Of course I suspect the special interest groups that own Congress lock, stock and barrel are
100 percent happy with what their bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions have gotten
Congress’ approval at record-low 10% The Daily Briefing By Laura Litvan Bloomberg News Friday June 14, 2013 7:40 AM WASHINGTON — The public’s scorn for a gridlocked Congress continues to grow, with a new Gallup poll showing confidence in the legislative body falling to 10 percent, the lowest level Gallup has ever found for any institution. The poll released yesterday placed Congress last among 16 institutions in a survey that included banks, the U.S. Supreme Court and the presidency. Congress was behind organized labor and health-maintenance organizations in public confidence. Congress’ 10 percent rating in the survey was 3 percentage points lower than in a similar Gallup survey of the public’s views of major institutions conducted at the same time last year. “Partisan bickering, gridlock, an inability to get things done — that’s what Americans are complaining about,” Frank Newport, Gallup’s editor in chief, said in an interview yesterday. The decline in confidence in Congress dates to 1973, when it was 42 percent, a level not matched since. Public opinion of the institution has fallen sharply in the past decade. Gallup’s current level is in line with other polls that show historically poor approval ratings for Congress and its top leaders. Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican who has said he won’t seek another term in 2016, said the poll result was deserved. “Why should it be that high?” Coburn said. “Look, we’re incompetent. I think it’s fully appropriate.” |