Homeless in Arizona

Drug War Facts and Statistics


Drug War Facts and Statistics

Here are two sites with some interesting facts and statistics on the insane "war on drugs".
  1. add link that over 50 percent of patriot act arrests for for drug war crimes and less then 1 percent for terrorist crimes
  2. add link that over 50 percent of TSA seisures are for drug war crimes and a large number or for guns and again less then 1 percent for terrorist crimes
  3. add foxs and other mexican presidents statement to legalize drugs
  4. add legalization of small amounts of drugs in mexico
  5. In this aricle we see that most Americans are in Federal Prisons for victimless drug war crimes, followed by victimless weapons violations crimes, followed by victimless immigration violations.

    Only after those victimless crimes are American in prisons for real crimes that hurt people

    Most people are in prison for victimless drug war crimes

    After victimless drug war crimes most people are in prison for weapons violations

  6. More than half of federal prisoners are incarcerated for victimless drug war crimes in 2010

    The Drug War And Mass Incarceration By The Numbers
    April 2013

    More than half of federal prisoners are incarcerated for drug crimes in 2010, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and that number has only just dipped below 50 percent in 2011.

  7. 50% of the people in Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes

    George F. Will, Washington Post
    June 2013

    No wonder that the federal prison population — currently approximately 219,000, about half serving drug sentences — has expanded 51 percent since 2000 and federal prisons are at 138 percent of their supposed capacity.

  8. 8% of the people in all American prisons are there for victimless marijuana crimes

    Should Pot Be Legal?
    THOMAS G. DONLAN , Barrons
    June, 2013

    Some 663,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2011, ... Nationwide, some 128,000 people are in state or federal prisons for marijuana offenses. That's 8% of all U.S. prisoners.

  9. 60,000 drug war deaths in Mexico under Felipe Calderon

    Mexican daily: Nearly 60,000 drug war deaths under Calderon
    Fox News Latino
    November 01, 2012

    Organized crime-related violence has claimed 57,449 lives in Mexico during the presidency of Felipe Calderon, whose six-year term ends on Dec. 1, according to a tally published Thursday by the Milenio daily.

  10. US jails more people per capita then any other country in the world

    List of countries by incarceration rate
    July, 2013

    America, the US and the USA jail more people per capita then any other country in the world.

    On a per capita basis (not by prison population) America jails 1.5 times as many people as Russia, 3.4 times as many people as Mexico, 4.8 times as many people as England and 6.3 times as many people as Canada.

    Rank Country (or dependent territory) Prisoners per
    1 United States 716
    5 Cuba 510
    8 Russia 484
    32 Ukraine 311
    36 Kazakhstan 295
    37 South Africa 289
    67 Mexico 209
    101 England 148
    133 Canada 114
    144 France 101
    166 Germany 80
    196 Japan 54
  11. By raw numbers or prison population numbers the USA has more people in prison then any other country in the world.

    World prison populations
    BBC News
    month of article, year

    The USA has the worlds largest prison population with 2,193,798 in American prisons.

    China is second with 1,548,498 prisoners, followed by Russia with 874,161 prisoners.

    By straight numbers (not on a per capita basis) America jails 1.4 times as many people as China, 2.5 times as many people as Russia, 10.2 times as many people as Mexico, and 27.4 times as many people as England.

  12. 50% of the people jailed for drug war crimes are Blacks

    The Drug War And Mass Incarceration By The Numbers
    April 2013

    Blacks make up 50 percent of the state and local prisoners incarcerated for drug crimes. Black kids are 10 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes than white ones -- even though white kids are more likely to abuse drugs.

    Drug War Articles to back up the facts

    Leahy and Paul plan on mandatory sentencing makes sense


    George Will says 50% of convicts are for victimless drug war crimes

    In this editorial George Will says about 50 percent of the people in Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes.

    I recently posted another article from Barrons that said about 8 percent of the people in American prisons are there for victimless marijuana drug war crimes.

    I usually say about two thirds or 66 percent of the people in Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. I think I got that figure from Reason Magazine.


    Leahy and Paul plan on mandatory sentencing makes sense

    By George F. Will, Published: June 5 E-mail the writer

    Libertarians believe government should have a compelling reason before it restricts an individual’s liberty. Today’s liberals believe almost any reason will do, because liberty is less important than equality, fraternity, fighting obesity and many other aspirations. Now, however, one of the most senior and liberal U.S. senators and one of the most junior and libertarian have a proposal that could slow and even repair some of the fraying of society.

    Seven-term Democrat Pat Leahy’s 38 Senate years have made him Judiciary Committee chairman. Republican Rand Paul is in his third Senate year. They hope to reduce the cruelty, irrationality and cost of the current regime of mandatory minimum sentences for federal crimes.

    Such crimes are multiplying at a rate of more than 500 a decade, even though the Constitution explicitly authorizes Congress to criminalize only a few activities that are national in nature (e.g., counterfeiting, treason, crimes on the high seas). The federal government, having failed at core functions, such as fairly administering a rational revenue system, acts like a sheriff with attention-deficit disorder, haphazardly criminalizing this and that behavior in order to express righteous alarm about various wrongs that excite attention.

    Approximately 80,000 people are sentenced in federal courts each year. There are an estimated 4,500 federal criminal statutes and tens of thousands of regulations backed by criminal penalties, including incarceration. There can be felony penalties for violating arcane regulations that do not give clear notice of behavior that is prescribed or proscribed. This violates the mens rea requirement — people deserve criminal punishment only if they intentionally engage in conduct that is inherently wrong or that they know to be illegal. No wonder that the federal prison population — currently approximately 219,000, about half serving drug sentences — has expanded 51 percent since 2000 and federal prisons are at 138 percent of their supposed capacity.

    The Leahy-Paul measure would expand to all federal crimes the discretion federal judges have in many drug cases to impose sentences less than the mandatory minimums. This would, as Leahy says, allow judges — most of whom oppose mandatory minimums — to judge. Paul says mandatory minimum sentences, in the context of the proliferation of federal crimes, undermine federalism, the separation of powers and “the bedrock principle that people should be treated as individuals.”

    Almost everyone who enters the desensitizing world of U.S. prisons is going to return to society, and many will have been socially handicapped by the experience. Until the 1970s, about 100 per 100,000 Americans were in prison. Today 700 per 100,000 are. America has nearly 5 percent of the world’s population but almost 25 percent of its prisoners. African Americans are 13 percent of the nation’s population but 37 percent of the prison population, and one in three African American men spends time incarcerated. All this takes a staggering toll on shattered families and disordered neighborhoods.

    The House Judiciary Committee has created an Over-Criminalization Task Force. Its members should read “Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent,” by Harvey Silverglate, a libertarian lawyer whose book argues that prosecutors could indict most of us for three felonies a day. And the task force should read the short essay “Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything Is a Crime” by Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a professor of law at the University of Tennessee. Given the axiom that a competent prosecutor can persuade a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and given the reality of prosecutorial abuse — particularly, compelling plea bargains by overcharging with “kitchen sink” indictments — Reynolds believes “the decision to charge a person criminally should itself undergo some degree of due process scrutiny.”

    He also suggests banning plea bargains: “An understanding that every criminal charge filed would have to be either backed up in open court or ignominiously dropped would significantly reduce the incentive to overcharge. . . . Our criminal justice system, as presently practiced, is basically a plea-bargain system with actual trials of guilt or innocence a bit of showy froth floating on top.”

    U.S. prosecutors win more than 90 percent of their cases, 97 percent of those without complete trials. British and Canadian prosecutors win significantly less, and for many offenses, the sentences in those nations are less severe.

    Making mandatory minimums less severe would lessen the power of prosecutors to pressure defendants by overcharging them in order to expose them to draconian penalties. The Leahy-Paul measure is a way to begin reforming a criminal justice system in which justice is a diminishing component.

    Read more from George F. Will’s archive or follow him on Facebook.

    Should Pot Be Legal?

    Barrons article - Should Pot Be Legal?

    According to this article 8% of the people in all American prisons are there for victimless marijuana crimes. That is 128,000 people.

    I often say that two thirds of the people in Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. I got the figure out of a Libertarian magazine, probably Reason or Liberty.

    The article also says "663,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2011" That is about one forth of one percent of the US population of 300 million. Or about one half of a percent of the adult US population.


    Should Pot Be Legal?


    Legalizing marijuana will hurt drug lords, help cash-strapped states, and ease burdens on police and prisons. Yet D.C. dithers.

    America's 40-year crawl toward legalization of marijuana is picking up speed. Twenty-six states have taken steps toward legalization, some quite bold. Just last week, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper made one of the biggest moves yet, signing a package of bills addressing how marijuana will be grown, sold, taxed, and used. The measures, which follow Colorado voters' approval of legalization last fall, form the cornerstone of the nation's first fully legal market for pot. Come Jan. 1, Colorado residents over 21 will be allowed to buy marijuana at retail stores and smoke it for their pleasure. The state of Washington, where voters also passed a referendum to legalize marijuana, will be next. If all goes well with those pioneering efforts, it may be only a matter of time before more states follow.

    Proponents say Americans should be allowed to smoke cannabis as a matter of basic personal freedom, adding that a society that enjoys legal whiskey, beer, wine, and tobacco has no business outlawing a recreational drug like pot that has fewer unhealthy side effects. After all, tens of millions of Americans enjoy smoking marijuana, if illegally.

    It's Prohibition all over again. That Gatsby-era law gave rise to the Mafia, rampant crime, and in the end, increased drinking. As Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.) put it recently, "This is the time to remedy this prohibition."

    Plenty of people agree. The Pew Research Center recently found that 52% of Americans support legalized possession of small quantities of marijuana. It was the first time a national poll produced a majority against pot prohibition, although the Gallup Poll and other national polls are coming close. The Pew survey found that nearly every group in the country is part of the gradual change in public attitudes -- men, women, whites, blacks, rich, and poor.

    It's not just about the right to light up. With the nation's retail marijuana market estimated at about $30 billion, legalization also would bring some important economic benefits. It could lead to sharply lower prices, striking a blow to the Mexican drug cartels and American street gangs. Pot could be produced in the U.S. for much less than Mexican pot produced illegally. By some estimates, illegality adds 50% to marijuana's prices. If both countries legalized the drug, Mexicans might grow a lot of it and sell it to American consumers, but the inexpensive legal product would not draw the attention of the ultraviolent Mexican drug traffickers any more than Mexican tomatoes do.

    Legalization also could bring some relief to cash-strapped states. Marijuana taxes would join levies on liquor, tobacco, gambling, and other pursuits that once were banned. A report prepared for the libertarian Cato Institute suggests states could raise a total of about $3 billion from marijuana taxes, and other estimates are even higher. California alone could pull in $1.4 billion a year, a state tax authority has projected. That may seem minor compared with a state budget approaching $100 billion, but it would top the $1.3 billion that California now gets from alcohol and tobacco taxes combined.

    Colorado may get about $100 million a year in tax revenue, and Washington could get $310 million. But there is wide disagreement on appropriate tax rates for marijuana. Colorado will be asking voters to approve two sales taxes totaling 25%, while Washington is looking to tax producers, sellers, and buyers -- for a total haul of 75%. That might be so high that it keeps the underground market alive. [Of course if states tax the krap out of marijuana and charge black market prices for legal marijuana with the state governments getting the profits that used to go to the drug cartels, the crime that is caused by black market drugs will continue. The reason the drug war causes crime is because of the black market it creates.]

    Unquestionably, a loosening of marijuana laws would ease burdens on law enforcement. Some 663,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2011, up 32% since 1995. In New York, according to the pro-legalization Drug Policy Center, a pot bust typically requires 2.5 hours of a policeman's time. [And cops LOVE that because it means OVERTIME PAY!!!!!] Until Mayor Michael Bloomberg changed the policy in February, the arrested automatically spent a night in the police lockup. Nationwide, some 128,000 people are in state or federal prisons for marijuana offenses. That's 8% of all U.S. prisoners.

    Norm Stamper, former chief of the Seattle Police Department, thinks Washington's new law will be a big help. "It will give the police an opportunity to focus much more time, energy, and imagination on going after predatory criminals," he says. Legalization, he adds, also has "opened the door to a much more positive relationship between young people and police."

    LITTLE WONDER that more than half of the states have loosened their marijuana rules. Starting with Oregon in 1973, 15 states have decriminalized possession of small amounts of the drug, which means it's illegal but lightly punished, typically with a $100 fine; 18 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana possession and sale for medical purposes, such as easing the pain of cancer. In all, the number of states taking at least one step to liberalize their pot laws is 26. Two more got ready to join last month: The Illinois legislature passed a medical-marijuana bill, and the Vermont legislature passed a decriminalization bill. Both bills await signing by the states' governors.

    The federal government, however, has not moved toward legalization, not one bit. [Liar in Chief President Obama has said a number of times he wasn't going to arrest people for medical marijuana, but he continues to send his DEA thugs to California to shake down people for victimless medical marijuana crimes] In fact, the states with medical-marijuana laws are defying or ignoring the federal government, which classifies marijuana as a drug with a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use, and a lack of acceptable safety, even for use under medical supervision. Efforts to persuade regulators to change the classification of marijuana have been rejected over and over, as recently as 2011.

    Emboldened by a 2005 Supreme Court ruling that allows federal prohibition to trump state legalization, the feds have arrested owners of some of the medical dispensaries in California, a state that has permitted dispensaries to operate since 1996. It's entirely unclear how Uncle Sam is going to react when retail sales go into full swing in Colorado and Washington. Attorney General Eric Holder has been promising to produce a policy, but nothing has yet emerged from the Justice Department.

    To eliminate the conflicts, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican, last month introduced a bill to require the feds to respect state laws on marijuana. "The Herculean effort undertaken by the federal government to prevent the American people from smoking marijuana has undeniably been a colossal failure," he says. Lacking a groundswell of bipartisan support, however, Rohrabacher's bill is considered to have no chance of passage.

    "It is likely that we are going to proceed state by state, and that Congress will be unlikely to touch this issue with a pole of any length," says William Galston of the Brookings Institution. "We may very well be a patchwork nation for the next generation."

    OTHER STATES WILL JOIN the patchwork as more state officials take a cue from Gavin Newsom, lieutenant governor of California and former mayor of San Francisco. "I was a coward a couple of years ago," he says, referring to the days when he opposed legalization. He switched positions after concluding that legalization would be an important step in his vision for criminal-justice reform.

    Newsom, who owns a collection of bars, restaurants, and wineries, also has a more fundamental issue with pot prohibition. "When I'm watching a guy do shots of Jack Daniel's at my bar, I'm thinking, 'That's legal, but a guy at home with his wife on a weekend smoking marijuana is illegal?' It's absurd."

    Though he hopes to guide California to legalization, Newsom says the state will first have to improve the regulation of its medical-marijuana dispensaries: "So many of us have had the experience where you're stuck at a traffic light, and you look across the street at a dispensary, and you see a lot of young folks running in and out, and you may even turn the corner and see folks reselling the drug." Until that problem is fixed, he says voters may not believe the state can monitor full legalization.

    Another prerequisite: stronger spines in politicians. Many legislators, in California and elsewhere, are fearful of backlashes from antilegalization groups, which warn of increases in crime and harm to youths and families. But eventually, elected officials may come around. Newsom, who is up for re-election in November, hopes to set an example: "If I win and these groups don't come after me, I've got to think some other people will say, 'Hey, they didn't come after him -- maybe it's not as politically toxic as we thought.' "

    PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT hurdle for the legalization movement will be the experiences in Colorado and Washington state. If other states are to move toward legalization, these two pioneers will have to demonstrate that legal pot markets can function smoothly and safely.

    Though the details of the states' regulations have yet to be hammered out, the bottom line for consumers in both states is similar: If you are over 21, you'll be able to freely buy pot at licensed retail outlets. Already, you can possess as much as an ounce of marijuana, so long as you don't use it in public.

    The bills signed by Colorado's governor last week included provisions for curbing drugged driving: You can't get behind the wheel if your blood contains more than five nanograms per milliliter of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, marijuana's key component. A pot smoker can get to that level with as little as one puff, but the numbers decline rapidly over the next three hours, says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Colorado also took steps to prevent marijuana use among youths, making it a crime to share pot with someone under 21 and banning marketing that seems aimed at kids. It's easy to see why the state is worried. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that 2.6 million Americans had tried marijuana for the first time in 2011, and their average age was 17. The new pot smokers were more numerous than the 2.4 million Americans who smoked tobacco cigarettes for the first time in 2011, whose average age was also 17. Alcohol was still the most popular among recreational substances, with 4.7 million Americans estimated to have taken their first drink in 2011 -- 83% of them younger than age 21.

    The push for marijuana legalization can't afford any slip-ups by Colorado or Washington in dealing with the youth population or anything else. "You're one tragedy away in Colorado and Washington from it not being an inevitability," says California's Newsom. On the other hand, he says, success in those states would bode well for legalization in his state and others.

    Last month, the legalization movement got a lift from beyond U.S. borders. The Organization of American States, a consortium of nations in North, Central, and South America, released a report suggesting the legalization of marijuana be considered as a step in the war on drugs.

    The last president of Mexico, Felip Calderón, had done something of the same. He was the first Mexican president to broach the idea of drug legalization while still in office. And he wasn't just talking about Mexico. "Our neighbor is the largest consumer of drugs in the world," Calderón said in 2011. "And everybody wants to sell him drugs though our doors and windows. If the consumption of drugs cannot be limited, then decision makers must seek more solutions -- including market alternatives -- in order to reduce the astronomical earnings of criminal organizations." [And just last week, probably after this article was released former Mexican President Vicente Fox who now lives in the US said that American should legalize marijuana]

    Calderón left office last year, and his successor, Enrique Peña Nieto, flatly opposes legalization of drugs. Marijuana use, he says, often leads users to harder drugs. Nieto's position is no doubt heartening to drug lords, whose money makes them very powerful in Mexican politics. Legalization in Mexico, it's fair to say, faces formidably long odds.

    THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, for its part, should at least move to eliminate the widespread confusion between state and federal laws over marijuana use, which has been reaching absurd proportions. Banks in California, for instance, are so unclear about where things stand that they won't let medical-marijuana dispensaries open accounts. As a result, many of the stores are run as cash businesses, inviting robberies. To pay taxes, some are showing up at the state's revenue department with bags of cash.

    Whether Congress realizes it or not, a good number of citizens want the problem fixed. The same Pew study that found a majority of people favoring legalization also found that 60% of Americans think the federal government should not enforce its prohibition in states that permit marijuana use. And 72% agreed with the proposition that federal enforcement of marijuana laws is not worth the cost.

    Rep. Rohrabacher's plan is as good a fix as any. It's straightforward and sensible: The federal government can help enforce antipot laws in states that want them, but it must mind its own business in states that don't want marijuana to be criminal.

    Eventually, the federal government may repeal all of its laws against pot use, pot production, and pot dealing.

    They could be replaced by laws no tougher than those that apply to liquor. Just as it was with the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, Congress could allow states to continue pot prohibition by local option, or to draft their own regulatory systems.

    Given the unwillingness of many in Congress to even talk about marijuana, the day of full repeal is probably far off. But tending to the clumsy conflicts between state and federal governments is something that can and should be addressed right now.

    MICHAEL D. VALLO assisted in reporting this story.

    Nearly 60,000 drug war deaths under Calderon


    Mexican daily: Nearly 60,000 drug war deaths under Calderon

    Published November 01, 2012


    Organized crime-related violence has claimed 57,449 lives in Mexico during the presidency of Felipe Calderon, whose six-year term ends on Dec. 1, according to a tally published Thursday by the Milenio daily.

    Based on its own calculations, the Monterrey-based newspaper also put the number of drug war-related homicides thus far in 2012 at 10,485 and said 888 people were killed in October, the second-lowest monthly total this year.

    Seven of Mexico's 32 federal entities accounted for 72 percent of the homicides last month, according to Milenio. In October, the country's most violent state was Guerrero with 145 murders, followed by Chihuahua with 139, Sinaloa with 94 and Nuevo Leon and Jalisco with 68 each.

    The states that saw the biggest drop in homicides last month relative to September were Michoacan, Baja California and San Luis Potosi, in that order.

    The last time the government updated the country's drug war death toll was on Jan. 11, when it said 47,515 people had been killed in organized crime-related violence between Dec. 1, 2006, and Sept. 30, 2011.

    In August, the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, which poet-turned-peace activist Javier Sicilia founded after his son was murdered by suspected drug-gang members, put the death toll from Mexico's drug war at roughly 70,000.

    Calderon, of the conservative National Action Party, or PAN, militarized the struggle against Mexico's heavily armed, well-funded drug mobs shortly after taking office in December 2006, deploying tens of thousands of troops across the country.

    The strategy has led to headline-grabbing killings or captures of 25 of the country's 37 most-wanted criminal leaders - including Los Zetas cartel leader Heriberto Lazcano, killed in a shootout with marines on Oct. 7 - but the violence has continued unabated.

    Calderon will be succeeded in a month by Enrique Peña Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which will return to power after a 12-year hiatus.

    Peña Nieto, who has vowed to bring down the violence during his six-year term, says he will keep the army on the streets in Mexico's most insecure areas while bolstering the Federal Police's capacity to fight crime.

    The president-elect has said he will not seek accords or truces with drug gangs, as the PRI is widely suspected of doing in the past.

    Calderon suggested in an interview with The New York Times in October 2011 that members of the PRI, which ruled Mexico uninterruptedly for 71 years, would be susceptible to making deals with organized crime the party regained power. EFE

    List of countries by incarceration rate


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Rank Country (or dependent territory) Prisoners per
    1  United States 716
    2  Seychelles 709
    3  Saint Kitts and Nevis 701
    4  U.S. Virgin Islands 539
    5  Cuba 510
    6  Rwanda 492
    7  Anguilla 487
    8  Russia 484
    9  British Virgin Islands 460 c.
    10  Belarus 438
    11  El Salvador 425
    12  Bermuda 417
    13  Azerbaijan 413
    14  Belize 407
    15  Grenada 402
    16  Panama 401
    17  Antigua and Barbuda 395
    18  Cayman Islands 382
    19  Thailand 381
    20  Barbados 377
    21  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 376
    22  Bahamas 371
    23  Sint Maarten 369
    24  Dominica 356
    25  Palau 348
    26  Greenland 340
    27  Curaçao 331
    28  Guam 316
    29  Costa Rica 314
    29  Lithuania 314
    31  Saint Lucia 313
    32  Maldives 311 c.
    32  Puerto Rico 311
    32  Ukraine 311
    35  Latvia 297
    36  Kazakhstan 295
    37  South Africa 289
    38  Mongolia 287
    39  Iran 284
    39  Swaziland 284
    41  Taiwan 280
    42  Uruguay 279
    43  Bahrain 275
    44  Brazil 274
    45  Chile 270
    46  Cape Verde 267
    46  French Guiana 267
    48  Northern Mariana Islands 264
    49  Guyana 260
    50  Trinidad and Tobago 259
    51  Estonia 245
    52  Colombia 243
    53  American Samoa 240
    54  Gibraltar 238
    54  United Arab Emirates 238
    56  Martinique 233
    57  Singapore 230
    58  Aruba 228
    59  Samoa 227
    60  Georgia 224
    60  Turkmenistan 224
    62  Israel 223
    63  Poland 222
    64  Morocco 220
    65  Montenegro 214
    66  Dominican Republic 210
    67  Mexico 209
    68  Botswana 205
    68  Slovakia 205
    70  Mauritius 202
    70  Peru 202
    72  Tunisia 199
    73  Gabon 196
    74  New Zealand 193
    75  Macau 191
    75  Namibia 191
    75  Suriname 191
    78  Moldova 185
    79  Kyrgyzstan 181
    80  Fiji 174
    81  Hungary 173
    82  Turkey 171
    83  Guernsey 170
    84  Venezuela 169
    85  Albania 168
    86  Jersey 167
    87  Guadeloupe 164
    88  Jamaica 163
    88  New Caledonia 163
    90  Saudi Arabia 162
    91  Honduras 159
    92  Algeria 156
    92  Romania 156
    94  Czech Republic 154
    95  French Polynesia 153
    95  Serbia 153
    97  Uzbekistan 152 c.
    98  Bulgaria 151
    98  Tonga 151
    100  Spain 149
    101 England & Wales England and Wales 148
    102  Argentina 147
    103  Scotland 146
    104  Vietnam 145
    105  Malta 144
    106  Nauru 139
    107  Armenia 138
    108  Kuwait 137
    109  Ethiopia 136
    110  Bhutan 135
    111  Portugal 134
    112  Australia 130
    112  Hong Kong 130
    112  Réunion 130
    112  Tajikistan 130
    116  Zimbabwe 129
    117  São Tomé and Príncipe 128
    118  Isle of Man 127
    119  Malaysia 126
    119  Zambia 126 c.
    121  Luxembourg 124
    122  Macedonia 122
    122  Nicaragua 122 c.
    124  China 121 or 170[2]
    124  Kenya 121
    124  Lesotho 121
    127  Myanmar 120
    127  Tuvalu 120
    129  Cameroon 119
    130  Lebanon 118
    131  Brunei 117
    132  Croatia 115
    133  Canada 114
    134  Philippines 113
    135  Bolivia 112
    136  Greece 111
    137  Iraq 110
    138  Cook Islands 109
    139  Italy 108
    140  Cyprus 106
    141  Cambodia 104
    142  Austria 103
    142  Kiribati 103
    144  France 101
    144  Mayotte 101
    146  Belgium 100
    146  Sri Lanka 100
    148  Northern Ireland 99
    149  Paraguay 97
    149  Uganda 97
    151  Angola 96
    152  Equatorial Guinea 95 c.
    152  Haiti 95
    152  Jordan 95
    155  Ireland 94
    156  South Korea 92
    157  Monaco 88
    158  Guatemala 87
    159  Ecuador 86
    160  Madagascar 85
    160  Federated States of Micronesia 85
    162  Djibouti 83
    163  Netherlands 82
    163   Switzerland 82
    165  Libya 81
    166  Egypt 80 c.
    166  Germany 80
    168  Tanzania 78
    169  Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 77
    170  Benin 75
    170  Republika Srpska 75
    172  Afghanistan 74
    172  Vanuatu 74
    174  Malawi 73
    175  Burundi 72
    176  Norway 71
    177  Laos 69
    177  Slovenia 69
    179  Denmark 68
    180  Sweden 67
    181  Kosovo 66 c.
    182  South Sudan 65 c.
    183  Marshall Islands 64
    183  Mozambique 64
    183  Senegal 64
    183  Togo 64
    187  Indonesia 62
    188  Oman 61
    189  Finland 60
    189  Qatar 60 c.
    191  Guinea-Bissau 58
    191  Syria 58
    193  Gambia 56 c.
    193  Sudan 56 c.
    195  Yemen 55
    196  Japan 54
    197  Ghana 53
    198  Solomon Islands 51
    199  Andorra 49
    200  Papua New Guinea 48
    201  Iceland 47
    202  Liberia 46
    203  Mauritania 45
    203    Nepal 45 c.
    205  Bangladesh 42
    205  Niger 42
    205  Sierra Leone 42
    208  Chad 41
    209  Pakistan 39
    210  Liechtenstein 36
    210  Mali 36
    212  Ivory Coast 34
    213  Democratic Republic of the Congo 33 c.
    214  Congo 31 c.
    214  Nigeria 31
    216  India 30
    217  Burkina Faso 28
    218  Guinea 25 c.
    219  Timor-Leste 22
    220  Central African Republic 19
    220  Comoros 19 c.
    222  Faroe Islands 17
    223  San Marino 6

    World Prison Populations


    Half of the world's prison population of about nine million is held in the US, China or Russia.

    Prison rates in the US are the world's highest, at 724 people per 100,000. In Russia the rate is 581.

    At 145 per 100,000, the imprisonment rate of England and Wales is at about the midpoint worldwide.

    Many of the lowest rates are in developing countries, but overcrowding can be a serious problem. Kenyan prisons have an occupancy level of 343.7%

    CountryPrison population
    BRAZIL 371,482
    UKRAINE 162,602
    SOUTH AFRICA158,501
    POLAND 89,546
    KENYA 47,036
    N IRELAND1,375

    SOURCE: International Centre for Prison Studies

    The Drug War And Mass Incarceration By The Numbers


    The Huffington Post | By Matt Sledge

    Posted: 04/08/2013 7:34 am EDT

    NEW YORK -- Despite an increased emphasis on treatment and prevention programs in recent years, the Obama administration in its 2013 budget still requested $25.6 billion in federal spending on the drug war. Of that, $15 billion would go to law enforcement, interdiction and international efforts.

    The pro-reform Drug Policy Alliance estimates that when you combine state and local spending on everything from drug-related arrests to prison, the total cost adds up to at least $51 billion per year. Over four decades, the group says, American taxpayers have dished out $1 trillion on the drug war.

    What all that money has helped produce -- aside from unchanged drug addiction rates -- is the world's highest incarceration rate. According to the Sentencing Project, 2.2 million Americans are in prison or jail.

    More than half of federal prisoners are incarcerated for drug crimes in 2010, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and that number has only just dipped below 50 percent in 2011. Despite more relaxed attitudes among the public at large toward non-violent offenses like marijuana use, the number of people in federal prison for drug offenses spiked from 74,276 in 2000 to 97,472 in 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

    The punishment falls disproportionately on people of color. Blacks make up 50 percent of the state and local prisoners incarcerated for drug crimes. Black kids are 10 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes than white ones -- even though white kids are more likely to abuse drugs.

    Most people are in prison for victimless drug war crimes

    After victimless drug war crimes most people are in prison for weapons violations

Over 51 % percent of the people in US Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. That is followed by victimless weapon violations and victimless immigration violations

Victimless drug and gun crimes are why most people are in Federal prisons.

51 percent of federal prison inmates are there for victimless drug war crimes. In the above graph the second highest number of people are in federal prisons for weapons violations. The article didn't give a percent for weapons violations.


Eric Holder is cutting federal drug sentences. That will make a small dent in the U.S. prison population.

By Dylan Matthews, Published: August 12 at 2:50 pm

Populations at federal prisons have grown, but state prisons are the real problem.

Attorney General Eric Holder will announce Monday that the Justice Department will no longer charge nonviolent drug offenders with serious crimes that subject them to long, mandatory minimum sentences in the federal prison system. As my colleague Sari Horwitz explains, Holder “is giving new instructions to federal prosecutors on how they should write their criminal complaints when charging low-level drug offenders, to avoid triggering the mandatory minimum sentences.”

He’s also expected to call for the expanded use of prison alternatives, such as probation or house arrest, for nonviolent offenders and for lower sentences for elderly inmates. And he’ll endorse legislation by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) that would increase federal judges’ flexibility in sentencing nonviolent drug offenders.

The changes Holder wants will likely make a big difference at the federal level. But that won’t be enough to solve America’s mass incarceration problem.

Focusing on drug offenses is a smart way to go about reducing the federal incarceration rate. According to data in Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?, a new book by UC – Berkeley’s Steven Raphael and UCLA’s Michael Stoll, the most serious charge for 51 percent of federal inmates in 2010 was a drug offense. By comparison, homicide was the most serious charge for only 1 percent, and robbery was the most serious charge against 4 percent.

Tougher drug sentencing accounts for much of the increase in the incarceration rate. “If you go back and decompose what caused growth in the federal prison system since 1984, a large chunk can be explained by drug offenses, around 45 percent,” Raphael says. The other big category accounting for the federal increase is weapons charges, such as the five-year mandatory minimum faced by drug offenders caught with guns. Raphael estimates that that accounts for 18 to 19 percent of the increase.

There’s also been an increase in incarcerations on immigration charges, with the rest of the increase in other areas. But there’s no doubt that the biggest category of crime behind the increase in the federal incarceration rate is drugs. Easing up on drug sentencing would make a big dent.

The states are different

But the federal system isn’t really where the action is. The most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) estimates find that there are 1,353,198 people incarcerated at the state level and 217,815 incarcerated federally. So about 13.9 percent of U.S. prisoners are in federal institutions; the other 86.1 percent are in state facilities. And most prisoners at the state level are not there for drug crimes.

In 2004, about 20 percent of state-level inmates were incarcerated on drug convictions, Raphael and Stoll find. Compared with the federal population, those incarcerated at the state level are much likelier to have committed violent offenses. In 2004, 14 percent were in prison for homicide, 9 percent for rape or sexual assault, 12 percent for robbery and 8 percent for aggravated assault. In 2011, it was much the same, according to BJS stats on state inmates serving sentences of a year or more. Fifty-three percent of inmates were in prison for violent offenses, 18.3 percent for property crimes, 10.6 percent for “public order” offenses such as drunk driving, weapons possession or vice offenses, and 16.8 percent for drug convictions.

Bjs state breakdown

Raphael and Stoll’s estimates of what’s accounting for the higher incarceration rates suggest that violent crimes are a big part of the state-level story. They find that harsher sentencing for violent offenders explains 48 percent of growth in incarceration rates, compared with about 22 percent attributable to increases in drug sentencing, and 15 percent due to increases in property crime and other sentences.

Then again, most people who go through state criminal justice systems do so on drug offenses. If you look at admission rates, rather than incarceration rates, at the state level, drugs become a much bigger part of the picture. For admissions, Raphael and Stoll find “relatively modest increases for violent crimes and property crimes and pronounced increases for drug offenses, parole violations, and other less serious crime.” And while higher admissions for less serious crimes with shorter sentences don’t affect the incarceration rate as much as increases in sentencing for serious crimes, they do dramatically affect the lives of those admitted, who have to find work as ex-offenders and live with the sundry restrictions states impose upon those who’ve served time.

It’s not hopeless

Holder is taking a fairly plausible approach to reducing the U.S. incarceration rate at the level where he can effect it. But that’s not the level that matters most, and if we were to get serious about reducing the state-level incarceration and admissions rates, we need to talk not just about reducing sentences for drug crimes but also about reducing prison admissions for drug offenses, and perhaps also lowering sentences for property crime and even violent offenses, particularly robbery.

There has been growing enthusiasm for reforming state sentencing laws, even backed by many conservatives. The American Legislative Exchange Council has joined the cause, creating model legislation for loosening state mandatory minimum laws. Especially if it’s not just limited to drug offenses, that kind of reform could greatly reduce the state incarceration rate.

Homeless in Arizona

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