Governor’s wife was paid $36,000 to attend a few meetings
Our government masters tell us they are "public servants" who work for us.
But sadly when you read articles like this you begin to think that our government masters are mostly crooks who will accept bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions and other gifts in exchange for government pork.
I suspect this routinely happens in all 50 states. The only thing that is unusual about this is that some reporter found out about it and it ended up on the front page of the Washington Post.
Virginia governor’s wife was paid $36,000 as consultant to coal philanthropy
By Rosalind S. Helderman, Published: June 2
Maureen McDonnell, the wife of Virginia’s governor, was paid $36,000 last year to attend a handful of meetings as a consultant to the philanthropic arm of one of the state’s major coal companies, a top coal company official said.
Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) indicated on his annual financial disclosure forms for 2011 and 2012 that his wife served as a paid trustee of a family charity, the Frances G. and James W. McGlothlin Foundation.
But in an interview, James McGlothlin said the $21 million family foundation never named McDonnell to its board.
Instead, McGlothlin said, the family asked Maureen McDonnell to become an adviser to the charitable efforts of both the family foundation and the United Co., a natural resources and real estate company in Bristol, Va., that has made the McGlothlins one of the wealthiest families in the state.
McGlothlin, who founded the company in 1970 and is its chairman and chief executive, said the first lady is paid by the company and not the foundation.
By reporting that his wife was on the board, the governor never had to say on his financial disclosure form how much she was paid. McGlothlin confirmed the salary.
A spokesman for McDonnell declined to comment about the arrangement, saying that all questions about it should be directed to McGlothlin.
Elected officials in Virginia are legally required to disclose any employer that pays their spouses at least $10,000 annually. Separately, they also are required to disclose whether they or their spouses are paid directors or officers of any company.
If the governor had indicated that Maureen McDonnell’s position with the United Co. was a job that provided her with an annual salary, the public would have been able to conclude that her paycheck exceeded the $10,000 reporting threshold.
By listing it as a paid trusteeship instead, he did not have to provide any information about the size of her compensation.
News of the relationship comes as the FBI and Virginia State Police are exploring the McDonnells’ finances as part of an inquiry into the couple’s dealings with Jonnie R. Williams Sr., the chief executive of a dietary supplement manufacturer who paid $15,000 for the catering at the 2011 wedding of the McDonnells’ daughter.
Michael Herring, commonwealth’s attorney in Richmond, has confirmed that he has been conducting a review of McDonnell’s financial disclosures since November.
‘Really ideal’
For a few days of work, Maureen McDonnell picked up a salary nearly equivalent to the average starting pay of a Virginia teacher. As governor, Robert McDonnell is paid $175,000 a year.
McGlothlin said that Maureen McDonnell never asked to be paid but that the company decided to compensate her for her advice. He said the arrangement was born over a dinner at which he, his wife the governor and first lady got to talking about how the McGlothlins’ charitable interests in education and health care aligned with those Maureen McDonnell has pursued as first lady.
He said she attended two or three meetings with company and foundation officials in Bristol as part of the arrangement.
“She definitely didn’t ask,” he said. “We said to ourselves: ‘Hey, I wonder if she would help us with this? It’d be really ideal to have someone of her stature involved.’ ”
Company officials found her advice useful in establishing funding priorities, he said. For instance, he said, Maureen McDonnell has been able to connect the foundation with notable people in Richmond who might be interested in coming to charitable events.
“If you want to invite a bunch of people to something, she’s able to do that,” McGlothlin said.
The public biography of Maureen McDonnell, a former Redskins cheerleader who has owned a business marketing nutritional health-care products, does not indicate that she has worked in professional philanthropy.
‘Very helpful’
Maureen McDonnell, who has been married to Robert McDonnell for 36 years, has increasingly emerged as a central figure in the relationships that have drawn scrutiny to the governor’s finances.
In addition to looking into the $15,000 Williams provided for the catering at the wedding of the McDonnells’ daughter, the FBI and Virginia State Police are also asking questions about other undisclosed gifts Williams provided to Maureen McDonnell and whether the governor might have assisted the company in exchange for those gifts, according to people with knowledge of the questions.
Virginia law requires elected officials to disclose all gifts they receive worth more than $50, but they do not have to disclose gifts to immediate family members. McDonnell has said the $15,000 was a gift to his daughter and not to him.
Three days before the wedding, Maureen McDonnell flew to Florida and offered a testimonial to doctors and investors about the potential benefits of Anatabloc, an anti-inflammatory not approved by the Food and Drug Administration that Williams’s company was then introducing to market.
She then organized an event at the executive mansion a few months after the wedding that marked Anatabloc’s formal launch.
McDonnell aides have said Maureen McDonnell’s interest in Star Scientific was just one part of her extensive efforts to promote Virginia-based companies. They said the company’s work also dovetailed with her interest in preventive health care.
The McGlothlins, meanwhile, are well-known philanthropists in Virginia. With $40 million in assets in 2011, the United Company Charitable Foundation funded a program in 2011 to bring hot meals five days a week to more than 1,000 low-income people in the Bristol area. It also ran a scholarship program at a school for at-risk children in Grundy, according to public IRS filings.
James McGlothlin said he and his wife launched their own foundation a few years ago as he began to phase out his day-to-day work with the company. Its assets have reached $21 million, and contributions go to dozens of health-care and educational institutions in Virginia and other states.
The couple also recently contributed $25 million to Virginia Commonwealth University for a new medical building and gave an estimated $100 million to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, helping to fund a new addition. A 2010 black-tie reception celebrating the opening of the new wing, which bears the couple’s names, drew the McDonnells along with five former Virginia governors.
James McGlothlin said that he appreciated Maureen McDonnell’s input into the company’s efforts and that he sometimes meets with her to discuss projects on visits to Richmond.
“She’s been very, very helpful,” he said. “She has lots of ideas about how to help with kids and education.”
It is not clear how the McGlothlins and McDonnells became close, although McDonnell has been supportive of the coal industry in Virginia.
Last year, he attended a rally designed to support the industry, flying to Abingdon on the private plane of Alpha Natural Resources, another major coal company. He also supported a 2012 bill in the General Assembly that extends until 2017 a tax credit for coal companies that had been set to expire in 2015.
Started in the 1970s as a coal company, the United Co. and its subsidiaries continue to run coal mining operations in Virginia and a number of other states. The company is also active in financial services, oil and gas and owns golf courses and other real estate.
Alice Crites contributed to this report.
E-verify screws 100,000s of legal American???
I would also say E-verify is also a violation of your 5th Amendment rights, because it forces you to prove you are not a criminal before you can get a job.
E-verify is supposed to stop undocumented employment. It could also harm legal workers.
By Timothy B. Lee, Published: June 3, 2013 at 10:25 am
Almost everyone expects mandatory electronic employment verification to be part of any immigration reform law that reaches President Obama’s desk. The idea is simple: Citizens and legal immigrants should be able to work, undocumented immigrants shouldn’t. The difficulty is separating one from the other. And the answer Congress has come up with is a system called E-Verify.
But critics say the system could create headaches for hundreds of thousands of Americans who do have authorization to work in the United States. Under the current rules, if E-Verify says you’re not authorized to work, you have eight days to visit the appropriate government agency and begin an appeal. If you’re not able to go in time, or you can’t convince the agency that a mistake was made, your employer is supposed to fire you.
E-Verify has been operating as a pilot project for more than a decade, giving policymakers a preview of how a national system might function. But figuring out how many workers have been wrongly rejected by the system is tricky. A study using 2009 data found that 0.3 percent of applicants suffered initial rejections that were subsequently corrected, allowing the employee to work. But another 2.3 percent of workers got rejections that were never reversed.
Undoubtedly, some of those were people who aren’t legally permitted to work. But others were likely eligible workers who lacked the documents, legal sophistication or time to demonstrate their eligibility. And some may have never been informed by their employers of their right to appeal. And while 0.3 percent and 2.3 percent may sound like small numbers, in a nation of 300 million people, that translates to hundreds of thousands of people.
While the employee has just eight days to begin his appeal, the full appeal process can take many weeks. Alex Nowrasteh, who studies immigration policy at the Cato Institute, says that fixing E-Verify errors sometimes requires “filing a Privacy Act request to figure out which portion of your information is correct in the government database,” a process that can take more than 100 days. “During that time, the employer is supposed to keep the person employed, but what we see frequently is that that just is not followed,” he says. Employers may be reluctant to spend weeks training an employee, only to be forced to fire him if his appeal is rejected.
“Oftentimes, firms that have problems with this have to hire a lawyer to sort out the math themselves,” Nowrasteh says — a process that can cost employers thousands of dollars.
That gives employers a powerful temptation to avoid hiring employees with E-Verify problems in the first place. To prevent that from happening, the rules prohibit employers from conducting an E-Verify check on an employee before extending a job offer. And if an employee is rejected by the E-Verify system, the employer is supposed to inform him, in writing, about his right to appeal.
But those rules are hard to enforce. An employee has no way of knowing if she wasn’t offered a job because an illegal pre-hiring check of the E-Verify system revealed potential problems.
Chris Calabrese of the American Civil Liberties Union says E-Verify problems are likely to be particularly hard for people on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. “Professional, white-collar employees are used to having paid time off to deal with things, whether it’s getting a driver’s license or a sick kid,” he says. “If you’re blue collar with an hourly job, you’re not getting paid” while spending time at the Social Security Administration trying to get paperwork problems straightened out. Indeed, he said, “your employer may not be willing to give you time off.”
Well-educated workers are used to navigating complex bureaucracies and know how to research their legal rights and the remedies available to them. They are more likely to own a car, which in some parts of the country will be necessary to get to the relevant government office. Workers with lower levels of education and literacy will struggle to understand what they need to do to appeal a tentative rejection and may not have the time and transportation necessary to file the right paperwork with the right government agency within the prescribed eight-day period.
Legal immigrants are likely to have the biggest problems. Immigrants’ paperwork is more complex than those for native-born Americans, making mistakes more likely. Many E-Verify problems occur because the employer enters an employee’s name into the system in a different format than it’s stored in the government’s databases. Hispanic workers with multiple surnames and workers whose names are written in non-Latin alphabets are particularly likely to fall prey to this kind of problem. And, of course, immigrants tend to have lower levels of English literacy and less sophistication about navigating American bureaucracies.
“The Department of Homeland Security has admitted at least in briefings to Hill staff that the error rate will go up when the number of people added to the system goes up,” Calabrese says. Calabrese says the error rate is expected to rise for two reasons. One, the early participants in E-Verify were either employers who volunteered to participate or federal contractors who are likely to be sophisticated about interacting with the government. Nationwide E-Verify will force employers who are less knowledgeable and less enthusiastic about the program to participate.
There’s also a risk that Congress won’t provide sufficient resources for the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security, the agencies that manage the E-Verify Database, to deal with the dramatically higher volume of appeals a nationwide E-Verify system would produce. That could produce long lines and slow responses, increasing the pain of being wrongly rejected.
Christopher Bentley, press secretary of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said in an e-mail that he “does not anticipate a significant increase in the rate” of initial rejections if the system is expanded. “The rate of eligible workers that are not automatically determined to be work authorized by E-Verify, but are ultimately found to be work authorized after they update their information with the government, continues to decline from .7% in 2005 to .26% in 2012,” he said. “As the E-Verify program continues to expand, USCIS is committed to continuing this downward trend.”
Paul Rosenzweig, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation who spent time at the Department of Homeland Security during the Bush administration, supports nationwide E-Verify, but he acknowledges that some mistakes are inevitable.
“If you think that the desire to identify people who work is an important societal value, you have to understand that that’s going to have some incidental adverse cost,” he said. “The last GAO study had less than 1 percent error rate,” he says. “If I told you that you were going to get a 99 on your test, you’d think that you were doing pretty darn well. I defy you to find any government program that meets that standard with regularity.”
In contrast, Calabrese believes that even a relatively low error rate imposes an intolerable burden on those Americans who will be wrongfully denied an opportunity to earn a living. “This is a sea change in how employment operates,” he says. “For the first time, you will need affirmative permission from the government in order to work. That’s completely new.”
El dictamen contra Arpaio deberá tener repercusión
El dictamen contra Arpaio deberá tener repercusión
por Eduardo Bernal - May. 31, 2013 10:53 AM
La Voz
Luego de ocho meses de espera un juez federal dictaminó que, Joe Arpaio y la agencia policiaca que encabeza, incurrieron en prácticas de discriminación racial enfocada en la comunidad inmigrante, sentando un precedente legal en contra de esa agencia.
El juez federal Murray Snow dictaminó, el pasado viernes 24 de mayo, en conexión con una demanda entablada por la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) en nombre de diversos individuos, que Arpaio y sus agentes en los últimos años habrían realizado ilegalmente perfil racial en contra de latinos durante sus redadas.
La decisión revelada en un documento de 142 páginas respalda las acusaciones que la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado Maricopa (MCSO, por sus siglas en inglés) ha recibido durante años por parte de organizaciones que abogan por los derechos civiles.
El fallo llega después de más de 5 años desde que fue impuesta la demanda y ocho meses después que se realizo un juicio de 7 días en julio-agosto del 2012.
Expertos declaran que aunque este fallo no representa una victoria rotunda (los demandantes no buscaron retribución económica o cargos criminales en contra de Arpaio), sí sienta el precedente de que Arpaio ya no podría operar de la misma forma como hasta antes de la decisión del juez Snow.
Pese a que esta fue una demanda relativamente pequeña, en comparación a la colección que MCSO ya tiene en su haber, es significativa porque de acuerdo con Cecilia D. Wang, abogada de ACLU, Arpaio por mucho tiempo ha victimizado y discriminado a la gente que se supone debe servir y que este fallo reafirma que las practicas discriminatorias de MCSO al mando de Arpaio son una realidad.
No obstante, el que se haya dictaminado que Arpaio y su agencia incurrieron en prácticas discriminatorias, infringiendo leyes federales en cuanto a derechos civiles, no le costarán a Arpaio, ni su puesto ni cargos criminales.
Petra Falcón, de la organización Promise Arizona, menciona que este es un paso positivo porque hasta ahora no se había constatado en una corte federal que Arpaio es culpable de prácticas discriminatorias y que este es un mensaje para todos los servidores públicos que tengan una agenda discriminatoria.
Chad Snow, miembro de la organización Citizens for a Better Arizona, menciona que el fallo del juez es uno de los análisis más completos y detallados de las prácticas de MCSO.
"Arpaio siempre dice que 'la ley es la ley' y que los que la quiebran deben ser castigados. El fallo es bien claro y estipula que Arpaio violó la ley y la Constitución al discriminar y criminalizar a hispanos", declaró Snow en un comunicado.
¿Cuáles son las consecuencias?
"A simple vista las consecuencias no son visibles", comenta Valeria Fernández, periodista y directora de uno de los documentales que ilustran precisamente "la metodología Arpaio". "Este fallo lo único que hace es reafirmar todas las acusaciones que esa entidad policiaca ya ha venido experimentando desde hace años", añadió Fernández.
En sí la decisión del juez de declarar que Arpaio y su agencia discriminan a personas por su perfil racial, expone los problemas serios en lo que respecta a programas gubernamentales como Comunidades Seguras y 287(g) y el entrenamiento que se les otorga a policías.
Aunque no haya una consecuencia tangible a la colección de abusos que han sido generadas por la prácticas de MCSO, el fallo del juez emite un mensaje claro al movimiento antiinmigrante en todo el país, ya que desacredita a un sheriff que proyecta una imagen de alguien que hace cumplir las leyes, cuando es él quien las viola.
En los días siguientes a la decisión del juez Snow, quien es conservador y fue nombrado por George W. Bush, muchas organizaciones tanto locales como nacionales han pedido su inmediata renuncia.
Organizaciones comunitarias como Recall Arpaio, Citizens for a Better Arizona y Promise Arizona han mencionado que presionarán a miembros de la Mesa de Supervisores, para que estos pidan la renuncia de Arpaio.
Tim Casey, abogado de Arpaio, mencionó que ya se está preparando para una apelación en los próximos 30 días.
La demanda Melendres Vs. Arpaio, sometida por ACLU, incluye los casos de Manuel Ortega Melendres, detenido junto a otros durante una redada ejecutada por agentes de Arpaio en septiembre del 2007. Melendres tenía autorización para estar en el país y fue encarcelado por horas.
También incluye a Manuel Nieto y Velia Meraz, quienes fueron agredidos por agentes de MCSO durante otra redada realizada en marzo del 2008. Tanto Nieto como Meraz son ciudadanos estadounidenses.
Elected officials delegate their authority to unelected, unnamed government bureaucrats???
This also happens at the state, county, city and other levels of government where elected officials delegate their power to make laws to unelected and often unnamed government bureaucrats in obscure government agencies.
I suspect the reason our elected official delegate their powers to unnamed, unelected bureaucrats in obscure government agencies is because it makes them easier to steal our money and give it to the special interest groups that helped get them elected.
If Congressman Harry Mitchell passes a law that gives millions of dollars of government welfare to the special interest groups that helped him get into power his actions are usually a matter of public record and the media will cover the story and sometimes it will tick off the voters enough that the boot him out of office.
On the other hand if Congressman Harry Mitchell delegates the authority to some unnamed team of bureaucrats in some obscure government agency, it's usually pretty easy for Congressman Harry Mitchell to go to those unnamed government bureaucrats and get them to shove the pork to the special interest groups that helped him get elected. And of course that makes it much more difficult for the media to document the connection between Congressman Harry Mitchell giving millions of dollars of pork to the special interest groups that helped him get elected.
Sure to the general public those people who doled out the pork are unknown bureaucrats in an obscure government agency and the public is clueless to who they are.
But Congressman Harry Mitchell knows those unknown bureaucrats in an obscure government agency very well and probably had a hand in giving them their job. And of course with that in mind it is probably pretty easy for Congressman Harry Mitchell to get them to shovel the pork to his special interest groups.
Fifteen Bureaucrats Are Better Than One
Posted on May 30, 2013 | Author: Christina Sandefur
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have announced that they will not recommend candidates to serve on the Independent Payment Advisory Board, the federal health care law’s panel of 15 bureaucrats tasked with reducing Medicare costs. In a letter to the president explaining their decision, Boehner and McConnell said they “believe Congress should repeal IPAB” and “hope establishing this board never becomes a reality.”
The Board has vast power over the entire health care market to set price controls, levy taxes, and even ration care. In fact, it can propose anything its members determine is “related to the Medicare program.” IPAB’s proposals automatically become law unless Congress and the president quickly enact a substitute plan with an equal reduction in spending, and the Board’s decisions aren’t subject to review by administrative judges or courts. To add insult to injury, the Board is virtually unrepealable.
The Goldwater Institute is suing over the constitutionality of the Board, arguing that it is a violation of the Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine. Lawmakers are right to call for its demise. But will refusing to recommend board members do the job?
No. While the president must seek recommendations from Congress, the ultimate decision of whom to appoint to the Board is his. And there’s no requirement that IPAB be bipartisan. So refusing to participate in the appointment process just gives President Obama more say in the Board’s makeup.
Worse yet, stalling member appointments and confirmations may mean no one gets chosen for IPAB. To opponents of the Board, that may sound desirable. But as the Congressional Research Service recently confirmed, if no one is selected to fill the board member slots, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will wield IPAB’s powers unilaterally.
While lawmakers should work to repeal IPAB, washing their hands of the appointment process is a step in the wrong direction. When it comes to making health care decisions, the only thing worse than 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats is one unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat.
After vowing transparency, US silent on drone killing
After vowing transparency, US silent on drone killing
WASHINGTON: A week after President Barack Obama cracked the lid of secrecy on his drone war, the United States refused Wednesday to confirm it had killed a top Pakistani Taliban leader in an airborne attack.
Pakistani security and intelligence sources said that Waliur Rehman, deputy leader of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had perished in an American drone strike, along with at least five other people, in North Waziristan.
But senior officials in Washington stuck to their normal practice of declining to provide details of US operations, and only hinted that Rehman, wanted for attacks on Americans and Pakistanis, had been killed.
The attack appeared to be the first known US drone strike since Obama's speech last week laying out new criteria for the covert use of unmanned aerial vehicles in strikes against terror suspects and militants.
“We are not in a position to confirm the reports of Waliur Rehman's death,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.
“If those reports were true, or prove to be true, it's worth noting that his demise would deprive the TTP of its second-in-command and chief military strategist,” Carney said.
Rehman is also wanted in connection with attacks on US and Nato personnel across the Afghan border and for involvement in the attack on American citizens in Khost, Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.
That strike, though Carney did not describe it in detail, was a dark day in CIA history, when seven counter-terrorism agents and security contractors were killed in a suicide bombing inside a US base.
Carney would not confirm whether the attack on Rehman satisfied the new criteria for drone strikes established by Obama last week during a speech that aimed to recast the country's decade-long battle against terrorism.
In the speech, Obama said lethal force would only be used to “prevent or stop attacks against US persons,” when capture is not feasible and if a target poses a “continuing, imminent threat” to Americans.
Carney pointed to a clause in Obama's remarks in which he said that in the “Afghan war theater” Washington must support its troops until the Nato withdrawal is complete in 2014.
He appeared to be making a case that Rehman's killing may have satisfied the new guidelines because he may have posed a direct and imminent threat to US troops across the border in Afghanistan.
The president said in his speech that strikes would continue against “high value Al-Qaeda targets, but also against forces that are massing to support attacks on coalition forces.”A CIA spokesman also declined to confirm Rehman's death.
Carney dismissed the idea that keeping reporters in the dark about the reported attack conflicted with Obama's pledge for more transparency over the drone war. He said the speech at the National Defense University last week contained an “extraordinary amount of information.” “It does not mean that we are going to discuss specific counter-terror operations,” Carney said.
Security, tribal and intelligence officials told AFP in Pakistan that Rehman, who had a $5 million US government bounty on his head, was the target of the strike and was killed.
Pakistani security officials said the others killed in the attack were TTP cadres, including two local-level commanders. There were no initial reports of civilian casualties.
According to Britain's Bureau of Investigative Journalism, CIA drone attacks targeting suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants in Pakistan have killed up to 3,587 people since 2004, including as many as 884 civilians.
The frequency of drone strikes in Pakistan has tailed off in recent months, with the previous one coming on April 17.
After vowing transparency, US mum on drone killing
By AFP / Web Desk
Published: May 29, 2013
WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday refused to confirm that it killed the number two in the Pakistani Taliban, despite President Barack Obama’s promise of more transparency on the drone war.
The killing of Waliur Rehman, deputy leader of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was the first known US drone strike since Obama’s speech last week laying out new criteria for the covert use of unmanned aerial vehicles.
His death was the first test of whether US authorities would provide more transparency on drone operations by the CIA or the military after Obama’s pledge of greater accountability over the use of such attacks.
“We are not in a position to confirm the reports of Waliur Rehman’s death,” White House spokesperson Jay Carney said, following an attack in which the TTP number two and at least five others were killed.
“If those reports were true, or prove to be true, it’s worth noting that his demise would deprive the TTP of its second-in-command and chief military strategist.” Carney said.
Carney said Rehman was also wanted in connection with attacks on US and Nato personnel in Afghanistan and for involvement in the attack on American citizens in Khost, Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.
That strike, though Carney did not describe it in detail, was a dark day in CIA history, when seven counter-terrorism agents and security contractors were killed in a suicide bombing in a remote outpost.
Carney would not confirm whether the attack on Rehman satisfied the new criteria for drone strikes established by Obama last week during a speech that aimed to recast the country’s decade-long battle against terrorism.
In the speech, Obama said that lethal force would only be used to “prevent or stop attacks against US persons,” when capture is not feasible and if a target poses a “continuing, imminent threat” to Americans.
But Carney pointed out a clause in Obama’s speech in which he said that in the “Afghan war theater” Washington must support its troops until the Nato withdrawal is complete in 2014.
The president said that strikes would continue against “high value al Qaeda targets, but also against forces that are massing to support attacks on coalition forces.”
A CIA spokesperson also declined to confirm Rehman’s death.
Security, tribal and intelligence officials told AFP in Pakistan that Rehman, who had a $5 million US government bounty on his head, was the target of the strike in North Waziristan and was killed.
Pakistani government condemns drone strike
The Pakistani government “expressed serious concerns” over the US drone strike that killed Waliur Rehman on Wednesday, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Pakistan has maintained its stance that US drone strikes are counter-productive, result in the loss of innocent lives and violate Pakistani sovereignty.
assault and used to connect him to an unsolved rape.
Barrons article - Should Pot Be Legal?
According to this article 8% of the people in all American prisons are there for victimless marijuana crimes. That is 128,000 people.
I often say that two thirds of the people in Federal prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. I got the figure out of a Libertarian magazine, probably Reason or Liberty.
The article also says "663,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2011" That is about one forth of one percent of the US population of 300 million. Or about one half of a percent of the adult US population.
Should Pot Be Legal?
Legalizing marijuana will hurt drug lords, help cash-strapped states, and ease burdens on police and prisons. Yet D.C. dithers.
America's 40-year crawl toward legalization of marijuana is picking up speed. Twenty-six states have taken steps toward legalization, some quite bold. Just last week, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper made one of the biggest moves yet, signing a package of bills addressing how marijuana will be grown, sold, taxed, and used. The measures, which follow Colorado voters' approval of legalization last fall, form the cornerstone of the nation's first fully legal market for pot. Come Jan. 1, Colorado residents over 21 will be allowed to buy marijuana at retail stores and smoke it for their pleasure. The state of Washington, where voters also passed a referendum to legalize marijuana, will be next. If all goes well with those pioneering efforts, it may be only a matter of time before more states follow.
Proponents say Americans should be allowed to smoke cannabis as a matter of basic personal freedom, adding that a society that enjoys legal whiskey, beer, wine, and tobacco has no business outlawing a recreational drug like pot that has fewer unhealthy side effects. After all, tens of millions of Americans enjoy smoking marijuana, if illegally.
It's Prohibition all over again. That Gatsby-era law gave rise to the Mafia, rampant crime, and in the end, increased drinking. As Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.) put it recently, "This is the time to remedy this prohibition."
Plenty of people agree. The Pew Research Center recently found that 52% of Americans support legalized possession of small quantities of marijuana. It was the first time a national poll produced a majority against pot prohibition, although the Gallup Poll and other national polls are coming close. The Pew survey found that nearly every group in the country is part of the gradual change in public attitudes -- men, women, whites, blacks, rich, and poor.
It's not just about the right to light up. With the nation's retail marijuana market estimated at about $30 billion, legalization also would bring some important economic benefits. It could lead to sharply lower prices, striking a blow to the Mexican drug cartels and American street gangs. Pot could be produced in the U.S. for much less than Mexican pot produced illegally. By some estimates, illegality adds 50% to marijuana's prices. If both countries legalized the drug, Mexicans might grow a lot of it and sell it to American consumers, but the inexpensive legal product would not draw the attention of the ultraviolent Mexican drug traffickers any more than Mexican tomatoes do.
Legalization also could bring some relief to cash-strapped states. Marijuana taxes would join levies on liquor, tobacco, gambling, and other pursuits that once were banned. A report prepared for the libertarian Cato Institute suggests states could raise a total of about $3 billion from marijuana taxes, and other estimates are even higher. California alone could pull in $1.4 billion a year, a state tax authority has projected. That may seem minor compared with a state budget approaching $100 billion, but it would top the $1.3 billion that California now gets from alcohol and tobacco taxes combined.
Colorado may get about $100 million a year in tax revenue, and Washington could get $310 million. But there is wide disagreement on appropriate tax rates for marijuana. Colorado will be asking voters to approve two sales taxes totaling 25%, while Washington is looking to tax producers, sellers, and buyers -- for a total haul of 75%. That might be so high that it keeps the underground market alive.
Unquestionably, a loosening of marijuana laws would ease burdens on law enforcement. Some 663,000 people were arrested for marijuana possession in 2011, up 32% since 1995. In New York, according to the pro-legalization Drug Policy Center, a pot bust typically requires 2.5 hours of a policeman's time.
Until Mayor Michael Bloomberg changed the policy in February, the arrested automatically spent a night in the police lockup. Nationwide, some 128,000 people are in state or federal prisons for marijuana offenses. That's 8% of all U.S. prisoners.
Norm Stamper, former chief of the Seattle Police Department, thinks Washington's new law will be a big help. "It will give the police an opportunity to focus much more time, energy, and imagination on going after predatory criminals," he says. Legalization, he adds, also has "opened the door to a much more positive relationship between young people and police."
LITTLE WONDER that more than half of the states have loosened their marijuana rules. Starting with Oregon in 1973, 15 states have decriminalized possession of small amounts of the drug, which means it's illegal but lightly punished, typically with a $100 fine; 18 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana possession and sale for medical purposes, such as easing the pain of cancer. In all, the number of states taking at least one step to liberalize their pot laws is 26. Two more got ready to join last month: The Illinois legislature passed a medical-marijuana bill, and the Vermont legislature passed a decriminalization bill. Both bills await signing by the states' governors.
The federal government, however, has not moved toward legalization, not one bit.
In fact, the states with medical-marijuana laws are defying or ignoring the federal government, which classifies marijuana as a drug with a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use, and a lack of acceptable safety, even for use under medical supervision. Efforts to persuade regulators to change the classification of marijuana have been rejected over and over, as recently as 2011.
Emboldened by a 2005 Supreme Court ruling that allows federal prohibition to trump state legalization, the feds have arrested owners of some of the medical dispensaries in California, a state that has permitted dispensaries to operate since 1996. It's entirely unclear how Uncle Sam is going to react when retail sales go into full swing in Colorado and Washington. Attorney General Eric Holder has been promising to produce a policy, but nothing has yet emerged from the Justice Department.
To eliminate the conflicts, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican, last month introduced a bill to require the feds to respect state laws on marijuana. "The Herculean effort undertaken by the federal government to prevent the American people from smoking marijuana has undeniably been a colossal failure," he says. Lacking a groundswell of bipartisan support, however, Rohrabacher's bill is considered to have no chance of passage.
"It is likely that we are going to proceed state by state, and that Congress will be unlikely to touch this issue with a pole of any length," says William Galston of the Brookings Institution. "We may very well be a patchwork nation for the next generation."
OTHER STATES WILL JOIN the patchwork as more state officials take a cue from Gavin Newsom, lieutenant governor of California and former mayor of San Francisco. "I was a coward a couple of years ago," he says, referring to the days when he opposed legalization. He switched positions after concluding that legalization would be an important step in his vision for criminal-justice reform.
Newsom, who owns a collection of bars, restaurants, and wineries, also has a more fundamental issue with pot prohibition. "When I'm watching a guy do shots of Jack Daniel's at my bar, I'm thinking, 'That's legal, but a guy at home with his wife on a weekend smoking marijuana is illegal?' It's absurd."
Though he hopes to guide California to legalization, Newsom says the state will first have to improve the regulation of its medical-marijuana dispensaries: "So many of us have had the experience where you're stuck at a traffic light, and you look across the street at a dispensary, and you see a lot of young folks running in and out, and you may even turn the corner and see folks reselling the drug." Until that problem is fixed, he says voters may not believe the state can monitor full legalization.
Another prerequisite: stronger spines in politicians. Many legislators, in California and elsewhere, are fearful of backlashes from antilegalization groups, which warn of increases in crime and harm to youths and families. But eventually, elected officials may come around. Newsom, who is up for re-election in November, hopes to set an example: "If I win and these groups don't come after me, I've got to think some other people will say, 'Hey, they didn't come after him -- maybe it's not as politically toxic as we thought.' "
PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT hurdle for the legalization movement will be the experiences in Colorado and Washington state. If other states are to move toward legalization, these two pioneers will have to demonstrate that legal pot markets can function smoothly and safely.
Though the details of the states' regulations have yet to be hammered out, the bottom line for consumers in both states is similar: If you are over 21, you'll be able to freely buy pot at licensed retail outlets. Already, you can possess as much as an ounce of marijuana, so long as you don't use it in public.
The bills signed by Colorado's governor last week included provisions for curbing drugged driving: You can't get behind the wheel if your blood contains more than five nanograms per milliliter of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, marijuana's key component. A pot smoker can get to that level with as little as one puff, but the numbers decline rapidly over the next three hours, says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Colorado also took steps to prevent marijuana use among youths, making it a crime to share pot with someone under 21 and banning marketing that seems aimed at kids. It's easy to see why the state is worried. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that 2.6 million Americans had tried marijuana for the first time in 2011, and their average age was 17. The new pot smokers were more numerous than the 2.4 million Americans who smoked tobacco cigarettes for the first time in 2011, whose average age was also 17. Alcohol was still the most popular among recreational substances, with 4.7 million Americans estimated to have taken their first drink in 2011 -- 83% of them younger than age 21.
The push for marijuana legalization can't afford any slip-ups by Colorado or Washington in dealing with the youth population or anything else. "You're one tragedy away in Colorado and Washington from it not being an inevitability," says California's Newsom. On the other hand, he says, success in those states would bode well for legalization in his state and others.
Last month, the legalization movement got a lift from beyond U.S. borders. The Organization of American States, a consortium of nations in North, Central, and South America, released a report suggesting the legalization of marijuana be considered as a step in the war on drugs.
The last president of Mexico, Felip Calderón, had done something of the same. He was the first Mexican president to broach the idea of drug legalization while still in office. And he wasn't just talking about Mexico. "Our neighbor is the largest consumer of drugs in the world," Calderón said in 2011. "And everybody wants to sell him drugs though our doors and windows. If the consumption of drugs cannot be limited, then decision makers must seek more solutions -- including market alternatives -- in order to reduce the astronomical earnings of criminal organizations."
Calderón left office last year, and his successor, Enrique Peña Nieto, flatly opposes legalization of drugs. Marijuana use, he says, often leads users to harder drugs. Nieto's position is no doubt heartening to drug lords, whose money makes them very powerful in Mexican politics. Legalization in Mexico, it's fair to say, faces formidably long odds.
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, for its part, should at least move to eliminate the widespread confusion between state and federal laws over marijuana use, which has been reaching absurd proportions. Banks in California, for instance, are so unclear about where things stand that they won't let medical-marijuana dispensaries open accounts. As a result, many of the stores are run as cash businesses, inviting robberies. To pay taxes, some are showing up at the state's revenue department with bags of cash.
Whether Congress realizes it or not, a good number of citizens want the problem fixed. The same Pew study that found a majority of people favoring legalization also found that 60% of Americans think the federal government should not enforce its prohibition in states that permit marijuana use. And 72% agreed with the proposition that federal enforcement of marijuana laws is not worth the cost.
Rep. Rohrabacher's plan is as good a fix as any. It's straightforward and sensible: The federal government can help enforce antipot laws in states that want them, but it must mind its own business in states that don't want marijuana to be criminal.
Eventually, the federal government may repeal all of its laws against pot use, pot production, and pot dealing.
They could be replaced by laws no tougher than those that apply to liquor. Just as it was with the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, Congress could allow states to continue pot prohibition by local option, or to draft their own regulatory systems.
Given the unwillingness of many in Congress to even talk about marijuana, the day of full repeal is probably far off. But tending to the clumsy conflicts between state and federal governments is something that can and should be addressed right now.
MICHAEL D. VALLO assisted in reporting this story.
New IRS head says taxpayers no longer trust agency
New IRS head says taxpayers no longer trust agency
By Stephen Ohlemacher Associated Press Mon Jun 3, 2013 1:55 PM
WASHINGTON — His agency under relentless fire, the new head of the Internal Revenue Service acknowledged to Congress on Monday that American taxpayers no longer trust the IRS amid a growing number of scandals — from the targeting of conservative political groups to lavish spending on employee conferences.
But Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel declared he was “committed to restoring that trust.” He said he has installed new leadership at the agency and is conducting a thorough review of what went wrong and how to fix it.
He promised the transparency that was lacking for several years as tea party groups complained about harassment by the IRS, only to be met with denials from the agency.
“We must have the trust of the American taxpayer. Unfortunately, that trust has been broken,” Werfel told a House Appropriations subcommittee in his first public appearance since taking over the agency nearly two weeks ago. “The agency stands ready to confront the problems that occurred, hold accountable those who acted inappropriately, be open about what happened, and permanently fix these problems so that such missteps do not occur again.”
“It has to start,” Werfel added, “with a recognition that a trust has been violated.”
Werfel testified at a difficult time for the agency. Criticized from inside and outside the government, Werfel went to Capitol Hill to ask for a big budget increase. President Barack Obama has requested a 9 percent increase in IRS spending for the budget year that starts in October, in part to help pay for the implementation of the new health care law.
House Republicans have voted 37 times to eliminate, defund or partly scale back the Affordable Care Act, and many are not eager to increase funding for an agency that will play a central role in enforcing compliance.
“We will have to think very carefully about how much money to provide to the IRS,” said Rep. Ander Crenshahw, R-Fla., chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on financial services and general government.
An inspector general’s report last month said IRS agents improperly targeted conservative political groups for additional scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status during the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns. The revelations have prompted investigations by three congressional committees and the Justice Department.
The agency’s previous acting commissioner was forced to resign, another official retired and a third was placed on paid administrative leave.
A new inspector general’s report, to be released Tuesday, says the IRS spent $50 million to hold at least 220 conferences for employees between 2010 and 2012.
The conference spending included $4 million for an August 2010 gathering in Anaheim, Calif., for which the agency did not negotiate lower room rates, even though that is standard government practice, according to a statement by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Instead, some of the 2,600 attendees received benefits, including baseball tickets and stays in presidential suites that normally cost $1,500 to $3,500 per night. In addition, 15 outside speakers were paid a total of $135,000 in fees, with one paid $17,000 to talk about “leadership through art,” the committee said.
Werfel has called the conference “an unfortunate vestige from a prior era.”
Obama appointed Werfel as acting head of the IRS and ordered him to conduct a 30-day review of the agency’s operations.
“Wherever we find management failures or breakdowns in internal controls, we will move to correct these problems quickly and in a robust manner,” Werfel said. “As we move forward with our work, we will be transparent about what we learn, our specific plans for improvement, the actions we take and the results achieved.”
Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report.
Video of racist Mesa police beating up Black man????
In this video one cop seems to be punching and kicking the man a number of time while he is tackled and on the ground. According to the spokesperson from the Mesa Police Department in the following article this type of police beating is 100 percent acceptable under the Mesa Police policies.
If you look closely another cop seems to be having some stun gun fun on the man, again, while the man is on the ground and under control of the police. The cop seems to be placing his stun gun on the mans bare back and shocking him. According to the spokesperson from the Mesa Police Department in the following article this type of police stun gun fun is 100 percent acceptable under the Mesa Police policies.
Towards the end of the video the camera takes a shot of a truck that appears to have crashed into a traffic light. That may have been the cop that caused the crash mentioned in the article.