Homeless in Arizona

Why the fair tax and not flat tax?

1913 IRS Income Tax Form

  This letter to the editor shows the 16th Amendment was passed because it was a "soak the rich tax" and people were naive enough to think the 16th Amendment could get rich people to pay for their share of government.

Also the letter shows that the first income tax was a measly 1 percent tax on rich people that made $3,000 or more a year (about $50,000 to $60,000 in 2013 dollars). The first income tax maxed out at 6 percent for people that made half a million dollars ($500,000) or more.

You can see the SIMPLE 2 page first income tax form at this IRS URL

1913 First IRS Tax form
Of course today, the crooks in Congress are going to shake you down for a 10 withholding tax even if you make minimum wage. That is before Uncle Sam's goons shake you down for 12.4 Social Security tax in which you and your employer each pay 6.2 percent.

Last the author seems to endorse a flat tax as being fair. That is rubbish. That is like saying a government crook who robs you with a pistol is somehow committing a fairer form of robbery then a government crook who robs you with a machine gun.


Letter: Why the fair tax and not flat tax?

Posted: Saturday, July 6, 2013 12:14 pm

Letters to the Editor

In 1912, Congress passed into law our first income tax. It was sold to the American people as a 1-percent flat tax on the wealthy. The IRS became responsible for tax collection. It soon became clear to anyone with substantial knowledge of the tax code that obtaining tax breaks for the wealthy would be a lucrative business. The tax lobbyists in Washington, D.C. were born.

Over the years tens of thousands of changes to that 1 percent flat tax were made. That original flat tax was transformed into the monstrosity of a tax code that we have today. Our tax code is modified an average of three times daily when congress is in session. It was modified a total of 579 times in 2010.

There is an unhealthy relationship which exists between the tax lobbyist, the wealthy client and certain members of congress.

The tax lobbyists, on behalf of their wealthy clients, obtain huge tax breaks for their client with the help of a congressman.

Given the above facts, why would anyone believe that passage of a flat tax would not again evolve into another monstrosity? As long as the IRS exists, the likelihood of this happening again is real. The only solution is to eliminate the IRS by passage of the fair tax. The fair tax is supported by the best economists in the country.

Milton Cormier

Sun Lakes

Homeless in Arizona

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