Arizona Taxi drivers now subject to random drug testing
For more on this stupid law check out this
of mine. The law is basicly a government welfare program
for the companies that give drug tests in Arizona.
The way the law is written even if the taxi cab drivers flunk the
tests they are not prevented from being hired by companies that
operate taxi cabs.
The only requirements are that the taxi drivers take the stupid drug
tests, which will cost around $100 each, and that the companies that
hire them have the results on file.
The results of the drug tests are totally meaningless,
and thus this silly law is nothing more then a government welfare program
for corporations that give drug tests.
Arizona Taxi drivers now subject to random drug testing
Posted: Wednesday, May 8, 2013 11:31 am
By Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services
For the first time ever, drivers of taxi cabs and limousines in Arizona will soon be subject to random drug testing.
Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday signed legislation which will require those who own or lease out taxis and other vehicle for hire to screen applicants for drugs at the time they are hired or allowed to lease one of the vehicles. That is on top of an existing requirement for a criminal background check.
And drivers also will be subject to random tests at least once a year.
The measure takes effect later this year.
Kevin Tyne, director of the Department of Weights and Measures, stressed this is not some new government program with the state going out and stopping drivers. Instead, he said it's designed to make the owners of these vehicles more responsible.
But he said it is up to them to decide what to do with that information: Nothing in the new law prohibits a company from hiring or refusing to fire a driver who tests positive. That mirrors the existing laws on background checks, with no prohibition against hiring certain felons.
Tyne said, though, this is a big step for Arizona.
"Nearly every other jurisdiction that regulates and oversees and licenses 'for hire' vehicles like taxis and liveries and limousines have some sort of a basic drug testing requirement,'' he said. "Arizona was noticeably absent in that regard.''
He said many people use taxis and limousines, both local residents and visitors.
"Patrons ought to have some basic sense that the driver has at least been drug tested,'' Tyne said.
The legislation is unrelated to the mishap Saturday where five people riding in a limousine on the San Mateo Bridge south of San Francisco were killed in a fire. The cause of the blaze remains under investigation and there has been no indication at this point that the driver, who also was burned, was in any way responsible.
California officials said it appears the vehicle, which was licensed for eight passengers, had one more than the permitted number. There appears to be no similar laws in Arizona governing how many passengers can be in any particular vehicle.
Arizona poll: Majority backs same-sex marriage, legalizing pot
Arizona poll: Majority backs same-sex marriage, legalizing pot
By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez The Republic | azcentral.com Tue May 14, 2013 12:25 PM
A majority of Arizonans support same-sex marriage and decriminalizing marijuana use, a new poll has found.
The Behavior Research Center’s Rocky Mountain poll found most Arizonans — 56 percent — favor legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, while 37 percent oppose such a move and 7 percent were unsure about the issue.
Voters in 2010 by a narrow margin legalized marijuana for medicinal use; more than 35,000 Arizonans participate in that program.
Independent voters were most supportive of legalization at 72 percent. While Republicans and conservatives were most likely to be opposed: 41 percent of Republicans said they favored legalization of marijuana while 56 percent of those who identified with the GOP said they were opposed to it.
The poll also found 55 percent of Arizonans favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry while 35 percent oppose same-sex marriage and 10 percent say they are unsure. Most women, Latinos, liberals, moderates, Independents, Democrats and voters younger than 55 say they supported such unions, according to the poll.
Since 1996, Arizona law has defined marriage as between one man and one woman. In 2008, voters approved adding that definition of marriage to the state Constitution. It says that “only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.”
The poll found Republicans are divided on same-sex marriage with 53 percent opposed and 36 percent in favor. The poll also found that while 51 percent of political conservatives were opposed, 41 percent support same-sex unions.
The poll, released Tuesday, was conducted between April 3 and April 16, and is based on 700 telephone interviews statewide, including 438 registered voters.
The survey’s overall margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percent.
Lower drunk-driving limit to .05, federal board says
Perhaps if we really want to stop drunk driving deaths we could make liquor illegal, just like drugs are. That would certainly eliminate ALL the DUI deaths that occur every year in American!!!
Oops, didn't we try that once and it was a dismal failure which we called the Prohibition!!!!
Last but not least the Federal government doesn't have the power to set a legal drinking limit.
What the Feds have done in the past is bribe the states with cash to lower the legal drinking limit.
They did this when the limit was lowered from .15 to .10, and again when the legal limit was lowered
from .10 to .08.
Lower drunk-driving limit to .05, federal board says
Associated Press Tue May 14, 2013 10:21 AM
WASHINGTON — Federal accident investigators recommended Tuesday that states cut their threshold for drunken driving by nearly half, matching a standard that has substantially reduced highway deaths in other countries.
The National Transportation Safety Board said states should shrink the standard from the current .08 blood alcohol content to .05 as part of a series of recommendations aimed at reducing alcohol-related highway deaths.
More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol content standard or lower, according to a report by the board’s staff. In Europe, the share of traffic deaths attributable to drunken driving was reduced by more than half within 10 years after the standard was dropped.
A woman weighing less than 120 pounds can reach .05 after just one drink, studies show. A man weighing up to 160 pounds reaches .05 after two drinks.
New approaches are needed to combat drunken driving, which claims the lives of more than a third of the 30,000 people killed each year on U.S highways — a level of carnage that that has remained stubbornly consistent for the past decade and a half, the board said.
“Our goal is to get to zero deaths because each alcohol-impaired death is preventable,” NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said. “Alcohol-impaired deaths are not accidents, they are crimes. They can and should be prevented. The tools exist. What is needed is the will.”
But the recommendation to lowering the alcohol content threshold to .05 is likely to meet strong resistance from states, said Jonathan Adkins, an official with the Governors Highway Safety Association, which represents state highway safety offices.
“It was very difficult to get .08 in most states so lowering it again won’t be popular,” Adkins said. “The focus in the states is on high (blood alcohol content) offenders as well as repeat offenders. We expect industry will also be very vocal about keeping the limit at .08.”
The lower alcohol content threshold was one of nearly 20 recommendations aimed at reducing drunken driving made by the board, including that states adopt measures to ensure more widespread use of use of alcohol ignition interlock devices. Those require a driver to breathe into a tube, much like the breathalyzers police ask suspected drunken drivers to use.
The board has previously recommended states require all convicted drunken drivers install the interlock devices in their vehicles as a condition to resume driving. Currently, 17 states and two California counties require all convicted drivers use the devices.
However, only about a quarter of drivers ordered to use the devices actually end up doing so, NTSB said. Drivers use a variety of ways to evade using the devices, including claiming they won’t drive at all or don’t own a vehicle and therefore don’t need the devices, staff said.
The board recommended the National Highway Safety Administration,
which makes safety grants to states,
develop a program to encourage states to ensure all convicted drivers actually use the devices. The board also recommended that all suspected drunken drivers whose licenses are confiscated by police be required to install interlocks as a condition of getting their licenses reinstated even though they haven’t yet been convicted of a crime.
Courts usually require drivers to pay for the devices, which cost about $50 to $100 to buy plus a $50 a month fee to operate, staff said.
The board has previously called on the safety administration and the auto industry to step up their research into technology for use in all vehicles that can detect whether a driver has elevated blood alcohol without the driver breathing into a tube or taking any other action. Drivers with elevated levels would be unable to start their cars.
But the technology is still years away.
Studies show more than 4 million people a year in the U.S. drive while intoxicated, but about half of the intoxicated drivers stopped by police escape detection, the NTSB report said.
The board made several recommendations aimed at increasing both the visibility and effectiveness of police enforcement, including expanded use of passive alcohol devices. The devices are often contained in real flash lights or shaped to look like a cellphone that officers wear on their shirt pockets or belts. If an officer points the flashlight at a driver or the cellphone-like device comes in close proximity to an intoxicated driver, the devices will alert police who may not have any other reason to suspected drunken driving.
The use of the devices currently is very limited, the report said.
Dramatic progress was made in the 1980s through the mid-1990s after the minimum drinking age was raised to 21 and the legally-allowable maximum level of drivers’ blood alcohol content was lowered to .08, the report said. Today, drunken driving claims about 10,000 lives a year, down from over 18,000 in 1982. At that time, alcohol-related fatalities accounted for about 40 percent of highway deaths.
Pot Shops Ordered to Close in Garden Grove
Pot Shops Ordered to Close in Garden Grove
GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (KTLA) — City officials in Garden Grove on Tuesday warned medical marijuana dispensaries to shut down by the end of the day or face hefty fines.
There are about 60 pot collectives in Garden Grove — the highest concentration in Orange County [Wow!! Dumpy Garden Grove it the center of the universe for pot smokers in Orange County!!!]
The city banned pot shops back in 2008, but a supreme court case put that ban on hold.
Then, earlier this month, the California Supreme Court ruled that cities did have the right to ban dispensaries using zoning ordinances.
The day after the ruling, Garden Grove sent out letters telling dispensary owners they had until May 14 to close their doors, or face a $1,000 per day fine.
There could also be criminal charges and civil lawsuits if the pot shops don’t comply.
Supporters of marijuana collectives said the ban would force people who use the drug medicinally to turn to the black market.
They wanted the city to find a way to regulate the dispensaries rather than banning them.
They planned to make their case at a city council meeting Tuesday night.
Arizona could deny resources for federal laws under bill
I suspect this is something the Founders would agree with. I know in the Federalist Papers that the Founders said that if a state government didn't like a Federal law that one option was for the state government to simply not obey the Federal law.
And of course this would apply to stuff like the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" which is clearly unconstitutional per the 10th Amendment, despite the Supreme Courts ruling that the "war on drugs" is Constitutional per the "interstate commerce" clause.
Arizona could deny resources for federal laws under bill
By Alia Beard Rau The Republic | azcentral.com Tue May 14, 2013 9:59 PM
Arizona voters in 2014 will decide whether the state can deny resources to federal laws or programs it deems unconstitutional.
The Legislature on Tuesday gave final approval to Senate Concurrent Resolution 1016, its latest effort to flex state muscle against the federal government. The measure will go on the November 2014 ballot. It proposes to allow either the governor and state Legislature or voters to refuse to use state personnel and resources on any federal law or action deemed to be inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.
Sen. Chester Crandell, R-Heber, sponsored the bill.
“We need to stand up and use our sovereign rights and this is another tool in the toolbox to be able to do that,” he said in a public hearing on the bill.
Former state lawmaker and unsuccessful Republican congressional candidate Jonathan Paton and Phoenix businessman Jack Biltis are behind the resolution.
This is a second attempt at passing such a measure by Biltis, who runs an employer-services firm. He spent more than $1 million of his money on an unsuccessful 2012 effort to put a similar measure on the ballot. The Checks and Balances in Government initiative lacked enough valid signatures to qualify, elections officials said.
Biltis said in committee hearings on SCR 1016 that he would again invest his own money in campaigns for the measure.
Paton told lawmakers during a committee hearing that he believed the measure is constitutional based on Supreme Court rulings. He said the court clearly ruled the federal government cannot “commandeer” a state to act in support of a federal law.
“We can’t stop the federal government directly ... but we can say how we are going to use our resources within the environs of our own state,” he said. “We have the power as a state to decide what’s right for our state.”
States, including Arizona, have pushed for measures in recent years to ignore certain federal laws, such as “Obamacare” or proposed gun restrictions. Paton said this is not “nullification” — a state refusing to enforce a federal law — but rather a broad solution that can be used whenever a situation arises.
“I don’t envision this as a left or right issue,” he said. “I envision this as a checks and balances issue.”
House Minority Leader Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix, said he envisions the bill as “a complete waste of time.”
“It’s talking about not wasting money on things we feel are unconstitutional at the state, but the referendum itself is unconstitutional,” he said. “You can’t supersede federal authority.”
He said there are already checks and balances against the federal government overstepping its bounds — the courts.
And that, he said, is exactly where this would end up. He said if voters or the Legislature decide to deny services for a certain federal action, the federal government will likely sue and the courts will still be the deciding factor in the end.
“This is just another example of the figurative finger-pointing we’ve been doing at the federal government ... and in some cases, the literal finger-pointing,” he said.
Tempe cops want to arrest students who took drunk to hospital???
Drunk ASU student left at Tempe hospital with Post-it
Tempe cops want to arrest students who took drunk to hospital???
It seems like the cops would rather arrest people for victimless crimes like then go after real criminals who hurt people.
"Police say criminal charges could be filed against the friends who left the student"
But hey, I bet it's a lot safer the hunting down real criminals who might fight back.
And of course arresting the folks that took this kid to the hospital will scare people from doing it in the future.
Drunk ASU student left at Tempe hospital with Post-it
Posted: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:09 pm
Associated Press
An Arizona State University student who passed out from drinking tequila was left in wheelchair in a hospital lobby with a Post-it note saying he took part in a drinking competition.
Tempe police say the 19-year-old student was found early Saturday morning in the emergency room lobby of St. Luke’s Hospital.
Police say a sticky note on the student’s body gave his name and said he’d been drinking and needed help. Hospital staff noticed the student and helped him.
Sgt. Michael Pooley says the student consumed about 20 shots of tequila and had a blood-alcohol level of 0.47 percent, nearly six times the legal limit for driving.
Police say criminal charges could be filed against the friends who left the student.
Cops erase video of police murder in Bakersfield.
According to this
the police are trying to cover up the murder of David Silva and erased at least
one of the cell phone movies shot of the police murder.
Based on my experience with crooked cops this doesn't surprise me the least bit.
Every time I am stopped the police I take the 5th and refuse to answer any police questions.
Of course the cops always lie and tell me I don't have any 5th Amendment right to remain silent.
And almost always the cops make up threats that bad, bad, bad things will happen to me if
I don't answer their questions.
And most of the time the cops illegally search me looking for an ID, since I always refuse to them them my name.
The good news, is that even if the piggies erased the video of the Kern County sheriff's officers beating David Silva to death, frequently the file can be recovered.
Last if the police are so corrupt that they will erase the evidence that is needed to convict the 10 are so cops who beat David Silva to death, don't you think these crooked cops will also commit perjury and lie in court to convict people??? Or plant evidence to frame people???
Cops who murdered David Silva are the victims????
Cops who beat David Silva to death paint themselves as victims????
Well at least in this
it sounds like that is what the cops want us to believe!!!
This is typical when cops are caught committing crimes, they frequently paint themselves as the victim, not the criminal.
The murder of David Silva by the Kern County Sheriff's Office isn't any different. And sadly people frequently believe these fantastic big lies made up the the police.
Kern County makes lame excuses to justify the murder of David Sal Silva
In this
Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood makes lame excuses to justify the murder of David Sal Silva
by the sadistic criminals on his police force!!!!
- "I cannot speculate whether they acted appropriately or not"
- "Baton strikes were used, but what I don't know ... if they ... caused death"
- Youngblood said the baton is a less lethal weapon
- Youngblood noted that no cause of death has been determined
I wonder if Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood would be making these
same lame excuses if we had a video of 10 Black men beating up a cop
with billy clubs???
Using treaties to flush the Constitution down the toilet???
Here is an interesting article from the Goldwater Institute on how the government is attempting to use treaties to flush the Constitution down the toilet and justify unlimited power for Uncle Sam.
According to the Constitution any treaties the Federal government enters into have priority over other normal laws Congress passes.
I suspect the President and Congress are trying to twist that around to say that unconstitutional treaties give Congress and the President unlimited power.
Pretty much like how the government has twisted the "interstate commerce" clause in the Constitution to say that it gives Congress unlimited power.
I think in the case the Goldwater Institute is saying Congress can only include things in treaties that are not forbidden by the Tenth Amendment.
Before this article I have read stuff saying that the gun grabbers in Congress would love to enter a UN Treaty that requires the US to ban guns, and use that as a backdoor to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet.
Of course this article says that Congress can't make any treaties that would ban guns, because that is forbidden by the Second Amendment.
Nick Dranias
Cheaters Revenge Meets the New World Order
Posted on May 15, 2013 | Author: Nick Dranias
What does poisoning a goldfish to get revenge on a cheating spouse have to do with the President’s power to make treaties? The constitutionally correct answer is: Nothing at all. Unfortunately, that’s not how the Obama Administration sees it. The Administration is claiming power to get into a domestic dispute under the authority of a chemical weapons treaty. And it is aggressively advancing the proposition that Congress’s power is essentially unlimited when based on the treaty power.
The federal government has been prosecuting Carol Anne Bond for causing minor burns to the fingers of her husband’s girlfriend after spreading a caustic chemical used in developing photographs around her home. Ms. Bond has fought the prosecution by arguing that the Constitution gives power over such domestic disputes to the States. According to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Congress implemented a chemical weapons treaty by enacting a law that expands the treaty’s purpose and turns “each kitchen cupboard and cleaning cabinet in America into a potential chemical weapons cache.” In an earlier phase of the litigation, Justice Samuel Alito asked, “Suppose that the Petitioner in this case decided to retaliate against her former friend by pouring a bottle of vinegar in the friend's goldfish bowl. As I read this statute, that would be a violation of this statute, potentially punishable by life imprisonment, wouldn't it?”
In support of Ms. Bond’s argument that the federal government has overstepped its constitutional powers, the Goldwater Institute today filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in Bond v. United States of America. Our brief warns that if courts allow Congress to implement treaties without respecting the Tenth Amendment’s limitation on federal power, there is nothing to stop the federal government from using international agreements and legislation to displace other constitutional guarantees. This is because the vertical separation of powers between the states and the federal government is not a second-class constitutional protection. Allowing a treaty to undermine the Tenth Amendment opens the door to Congress enacting treaties that violate all constitutional protections – including the freedom of the press and the right to due process. That is why the Court must draw a bright line at kitchen cupboards and cleaning cabinets.
Ms. Bond won the first round when the Supreme Court reinstated her Tenth Amendment defense after the lower court rejected it on procedural grounds. Her case then returned to the lower courts, only to result in the Third Circuit rejecting her defense on the merits. Now the Supreme Court gets the last word. Hopefully, the Court will hold the line.
Phoenix, Tucson elections "rigged" for special interest groups???
And of course those special interest groups tend to be the police and fire department employees.
In Phoenix 40 percent of the budget goes to the police and 20 percent to the fire department.
Phoenix, Tucson fight change in election calendar
By Dustin Gardiner The Republic | azcentral.com Thu May 16, 2013 10:42 PM
Tucson and Phoenix are waging a legal fight to overturn a state law that would require local governments to move their elections to even-numbered years to coincide with statewide contests for president and governor.
If the law takes effect in 2014, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and other municipal elected officials could have their terms extended by several months or even a year.
A Pima County Superior Court judge on Monday denied the cities’ request for summary judgment in the case, saying that he needs to get more information than already submitted in court filings. A hearing will likely be scheduled in the next month, so the parties can debate the facts further.
City leaders had sought a decision on the law’s validity and an injunction to prevent it from taking effect while they argue the issue in court. They said the law interferes with a matter of purely local concern: their authority to determine how to conduct elections.
Cities and towns across Arizona have objected to the law and cite a long list of potential consequences, including that local elections would become fiercely partisan or draw little attention at the bottom of a more crowded ballot. The law, signed by Gov. Jan Brewer in 2012, will impact roughly half of the state’s 70 municipalities.
Supporters of the move have said it will increase voter turnout and help some cities and towns save money because they could utilize county elections resources, instead of paying the cost of printing ballots and staffing elections on their own.
In Phoenix, Stanton and four council members — Bill Gates, Thelda Williams, Michael Nowakowski and Daniel Valenzuela — could potentially serve a year beyond their elected terms, which expire in 2015, assuming they stay in office for that long. Each council member represents about 180,000 residents who would have to wait longer to elect their representative.
Tucson filed its lawsuit against the state in October after several months of cities grappling over how they might respond. A few months later, Phoenix joined the case as an intervenor, meaning the city can argue the case, which will impact all Arizona charter municipalities.
Phoenix City Clerk Cris Meyer said the law would require sweeping changes to the city’s election system and do away with the city-focused process voters have requested over the years, particularly the emphasis on a nonpartisan election cycle.
“Commingling of the state’s and Phoenix’s processes, including potentially commingled ballots, diminishes Phoenix’s ability to ensure a pristine process, free of party politics and state or federal issues typically associated with party platforms,” attorneys for Phoenix argued in court documents.
Phoenix voters decided in the 1970s to permanently hold their elections on the opposite years as presidential and gubernatorial contests. Changing that would require voters to approve amendments to the City Charter. The new law also conflicts with charter language that governs the mayor and council’s term limits and salary changes, among other issues.
The city would likely have to abandon its voting-center system, which allows residents to cast an in-person ballot at more than 20 locations starting several days before the election. Arizona holds elections on a single day, and voters have assigned precincts.
However, attorneys for the state have argued the law seeks to preserve democracy, suggesting off-year elections depress voter turnout and make the process vulnerable to special-interest influence. They said any burdens to Phoenix or Tucson are “slight and incidental.”
The state Attorney General’s Office contends election alignment has led to a massive increase in voter turnout in Chandler, Scottsdale and Gilbert, which moved their elections from the spring to fall of even-numbered years. For example, 14 percent of Scottsdale registered voters turned out for the city’s March 2006 election, compared with 85 percent in fall 2008, according to court documents.
“The record is clear that election alignment causes dramatic increases in voter turnout and dramatic reductions in overall election costs and cost per vote,” the Attorney General’s Office wrote.
Pima County Superior Court Judge James Marner also denied a motion by the state for a summary judgment to dismiss the case. But Marner said conflicting evidence presented by the state and cities regarding voter turnout and cost savings needs to be heard in court.
Feds declare 3 versions of synthetic pot illegal
Of course no one would be using these potentially harmful drugs if good old fashioned harmless marijuana was legal.
And of course as usual the government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem.
Feds declare 3 versions of synthetic pot illegal
By Lindsey Collom The Republic | azcentral.com Thu May 16, 2013 10:11 PM
The federal government has temporarily outlawed three substances marketed as an alternative to marijuana, the move coming within weeks of Arizona adding to its banned-substances list certain chemical compounds typically found in “spice” and “bath salts.”
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration announced Thursday that three iterations of “fake pot” are now considered to be Schedule 1 substances, a class of drugs the government deems to have high potential for abuse and no recognized medicinal use. When ingested, designer drugs can mimic the effects of banned substances, such as methamphetamine and cocaine, and are known to trigger violence and paranoia, among other behaviors.
The classification will remain in effect for two years while the DEA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study whether the chemicals — synthetic cannabinoids UR-144, XLR11 and AKB48 — should be made permanently illegal. Meanwhile, anyone found to possess, manufacture or distribute these synthetic cannabinoids will be subject to prosecution.
“DEA is sounding the alarm once more to emphasize the severity of these drugs,” said Special Agent Ramona Sanchez, spokeswoman for the DEA in Arizona. “People don’t understand that just because these were legal, that doesn’t mean they’re safe.”
The DEA’s latest effort adds to a growing list of federally banned substances meant to mimic the effects of illicit drugs. A federal law passed in July 2012 banned the sale, production and possession of 31 chemicals used to make some of the synthetic drugs, including two of the most popular ones used in hallucinogenic drugs marketed as bath salts.
Authorities say it has been difficult to attack the problem of novelty-powder use because manufacturers modify their formulas to stay ahead of bans.
In Arizona, a measure signed by Gov. Jan Brewer in April targeted the chemical backbone of more than 1,000 known types of synthetic drugs. During legislative testimony, the husband of a smoke-shop owner told lawmakers that his wife would be forced to remove all “spice” and “potpourri” products from the shelves due to the impracticality and expense of having each product chemically analyzed to ensure compliance with state law. Which, according to a prosecuting attorneys lobby, was precisely the point of the legislation.
“A teenage kid had a harder time buying cigarettes” before Arizona’s recent ban, said Stephanie Siete, education director at Community Bridges, a substance-abuse treatment facility. “It’s a big deal to be able to stop people from getting these substances in their hands, substances that are untested. No one knows long-term effects.”
But lawmakers say they are hard-pressed to keep up with the latest developments in synthetic-drug manufacturing. Local police and physicians have warned that a new synthetic hallucinogen known as “n-bomb,” which is marketed as an alternative to LSD or mescaline, could be among the most powerful and potentially deadly of the synthetic drugs that have inundated the market in recent years.
Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, who sponsored the dangerous-drug bill Brewer signed in April, said in committee that his legislation would not be a cure-all and that amendments would be needed as new synthetic drugs hit the market.
“This is a problem we’re going to deal with and we’re going to continue to deal with, just like we did with meth,” Farnsworth said.
Sanchez said the DEA will continue to “aggressively target” synthetic drugs in Arizona, as it did last year with Operation Logjam. DEA agents arrested more than 90 people and seized the equivalent of 18 million synthetic-drug packets during raids across the country, including in Arizona. Authorities estimated the local network produced tens of millions of dollars worth of bath salts.
It's a waste of time calling the police???
And they didn't even mention that before letting you report your crime the cops will force you to prove that your are not a criminal by demanding a drivers license and a social security card so they can verify that you don't have any warrants out for your arrest.
Nor did they mention that when somebody calls 911 to report a pot smoker they will probably send out 3 squad cars in an attempt to arrest the people committing that victimless crime.
Letter: I've made my last call to Mesa PD for help
Posted: Thursday, May 16, 2013 12:04 pm
Letter to the Editor
We had a shoplifter at our store just waltz out with a bag of chips, a peach (that he was eating) and a bottle of whiskey. I demanded the items back, he raised the bottle with “come and get it”. Now, my work has a strict no-physical-confrontation policy and I don’t want to risk getting fired. I told him that I just wanted the items back or I’d call the police. “Go ahead and call the police”, he said, and continued walking away. So I called Mesa’s non-emergency number and explained what was going on.
He asked where the thief was, which I replied that he was just getting to the street. “How much was the merchandise”, I said about $25. “Well our call policy has changed. If they are no longer on the property, and the amount is under $30, you need to file a report online. Do you need the info?”
“Nope”, and hung up promptly. I suspect the thief knew about Mesa’s new policy, considering how smug he was. He was less than 70 yards away, threatened to commit aggravated assault, stealing, and the police sub-station is 90 seconds away.
I think I’ll forego calling from now on, take care of it myself outside camera range, since Mesa is a fend-for-yourself city now.
K. Andrew Bedwell
OAS - Time to legalize drugs????
OAS study says countries should consider decriminalizing drug use
By Chris Kraul
May 17, 2013, 2:30 p.m.
BOGOTA, Colombia — The Organization of American States said Friday that countries should consider decriminalizing drug use, a shift backed by several Latin American leaders but opposed by the United States.
Decriminalization could be one of many “transitional methods” in a public health strategy that could include “drug courts, substantive reduction in sentences and rehabilitation,” according to a report released by the OAS on the possible liberalization of drug polices.
The report, presented by OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza in Bogota, was commissioned during the April 2012 Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, in response to many leaders’ complaints that U.S.-driven drug prohibition policies of recent decades had failed to stem the illicit drug business.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said he favored discussion of the decriminalization or legalization of drugs as a way to try to curb illicit drug use and trafficking.
Officials in countries known as drug production and transit locations, such as Colombia and Guatemala, have said they were paying intolerable costs in violence and corruption while consumer nations such as the U.S. and those in Europe were getting off relatively easy as the drugs keep flowing.
“All of us who hold public responsibilities owe it to the millions of women and men, young and old, mothers and fathers, girls and boys who today feel threatened, to find clear answers and effective public policies to confront this scourge,” Insulza said.
The proposal by three former Latin American leaders -- Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil, Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico and Cesar Gaviria of Colombia -- that drugs be decriminalized or legalized has had a ripple effect among Latin American opinion leaders, said Bruce Bagley of the University of Miami, an expert on drug trafficking and policy.
Some specialists said the OAS report could have urged more specific changes to government policies.
Mark Kleiman, a UCLA public policy professor, said policies should be retooled to focus on alleviating the violence and health damage caused by drug use, not on the flow of drugs.
“We’re in a completely unsustainable situation,” Kleiman said. “The strategy is not working.”
John Walsh of the Washington Office on Latin America, a think tank that supports decriminalization of drugs, said the OAS report was valuable in part because “it recognizes that one-size-fits-all responses won’t work for complex problems that affect countries differently.”
Illinois Senate approves bill to legalize medical marijuana
This is a pretty worthless medical marijuana law, but it's better then throwing pot smokers in prison.
Illinois Senate approves bill to legalize medical marijuana
By Michael Mello
May 17, 2013, 6:38 p.m.
Illinois has come within a signature of becoming the 19th state to allow marijuana use for medical purposes.
On Friday, the state Senate voted 35-21 to approve a medical marijuana measure, which now will head for Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk. The governor has not said whether he will sign it.
Democratic Sen. Bill Haine, one of the bill’s sponsors, told the Los Angeles Times that House Bill 1 has a very narrow scope and was crafted with law enforcement officials at the table to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls of medical marijuana programs in other states.
Eighteen states and Washington, D.C., have decriminalized marijuana use for medicinal purposes. California did so in 1996, when the state’s voters approved Proposition 215.
If it becomes law, the Illinois bill will prohibit patients from growing their own pot; instead, plants will be raised at “grow centers” overseen by authorities and the state Department of Agriculture.
Only doctors that have established relationships with patients will be able to dispense the drug to help with pain or side effects associated with treating serious illnesses, such as AIDS or cancer.
“It can’t be consumed in public. It can’t be displayed in public,” Haine said.
The bill would allow medical marijuana use for just four years, essentially creating a pilot program on the drug's use. If it’s not renewed by the state’s General Assembly, the medical pot effort will die.
A former chief prosecutor for Madison County in southwestern Illinois, Haine said he pushed for the legislation because he believes marijuana, despite its reputation, can do good.
“People have found that this substance relieves pain for people in terrible circumstances. To deny that would be unreasonable,” Haines said. “Marijuana is arguably more benign than Oxycontin … or many of the other prescription drugs.”
Nonetheless, the legislation was opposed by the Illinois Sheriffs’ Assn. and the Illinois Assn. of Chiefs of Police.
Then there’s the fact that any sort of marijuana use is outlawed by federal statues.
Haine isn’t worried.
“My old friend and colleague, the president of the United States, has said if it’s truly … for medical use, it’s not going to attract the attention of the federal government,” the senator said. “We’re going to show the federal government that this is a model.”
David Blanchette, spokesman for Quinn, said the Democratic governor wants to examine the bill closely before deciding whether to sign or veto it.
“In the past, he has said he has an open mind” to the issue, Blanchette told The Times.
The governor has 60 days from the time the bill hits his desk to take action on the bill. The legislation is likely to reach the governor sometime next week, Blanchette said.
Drug war police corruption in Utah???
A ‘Pandora’s Box of Problems’ From a Police Shooting and Drugs in a Utah Town
Published: May 17, 2013
WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah — It began with bullets and bloodshed one November afternoon. A 21-year-old woman was dead. Two undercover officers had opened fire on her car. The police began asking the usual questions about what had happened, and why.
Danielle Willard was killed in the parking lot of a rundown apartment complex after officers from the West Valley City Police Department opened fire on her car.
Their investigation cracked open what one prosecutor called a “Pandora’s box of problems” here in Utah’s second-largest city, where Mormon pioneers once raised milk cows and sugar beets. There have been accusations of stolen drugs and missing money, abuses of police power and a cloud of corruption that defies Utah’s reputation for sunny optimism.
Over the past few months, accusations of bad police work in the narcotics squad of the West Valley City Police Department have engulfed the town and sent shock waves through Utah’s justice system. Prosecutors have tossed out 125 criminal cases. Dozens of convictions may have to be re-examined. The F.B.I. is investigating the Police Department and several officers.
Officials in Utah say they have never seen anything like it.
“Chaos,” said Sim Gill, the district attorney for Salt Lake County.
And West Valley City, a diverse blue-collar suburb of about 132,000 people that has tried to overcome its image as the state capital’s scraggly stepchild, has been knocked on its heels. Instead of discussing new office parks and glimmering shopping malls, city officials are facing a drumbeat of negative news coverage. The city is now likely to face lawsuits from people whose drug arrests have been undermined by accusations of police misconduct.
“As you start to put these things together, each one individually is concerning,” Mr. Gill said. “Collectively, they are devastating.”
The uproar began with the killing on Nov. 2 of Danielle Willard in the parking lot of a run-down apartment complex.
Ms. Willard, who had struggled with drug addiction for much of her life, was shot and killed by undercover officers from the West Valley City Police Department’s neighborhood narcotics unit. The police say that Ms. Willard had been seen buying drugs, and that when officers approached her silver Subaru Forester, she backed up in their direction, striking one officer. They opened fire, hitting her in the head. She was unarmed.
As police investigators combed through the crime scene, they popped opened the trunk of the car belonging to Detective Shaun Cowley — one of two narcotics officers who had been on the scene of the shooting. Inside, they found drug paraphernalia and items linked to previous drug cases. The discovery touched off an investigation into the actions of Detective Cowley and the other officers in the unit.
Lindsay Jarvis, a lawyer for Detective Cowley, said that the evidence found in his car was in sealed, marked bags in a lockbox. “Was there something criminal about it? Absolutely not,” she said. “Shaun is being used as a scapegoat for all of the activities going on in the narcotics unit.”
In a department with about 180 officers, the neighborhood narcotics unit was a squad of seven officers, one sergeant and one lieutenant that focused on smaller-scale dealers and users, according to Anita Schwemmer, the acting police chief. The unit handled hundreds of cases each year.
As weeks passed with little information about Ms. Willard’s killing, questions multiplied. Ms. Willard’s family seethed, publicly calling West Valley City’s silence a cover-up. Articles in The Salt Lake Tribune raised questions about the department’s policies, and people started asking whether West Valley City’s residents could still trust its police force.
“It really heated up,” said Wayne Pyle, the city manager.
Over the winter, West Valley City’s retiring police chief shut down the narcotics unit, leaving drug arrests to patrol officers and other departments. The unit’s nine officers were put on administrative leave. And last month, West Valley City officials offered a few details from their investigation into the drug squad.
They found that officers had mishandled evidence and had placed tracking devices on suspects’ cars without getting necessary warrants. Confidential informers had been misused. In some cases, officers had removed trinkets like necklaces or candles from the scene of drug arrests as “trophies.” In a few instances, drugs and money were missing.
City and police officials say the problems appear to be confined to the narcotics unit, and said most of the missteps were relatively minor, like taking change or DVDs from seized cars that were bound for the auction block. Officials said that only a few officers appeared to have a hand in the most serious breaches.
“Do I believe it’s widespread corruption up and down the department?” asked Mr. Pyle, the city manager. “No, I do not.”
Whatever its scale, the revelations upended scores of criminal cases.
After Joseph Hu, a network engineer and part-time student, was arrested on charges of drug distribution and weapons possession last September, his lawyer filed a request for West Valley City to test the $40 in heroin they claimed to have seized. A few weeks later, the city dismissed the case with no explanation and let Mr. Hu out of jail.
“All we knew was something was wrong,” said Mr. Hu’s lawyer, Kelly Ann Booth. “But we didn’t know what.”
The pattern was repeated in case after case, defense lawyers said: When they decided to challenge drug charges rather than accept a quick guilty plea, West Valley City folded up the cases. Then the district attorney, after reviewing hundreds of cases, began dismissing them by the dozen, saying he could not successfully prosecute them.
“There was not a single case I wanted to dismiss,” said Mr. Gill, the district attorney. “We had no choice.”
Advocates for Hispanic residents were jarred by one detail: In 93 of 114 cases dismissed by the district attorney, the defendants had Latino last names. City officials say that reflected a reality of how drugs are traded and trafficked in central Utah; activists said it indicated bias.
“This is racial profiling all the way,” said Tony Yapias of Proyecto Latino de Utah. The group has been meeting with city officials as they try to rebuild bridges in the community.
So far, no criminal charges have been filed against anyone in the department, and no officers have been fired.
In Washington State, Ms. Willard’s mother, Melissa Kennedy, said that she is getting tired of waiting. Her daughter, she said, was a goofy and bubbly girl who was falling into a heroin addiction by the time she was a high school senior. Her parents had sent her to Utah to a rehab program near Salt Lake City. It seemed to work for a while, but Ms. Willard fell back with friends who were drug users.
Ms. Kennedy said that she does not know whether her daughter had started doing drugs again, but she said she was a 21-year-old who should still be alive. Ms. Kennedy has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city.
“I’ve been lied to, my daughter has been murdered and I don’t know why,” she said. “There is not one thing they could say to me that I would believe.”
More on that draconian Illinois medical marijuana bill
Illinois Senate approves medical marijuana bill
By Monique Garcia Clout Street
4:07 p.m. CDT, May 17, 2013
SPRINGFIELD --- The Senate today approved legislation that would allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana to patients with serious illnesses, sending the measure to Gov. Pat Quinn.
The issue pitted supporters arguing for compassion for those suffering from pain they say only cannabis can ease against opponents who contend the legislation would undermine public safety.
Sponsoring Sen. Bill Haine, D-Alton, argued the measure is one of the toughest in the nation. Haine said his bill does not reflect other states that have “sloppily” instituted medical marijuana laws.
“This bill is filled with walls to keep this limited,” said Haine, a former Madison County state’s attorney.
Sen. Kyle McCarter, R-Lebanon, raised concerns about lawmakers endorsing a product that classified as a controlled substance by the federal government, arguing marijuana is a gateway drug that could lead users to harder substances.
“For every touching story we have heard about the benefits to those in pain, I remind you today that there are a thousand time more parents who will never be relieved from the pain of losing a child due to addiction which in many cases started with the very illegal, FDA-unapproved addiction-forming drug that you are asking us to now make a normal part of our communities,” McCarter said. [These government tyrants probably think that if something makes you feel good it should be a crime????]
The proposal would create a four-year trial program in which doctors could prescribe patients no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana every two weeks. To qualify, patients must have one of 42 serious or chronic conditions -- including cancer, multiple sclerosis or HIV -- and an established relationship with a doctor.
Patients would undergo fingerprinting and a criminal background check and would be banned from using marijuana in public and around minors. Patients also could not legally grow marijuana, and they would have to buy it from one of 60 dispensing centers across Illinois. The state would license 22 growers.
The measure drew strong opposition from the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and the Illinois Sheriffs' Association, which sent a letter to the governor and lawmakers warning the proposal would not stop medical marijuana card holders from driving while under the influence. They suggested blood and urine testing be included in the legislation to allow police to determine whether card holders had marijuana in their system while driving.
Haine argued the law has safeguards to prevent that, including designating on a driver's license whether they use medical marijuana.
The Senate vote was 35-21, with 30 needed to pass the bill. It goes to Quinn, who has not indicated whether he will sign it. The Democratic governor recently said he is open minded to the legislation.
Read the bill:
See how House members voted last month: HERE
See how the Senate voted today: HERE
Twitter @moniquegarcia
Andrew Walter wants to boot socialist Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema
Andrew Walter wants to boot socialist Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema!!!
Normally I would support an atheist running for Congress, but atheist Kyrsten Sinema is probably the worst Congressperson in Washington D.C if you ask me.
Kyrsten Sinema seems to be a socialist who never met a tax she didn't love.
While a member of the Arizona Legislator Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema seemed to be a big time supporter of the police state by introducing a law that would have gutted Arizona's medical marijuana law (Prop 203) by slapping a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.
Kyrsten Sinema is also a gun grabber.
2 join 2014 race for Arizona Congress
By Rebekah L. Sanders The Republic | azcentral.com Fri May 17, 2013 10:27 PM
Two Republican candidates for Congress are getting an early jump on the midterm election.
Andrew Walter, a former Arizona State University quarterback, and Gabriela Saucedo Mercer, a Tucson activist, have officially launched campaigns for 2014.
Walter, a native of Scottsdale and a political newcomer, is competing for the metro Phoenix district held by freshman Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema. The seat is considered a toss-up.
After college, Walter, 31, spent five years in the NFL, earned a master’s in business administration from ASU, founded a small lending company and worked for MidFirst Bank.
He said his time as a team captain at ASU taught him leadership and teamwork. “That’s exactly what we need today” in Congress, he told The Arizona Republic.
Walter said he is motivated by out-of-control federal spending, a sluggish economic recovery, a poor education system and looming problems associated with implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
“There’s no time to waste on solving any of these issues,” he said. “I don’t think we have that much longer to act.”
Walter doesn’t want to be a “career politician” influenced by “special interests,” he said. When pressed, he said he would term-limit himself and vote for term limits, though he hasn’t decided what length of time a politician should serve. Walter said as far as special-interest donations to political-action committees go, if “it’s individuals or institutions that embrace an economic-freedom agenda, we have a lot to talk about.”
Other Republicans who have filed paperwork to run in District 9 are Wendy Rogers, Vernon Parker and Martin Sepulveda, who all ran last year. Rogers is the only candidate in the race who has raised much campaign cash to date.
But Sinema’s $333,000 haul from January through March has far surpassed the field.
In southern Arizona, Saucedo Mercer will make a second run at Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a Democrat, who defeated her last cycle.
Saucedo Mercer has criticized Grijalva for his 2010 call to boycott Arizona after the state passed the tough immigration-enforcement law known as Senate Bill 1070.
The district is heavily left-leaning, but Saucedo Mercer said in a written statement that Grijalva can be defeated.
“District 3 can elect a real representative to Congress who will work to bring back jobs, improve our education system, and defend our Constitutional rights,” she said. “Together, we can boycott this career politician, his fat cat political allies and special interest groups that are putting District 3 out of work.”
Kyrsten Sinema becomes a Republican???
It seems like Kyrsten Sinema will say anything to get elected and now she seems to be preaching both the Democratic and Republic lines in an attempt to get re-elected in 2014.
Salmon, Sinema agree on key elements of immigration reform
By Gary Nelson The Republic | azcentral.com Wed Apr 3, 2013 10:45 AM
They come from different political perspectives and sit on opposite sides of the aisle, but the Southeast Valley’s two U.S. representatives are in sync on the need for immigration reform.
Matt Salmon, the Republican veteran, and Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic freshman, shared the platform Tuesday at the 2013 East Valley Statesperson’s Luncheon in Mesa presented by the East Valley Partnership.
Salmon represents Congressional District 5, which includes east Mesa, Gilbert, Queen Creek and parts of Chandler. He was re-elected in November after a 12-year absence from the U.S. House, where he served three previous terms. Sinema’s District 9 cuts a swath from north-central Phoenix through Tempe, west Mesa and Chandler into Ahwatukee.
“I think something will happen” this year on immigration reform, Salmon said, agreeing with Sinema on key elements of a plan that would improve border security while providing legal ways for foreign nationals to work here.
Sinema said legislation is likely to emerge from the House this month, but the end product will have to mesh with a Senate bill being pushed by the so-called “Gang of Eight,” which includes Arizona Republican Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake.
Salmon and Sinema both said reform will help the economy, and it’s vital to provide ways for highly educated people to stay.
“One of the worst things we’re doing right now is bringing those folks here, training them, educating them, and then sending them back to their country where they are going to compete with us,” Sinema said.
Salmon agreed. “I’d like to see us operate a little more like the National Basketball Association,” Salmon said: If you can play, you can stay.
The lawmakers also talked about federal budget issues, which continue to make headlines as the so-called sequestration budget cuts slice day-to-day federal operations.
Sinema lamented the lack of bipartisanship on budget issues, but Salmon said the problems are more profound than that.