Homeless in Arizona

Eating meat causes global warming???


Letter: Science says meat-eating doesn’t add to global warming

Posted: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:37 am

Letter to the Editor

Reader David Rich seems to be in full-flight hysteria as he preaches against eating meat (We can mitigate effects on our planet, May 26). He claims 97 percent of scientists think global warming is “human caused.”

What Rich doesn’t tell you is that 9,029 Ph.D. scientists have signed petitions stating, “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of greenhouse gasses is causing ... catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

Rich shudders that meat consumption causes greenhouse gasses, as if they were somehow bad. But plant life requires the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, which in-turn releases oxygen to us carnivores. Furthermore, NASA’s Langley Research Center collated data proving that greenhouse gases block 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the Sun.

The global-warming myth continues without credible evidence to support it. Three years ago the curtain was pulled away from the wizards who were caught doctoring data to “prove” their claims of imminent doom.

Despite this kind of alarmist fakery, Rich wants us to stop eating hamburgers to stop global warming. How nicely this dovetails with a new program by the United Nations calling for the harvesting of insects to substitute for meat consumption. According to their study, “Edible insects: Future prospects for food and feed security,” bugs are actually nutritious and environmentally friendly. As part of its drive for global so-called “sustainability,” the UN suggests we eat bugs instead of burgers.

P.J. O’Malley


Homeless in Arizona

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