soon to comment on the chances for passage. But similar legislation has been enacted in Florida, Tennessee, Idaho, Montana, Texas and Oregon.
The sponsor of Tennessee's bill said the law was necessary to ensure that residents can maintain their right to privacy.
"Abuses of privacy rights that we have been seeing from law enforcement recently show a need for this legislation," said Republican Sen. Mae Beavers.
Beavers and Damschroder modeled their bills after one signed into law this year by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who said then that "we shouldn't have unwarranted surveillance."
But the industry's professional association says regulating law enforcement's use of unmanned aircraft is unnecessary and shortsighted. It wants guidelines covering manned aircraft applied to unmanned aircraft.
"We don't support rewriting existing search warrant requirements under the guise of privacy," said Mario Mairena, government relations manager for the Arlington, Va.-based Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.
The association predicts unmanned aircraft systems will generate billions of dollars in economic impact in the next few years and says privacy concerns are unwarranted.
In Maine, Gov. Paul LePage vetoed the state's drone-regulating legislation, saying "this bill steps too far" and would lead to lawsuits and harm Maine's opportunities for new aerospace jobs. He plans to establish guidelines allowing legitimate uses while protecting privacy.
The American Civil Liberties Union supports legislation to regulate drone use and require search warrants, but it would also like weapons banned from domestic drones and limits on how long drone-collected data could be kept, said Melissa Bilancini, an ACLU of Ohio staff attorney.
In North Dakota, Rep. Rick Becker's bill to ban weapons from drones and require search warrants failed, but the Republican says he plans to try again because "we must address these privacy concerns."
Democratic Rep. Ed Gruchalla, formerly in law enforcement, opposed Becker's bill out of concern it would restrict police from effectively using drones.
"We are familiar with drones in North Dakota, and I don't know of any abuses or complaints," he said.
Drones can be as small as a bird or have a wingspan as large as a Boeing 737, but a program manager with the International Association of Chiefs of Police says most law enforcement agencies considering unmanned aircraft are looking at ones weighing around 2 pounds that only fly for about 15 minutes.
"They can be carried in the back of a car and put up quickly for an aerial view of a situation without putting humans at risk," Mike Fergus said, adding that they aren't suited for surveillance.
Medina County Sheriff Tom Miller in northeast Ohio says his office's 2-pound drone is intended primarily for search-and-rescue operations and wouldn't be used to collect evidence without a warrant.
Cincinnati resident Dwan Stone, 50, doesn't have a problem with some limits.
"But I don't oppose drones if there is a good reason for using them," she said.
Chase Jeffries, 19, also of Cincinnati, opposes them.
"I don't want the government being able to use drones to spy on people," he said.
Valley Metro: CEO approved lack of minimum service
Use this article when I sue Valley Metro for a refund on my bus pass
Valley Metro: CEO approved lack of minimum service
By Dianna M. Náńez The Republic |
Sat Aug 3, 2013 8:51 PM
Valley Metro is saying CEO Steve Banta approved the decision not to require that the bus company provide residents minimum southeast Valley service at all times, including in the event of a strike, a contract provision that The Arizona Republic has learned is currently mandated under Phoenix bus-service contracts.
As of late Saturday, the three-day-old bus strike was ongoing and negotiators for bus company First Transit and for the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433, which represents about 400 drivers, remained at the bargaining table, aiming to broker a compromise on a new contract and get buses rolling again.
Banta previously told the Republic that he was not on the contract procurement team and that he did not know why the team decided not to include a minimum-bus-service provision.
On Saturday, following a Republic story about the lacking requirement, that has left tens of thousands of residents without bus service, Valley Metro spokeswoman Hillary Foose said, in an e-mailed statement to the Republic, that Banta approved the decision.
“What he (Banta) said…is that, while he was not part of the procurement team, Steve did approve the decision,” Foose wrote. Banta did not return a request for further comment or reaction to the company statement.
That provision may have been the key to helping prevent the ongoing strike that has shut down all bus service in the southeast Valley, Tempe Councilman Kolby Granville told the Republic on Saturday.
The 40 routes not operating account for nearly half of the total Phoenix-area bus routes.
Valley residents, who endured the Phoenix and Tempe bus strike last year - which because of the minimum-service requirement maintained some bus service - waited at bus stops this week wondering why they were left without the safety net this time.
Granville said that he is among the council members who were “surprised” to find out in the days leading up to the strike that the contract approved in January for a new company to run southeast Valley bus services lacked the requirement.
The Tempe City Council and the Valley Regional Public Transportation Authority board of directors, which includes appointed representatives from Phoenix-area cities, approved the contract with First Transit. Granville and Tempe Councilman Joel Navarro said that it was a glaring oversight not to inform Tempe council members, prior to that approval, of the decision not to include the requirement.
Navarro told the Republic Friday that he has called for an internal review into why the decision was made and if the city can still make changes to the contract to include the requirement.
Tempe City Councilwoman Shana Ellis, who is Tempe’s representative on the Valley Metro board, did not return repeated requests for comment.
The Republic asked Valley Metro for names of the individuals who served on the procurement board.
“As for the names of the evaluation panel, this information is privileged,” Foose said in an e-mailed statement. “I can tell you that the panel was comprised of representatives from Valley Metro, Tempe, Mesa and Scottsdale. We also had an outside transit perspective from Denver.”
The provision, Granville said, was in Veolia’s bus contract, which operated Tempe service before it was unified with other southeast Valley cities under the First Transit contract, which took effect July 1.
Marie Chapple, a Phoenix Public Transit spokeswoman, told Republic Saturday, that if a strike was to happen against Phoenix bus companies, residents could count on some service because the city requires the safety net in its contracts with First Transit and Veolia.
“Just talking with passengers, yes, it did help (during last year’s strike,” Chapple said. “People were still able to try and find a way (to get to their destination),” she said. “We wanted that in there (because) the most important thing is to serve the people the people.”
The contract requirement isn’t just vital because it reassures Valley residents, desperate to get to work and appointments, that a regardless of a strike, and as long as they are willing to put up with longer waits, the bus company must keep some buses rolling, Granville said.
The minimum-service requirement also is tied to a hefty fine if service is not provided, he said.
Granville said the fines for not providing minimum service and the cost of flying in drivers from other properties to provide minimum service can serve as a deterrent to allowing contract negotiations to deteriorate to the point of a strike and give a bus company a significant monetary incentive to ending a strike.
“When people run the numbers, when they see how much money a strike is going to cost,” he said, “If it’s (the fine) is high enough, it would make everyone think long and hard before dealing with that punishment.”
Banta has said that there are drawbacks to requiring minimum service, including safety concerns tied to using outside drivers who are unfamiliar with the community’s bus routes.
“It’s unsafe to expect outside operators to safely use new equipment and operate routes/on roadways without training or experience,” Foose wrote.
Granville refuted that concern, saying, “I certainly wouldn’t want an untrained bus driver but if they are certified to drive a bus in Denver, they can certainly drive a bus in Phoenix.”
Chapple said that there were no safety issues tied to outside drivers operating buses during last year’s strike.
Banta also has said that although Phoenix and Tempe required Veolia to provide minimum service, which was to equate to the amount of bus service provided on Sundays, during last year’s strike Veolia was unable to meet that level.
Granville and Navarro agreed that some service is better than no service.
“I think it’s a mistake that should not be repeated in the future,” Granville said of the oversight, adding that residents who depends on public transportation and the cities that earns revenue from transit services are paying the price.
Valley Metro Bus Strike Lawsuit
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