Homeless in Arizona

Republicans pull a fast one on voters

Brewer signs bill outlawing Libertarian candidates???

  Brewer signs bill outlawing Libertarian candidates???

OK, technically Jan Brewer didn't sign a bill that outlaws Libertarians running for office.

But for all practical purposes this new law makes it impossible for Libertarians and Greens to run for office in Arizona.

From this editorial by Laurie Roberts it sounds like Jan Brewer has signed House Bill 2305 which effectively makes it impossible for Libertarian and Green Party candidates to run for office.

Currently the Libertarian and Green Parties each have slightly under 1 percent of the registered voters in their parties. To run for office as a member of the Green Party or Libertarian Party you need to collect between 5 and 150 signatures on petitions. From what I have read in one other article this new law will raise the number of signatures required and effectively make it impossible for Libertarians or Greens to run for office.


Republicans pull a fast one on voters

Last year, Republican Jonathan Paton lost his bid for Congress to Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick by about 9,000 votes. Meanwhile, Libertarian Kim Allen in the race got just over 15,000 votes.

But for the Libertarian, Paton would be a congressman today – assuming, as Republicans do, that Libertarian votes would logically slide over to the R column.

What’s a good Republican to do about a bunch of spoilers who are keeping them from electoral glory?

Well, today we found out.

This afternoon, Gov. Jan Brewer signed an elections bill that basically wipes out Libertarian and other third-party candidates, boosting their signature requirements to unattainable levels. Green Party candidates would actually have to collect more signatures than they have party members.

Wasn’t it just a few months ago that our leaders were oh so concerned about making sure that voters had choices? Who can forget their collective whine that last year’s top-two primary initiative would virturally assure that no third-party candidate would ever again appear on a general-election ballot?

Now they’ve guaranteed it.

The sponsor of House Bill 2305, Sen. Michele Reagan, calls her measure the “elections integrity bill.”

I imagine that Jonathan Paton might agree with her, and Vernon Parker as well.

Last year, Parker lost his Republican bid for Congress to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema by about 10,000 votes. Meanwhile, Libertarian Powell Gammill collected just over 16,000 votes.

But for the Libertarian, Parker would be a congressman today

Homeless in Arizona

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