This didn't do what I expected it to do!!!!!
Test - 1st time with id="test"
I was expecting the FIRST time to do the stuff defined in #test, and the SECOND time to use the stuff defined in .test But it didn't work out that way. Also it appears that when you used id="test" it uses the value defined by #test And when you use class="test" it uses the value defined with .test These are the definations I used:
Test - 1st time with class="test" Test - 2nd time with id="test" Test - 2nd time with class="test" Test - 3rd time with id="test" Test - 3rd time with class="test"
Last lets see if stuff defined with #xxx and .xxx can be used
both with id="xxx" and class="xxx".
I defined these two css statements and will next use them with an id="xxx" and a class="xxx" to see if they work the same.
Here I used id="testdot" and testdot is defined with .testdot. So it doesn't look like .testdot works when it is used in an id="testdot". Here I used class="testdot" and testdot is defined with .testdot. So it looks like .testdot works when it is used in an class="testdot". Here I used id="testpound" and testpound is defined with #testpound. So it looks like #testpound works when it is used in an id="testpound". Here I used class="testpound" and testpound is defined with #testpound. So it doesn't looks like #testpound works when it is used in an class="testpound".
So from the previous example it looks like when you define something with
.xxxyou must use it with class="xxx" And when you define something with #xxxyou must use it with id="xxx"
Last but not least I am testing this code with
On the other hand both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome displayed the web pages like I had intended them to be displayed. |