An uh-oh moment for the Arizona GOP?
More on that law that makes it impossible for Libertarians and Greens to run for office.
Well, OK, it's not impossible if you have unlimited resources, but for all practical purposes the law makes it impossible for Libertarians and Greens to run for office.
Posted on July 2, 2013 5:26 pm by Laurie Roberts
An uh-oh moment for the Arizona GOP?
Yet another referendum has been filed, hoping to block a bit of midnight maneuvering by the Arizona Legislature.
Unlike the petition drive to block Medicaid expansion, however, this one’s actually got a good chance of making the ballot.
If you’re a Republican running for office in 2014, that can’t be good.
Protect Your Right to Vote Arizona is targeting House Bill 2305, a raft of election “reforms” passed in the final hours of this year’s legislative session.
The new law would make it harder to mount citizen initiatives and recalls, harder for third-party candidates to get on the ballot and it tosses a few obstacles into the path of civic-engagement groups that were successful last year in mobilizing thousands of new Latino voters.
“This is a power play by incumbents who are in charge right now,” said Julie Erfle, who is leading the referendum drive. “This is a way to negate what’s happening within the state of Arizona: the fact that Latinos are becoming more energized; the fact that people are starting to pay more attention; the fact that, in my opinion, things are starting to moderate. As things start to moderate, the people who are not moderate become more concerned and so then you get a bill like 2305 where they go about stacking the deck in their favor.”
Erfle writes the blog Politics Uncuffed, though she is best known as the widow of slain Phoenix Officer Nick Erfle.
Sen. Michele Reagan, R-Scottsdale, who authored much of the elections bill, did not return a call. In the past, she has said the bill is about fairness and fixing problems that cropped up in last year’s elections, when thousands of people who got early ballots showed up at the polls on Election Day and had to cast provisional ballots.
Referendum organizers hope to put HB 2305 on hold until November 2014, allowing voters to decide whether it should go into effect. To get on the ballot, they’ll need 86,406 voter signatures by Sept. 12. They’re aiming for twice that.
Former Rep. John Loredo, a Democratic consultant helping with the campaign, says referendum organizers will rely both on volunteers and paid circulators to get the signatures. I expect they’ll have plenty of help, given the sheer number of people this bill offends.
Among its provisions, the bill would:
– Make it harder for citizens to mount an initiative or a recall by requiring “strict compliance” with the laws governing such campaigns. Since at least 1991, the courts have required “substantial compliance”, giving citizens some leeway as they exercise their constitutional right to propose laws and recall elected officials.
Had “strict compliance” been required, last year’s sales tax and create a top-two primary initiatives probably wouldn’t have made the ballot. And ex-Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, wouldn’t have been recalled.
– Make it more difficult for third-party candidates to get on the ballot by massively increasing the number of signatures they need to seek their party’s nomination.
Republicans say it’s only fair that everybody should have to get the same number of signatures, so they’re lowering the number Republicans need and raising the bar for everybody else. The fact that Republicans believe Libertarian spoilers likely cost their party two congressional seats last year is entirely beside the point. Really.
– Allow county elections officials to potentially toss you off of the early ballot list if you didn’t vote in both the primary and general elections in both 2010 and 2012.
Supporters say this is a bid to clean up the early voter list, one supported by county elections officials who want to cut down on provisional ballots. Opponents point out that many of those who would be cleaned off the list just happen to be new Latino voters.
– Make it a crime for political or civic-engagement groups to return ballots on behalf of voters. Last year, that was a central feature of Latino groups’ successful get-out-the-vote drive.
Bottom line: the bill seems to help not so much voters but Republican officeholders.
“This is exactly what voters hate about politics,” Erfle said. “This is exactly why you get people who say I don’t pay attention and I don’t vote because it doesn’t matter. It’s all about people who just want to be in power.”
Beware the backfire, though.
This referendum is likely to bring a lot of highly motivated people to the polls.
Somehow, I don’t think they’ll be voting for Republicans.
HB 2305 - Makes it illegal for Libertarians & Greens to run for office!!!
OK, HB 2305 doesn't make it illegal for Greens or Libertarians to run for office in Arizona,
it just makes it almost impossible for them to run for office.
I was planning on going to the
Arizona Legislator web site
grabbing all the dirty, filthy nasty details about
HB 2305
which effectively makes it impossible for members of the
Libertarian and Green Parties to run for office and put them
here for the world to view.
But sadly the tyrants that passed the law in the Arizona Legislator
didn't want that to happen and put next to nothing on the
Arizona Legislator web page about
HB 2305.
HB 2305 - Sponsered by Eddie Farnsworth
The bill was sponsored by government tyrant Eddie Farnsworth.
Here are the nitty gritty details on that government tyrant:
Eddie Farnsworth
Republican District 12
House of Representatives
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 926-5735
(602) 417-3122 fax
Most bills in Arizona have a number of sponsors,
but I suspect since HB 2305 was so nasty and evil the only
person who would sponsor it was government tyrant Eddie Farnsworth.
That's not to say that the other people that helped pass HB 2305
are ethical people looking out for the interests of the people in Arizona,
they probably are not.
I suspect the reason no one else sponsored it was because they figured
that Eddie Farnsworth would receive the least amount of political damage
by sponsoring it.
HB 2305 - Title "initiatives; filings; circulators"
While HB 2305 is titled
initiatives; filings; circulators
It probably should be titled something like
Flush the voting rights of Libertarians & Greens down the toilet
HB 2305 - The law
web page
shows at 5 versions of HB 2305.
They are:
I am not sure which version was passed into law,
but I am guessing the
last version
was passed into law.
HB 2305 - The filthy details of the law
In the past to run for office you had to get a small percentage of
the number of registered voters in YOUR party to sign your petitions.
To run for governor of Arizona a Republican or Democrat would need
say 5,000 signatures.
But because the Libertarian and Green parties are very small parties
a Libertarian or Green Party member could run for governor with
something like 100 signatures.
The old law required:
one‑half of one per cent of the of the party of the candidate
The law has been changed with HB 2305 to require
one‑sixth of one per cent of the voter registration
That pretty much means that a Libertarian or Green who used to
be able to run for governor with a measly 100 signatures will now
be required to get the same number of signatures as a
Republican or Democrat running for office, which is something in
the range of 5,000+ signatures.
And of course that will effectively make it impossible for Libertarians
and Greens to run for office in Arizona.
I have not read the full law, but from what I have read in the newspapers,
the law will also make it more difficult for citizens to get citizens voter initiatives
on the ballot.
HB 2305 - Who voted for HB2305 in the Arizona Legislator????
Please note, many of these elected officials are lying hypocrites
who will do anything to get your vote.
One standard tactic is to vote both for and against a bill in different votes
so the politician can claim he wants it both ways.
Say a there is an abortion bill and the politicians wants to
tell people that are pro-abortion he agrees with them and
he wants to tell people that are anti-abortion that he also agrees
with them.
Of course that is a bold faced lie, but the politicians do it all the
time to get votes.
In this case the politician will vote against the abortion bill in it's
first reading. That way he can tell the anti-abortion folks he voted
against the bill in an attempt to get their votes.
Of course the politician will probably vote the way he actually believes
on the last vote of the bill, which is all that counts.
But he will use those prior votes, which were both for and against
the bill in an attempt get people to vote for him.
- John Allen
- Lupe Chavira Contreras
- Albert Hale
- Ethan Orr
- Doris Goodale
- Martín J. Quezada
- Justin Pierce
- Eddie Farnsworth
- Eddie Farnsworth
- David M. Gowan Sr.
- Javan "J.D." Mesnard
- Martín J. Quezada
- Bruce Wheeler
- Rick Gray
- Bob Robson
- Andy Tobin
- John Allen
- Brenda Barton
- Sonny Borrelli
- Paul Boyer
- Kate Brophy McGee
- Chad Campbell
- Mark A. Cardenas
- Heather Carter
- Doug Coleman
- Lupe Chavira Contreras
- Andrea Dalessandro
- Jeff Dial
- Juan Carlos Escamilla
- Karen Fann
- Eddie Farnsworth
- Thomas Forese
- Rosanna Gabaldón
- Ruben Gallego
- Doris Goodale
- David M. Gowan Sr.
- Rick Gray
- Albert Hale
- Lydia Hernández
- John Kavanagh
- Adam Kwasman
- Jonathan Larkin
- Debbie Lesko
- David Livingston
- Phil Lovas
- Stefanie Mach
- Javan "J.D." Mesnard
- Eric Meyer
- Catherine H. Miranda
- Darin Mitchell
- Steve Montenegro
- Justin Olson
- Ethan Orr
- Lisa Otondo
- Warren Petersen
- Frank Pratt
- Bob Robson
- Macario Saldate IV
- Carl Seel
- Andrew Sherwood
- T.J. Shope
- Steve Smith
- Victoria Steele
- David W. Stevens
- Bob Thorpe
- Kelly Townsend
- Michelle Ugenti
- Bruce Wheeler
- Andy Tobin
- Adam Driggs
- Robert Meza
- Kimberly Yee
- Nancy Barto
- Michele Reagan
- John Allen
- Brenda Barton
- Sonny Borrelli
- Paul Boyer
- Kate Brophy McGee
- Doug Coleman
- Jeff Dial
- Karen Fann
- Eddie Farnsworth
- Thomas Forese
- Doris Goodale
- David M. Gowan Sr.
- Rick Gray
- John Kavanagh
- Adam Kwasman
- Debbie Lesko
- David Livingston
- Phil Lovas
- Javan "J.D." Mesnard
- Darin Mitchell
- Steve Montenegro
- Justin Olson
- Ethan Orr
- Warren Petersen
- Justin Pierce
- Frank Pratt
- Bob Robson
- Carl Seel
- T.J. Shope
- David W. Stevens
- Bob Thorpe
- Kelly Townsend
- Andy Tobin
- Nancy Barto
- Judy Burges
- Rich Crandall
- Chester Crandell
- Adam Driggs
- Gail Griffin
- John McComish
- Al Melvin
- Steve Pierce
- Michele Reagan
- Don Shooter
- YKelli Ward
- Bob Worsley
- Steve Yarbrough
- Kimberly Yee
- Andy Biggs