Homeless in Arizona

August 2013 - Part 1


Valley Metro Bus Strike Lawsuit

Here are the nity gritty details about the bus strike and about the lawsuit I plan on filling against Valley Metro and the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale and Gilbert.

Here is the bus pass I purchased, but which I could not use on August 1 thru 4 in the cities of Chandler, Tempe, Mesa and Gilbert which had all of their bus service stopped by the bus strike.

Some of the bus service was stopped in Phoenix and Scottsdale too. But other bus unions also provide bus service in Phoenix and Scottsdale so bus service did not come to a complete halt in Phoenix and Scottsdale like it did in the other cities.

Also the light rail service, which is run by another union continued to provide service. I did ride once on the light rail during the strike, when I went to the First Fridays event in downtown Phoenix.

Here are photos of both sides of my bus pass, which I could not use during Aug 1 thru 4. The bus pass number seems to be # L31-0013125. I probably bought it at the APS office in Chandler.

Valley Metro bus strike lawsuit - Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Phoenix - Bus strike - August 1 thru August 4, 2013 - 31 day local full fare bus pass # L31-0013125 good thru August 22, 2013

Valley Metro bus strike lawsuit - Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Phoenix - Bus strike - August 1 thru August 4, 2013 - 31 day local full fare bus pass # L31-0013125 good thru August 22, 2013


Aug 1 2013 - Bus strike in the East Valley

First a "f*ck you" to the union thugs who are members of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433 who drive Valley Metro buses and work for First Transit.

Look you jerks, if you don't like your job quit it.

Now here are a few articles on the bus strike and the messes in the East Phoenix suburbs that these jerk drivers have created.

From what I have seen only bus routes in the East Valley are on strike. This is in Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, Gilbert and Chandler.

Light rail is still running, but only because it is operated by a different group of union thugs.

The little cutesy blue buses in Tempe with names like Earth, Mars, Venus and Jupiter are all on strike too. That's because they are also operated by jerks who are in the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433.

For me I walked from the desert back to the city today.

It's a long walk, but I have done it before when I get up early.

Refunds for people with bus passes effected by the bus strike

As a result of the bus strike in the East Valley I could not use my bus pass for 4 days.

Here is my request for a refund I sent to Valley Metro, and a notice of damages that I also sent to Valley Metro asking for a request for a refund.

Of course I suspect the probability of me getting a refund is just as high as having a snow storm in Phoenix in the middle of August.

My request for damages over the bus strike sent to Valley Metro

As a result of the bus strike in the East Valley I could not use my bus pass for 4 days.

Here is my request for a refund I sent to Valley Metro, and a notice of damages that I also sent to Valley Metro asking for a request for a refund.

Of course I suspect the probability of me getting a refund is just as high as having a snow storm in Phoenix in the middle of August.

Kept awake by motorcycles

Last night, Wed, July 31 I was again kept up late by noisy racing motorcycles.

It seems to start around 9:30, last night it was around 9:38.

Corporate welfare at Tempe Town Lake!!!!

Here is an interesting article about the millions of dollars in corporate welfare the members of the Tempe City Council are giving to developers on Tempe Town Toilet, aka Tempe Town Lake, in exchange for bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions.

I have these problems with Tempe Town Toilet or Tempe Town Lake as the royal members of the Tempe City Council call it.

1) A large part of the time the park is not open to the public, but used for events to raise money for the royal rulers of Tempe. And these events are expensive to attend and most people who live in the city of Tempe, and pay for the Tempe Town Toilet can't afford to attend the events.

2) These events cause huge traffic jams and parking problems in the downtown Tempe area

3) When these events are concerts they routinely keep people awake late at night in the entire downtown area, and as far north as Roosevelt Road in Scottsdale which is also Continental Drive in Tempe. I am not sure how far south the concerts can be heard.

Also check out:



Corporate welfare at Tempe Town Toilet!!!!

Here is an interesting article about the millions of dollars in corporate welfare the members of the Tempe City Council are giving to developers on Tempe Town Toilet, aka Tempe Town Lake, in exchange for bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions.

I have these problems with Tempe Town Toilet or Tempe Town Lake as the royal members of the Tempe City Council call it.

1) A large part of the time the park is not open to the public, but used for events to raise money for the royal rulers of Tempe. And these events are expensive to attend and most people who live in the city of Tempe, and pay for the Tempe Town Toilet can't afford to attend the events.

2) These events cause huge traffic jams and parking problems in the downtown Tempe area

3) When these events are concerts they routinely keep people awake late at night in the entire downtown area, and as far north as Roosevelt Road in Scottsdale which is also Continental Drive in Tempe. I am not sure how far south the concerts can be heard.

Also check out:



Joanna Allhands thinks Tempe Town Toilet will be a disaster

In this editorial Arizona Republic reporter Joanna Allhands seems to think that Tempe Town Toilet aka Tempe Town Lake will continue to be a disaster for the taxpayers of Tempe.

Of course the royal rulers on the Tempe City Council will continue to make out like bandits with all the bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions they take in exchange for giving business that build on the Tempe Town Toilet millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

Well fellow taxpayers of Tempe, there ain't much we can do other then bend over and give our hard earned money to the royal rulers on the Tempe City Council, who will then give our hard earned cash to the millionaire developers who give them campaign contributions.

Enjoying that wonderful feeling of security in America

Enjoying that wonderful feeling of security in America - 
                        NSA - Home Sweet Home - The American Police State brought 
                        to you by Barack Obama and George W. Bush

Mesa parents arrested for unsanitary home

Can you believe that the Mesa police arrested and jailed a couple for having a dirty home???

On top of that these jackbooted Mesa pigs stole the couples children and turned them over to Child Protective Services.

More on this insanity in this article.

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??????

Southeast Valley bus strike has commuters scrambling

Another "f*ck you" to the union thugs who are members of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1433 who are causing nothing but problems for the people in the east part of the Phoenix metro area that ride buses.

Here is the article on how the bus strike is screwing things up.

Routes threatened by bus drivers' strike

This article lists the bus routes that are affected by the east Phoenix bus driver strike.

Phoenix suggests options for riders during bus strike

In this article the morons who are our government masters tell you what you always know on how to keep the bus strike from effecting you.

Walk, hitchhike, ride a bus, or just stay home.

Yea, like you couldn't figure that out on your own.

$600 million Tempe Town Toilet project begins

I wonder how many millions of our hard earned tax dollars the city of Tempe, ASU, and the state of Arizona are going to give State Farm in corporate welfare to build this $600 million project on Tempe Town Lake. Read more in this article

Brewer: new State Farm facility in Tempe proof economic policies are working

In this article Jan Brewer our double talking Arizona governor tries to use this project to prove she is the best thing in the world since sliced bread.

Too much information is being kept secret

Here is an editorial from the folks at the Arizona Republic on why way too much stuff is being classified by the government as secret.

They gave the article a second title of

'Classified' is government code for 'don't embarrass us'

Russia grants NSA leaker Snowden asylum

In this article the commies in Russia are letting American Freedom Fighter Edward Snowden hand out there for a while.

Ugly reality about Pretty Boy Flake

While I pretty much think that Arizona Congressman Jeff Flake is a real jerk I disagree with Linda Valdez in this editorial in which she criticizes Jeff Flake for not bringing enough Federal pork to Arizona.

Linda Valdez doesn't seem to realize that "pork" in the Federal government is the PROBLEM. And things are not going to be fixed until our government masters don't stop shoveling the pork out to all the special interest groups that helped them get elected.

Don't Google "pressure cooker" unless you love cops

Remember that Emperor Obama says you don't have to worry about any of that data his buddies at the NSA are collecting on you unless you are a criminal.

Well, or unless you happen to Google the words "pressure cooker", and then you may have a whole slew of Homeland Security goons in your living rooms at the folks in this article did.

Medical marijuana legal in Chicago!!!!

If you live in Chicago you may want to get sick after reading this article.

Well at least sick enough to smoke a joint.

Uruguay takes key step toward legalizing marijuana

According to this article there is a good chance that marijuana will be legalized in Uruguay for recreational use.

Well if you don't like those cold Chicago winters then maybe Uruguay is the place to go to smoke a joint.

And you don't have to get sick in Uruguay to smoke a joint.

Phoenix narcotics agents lauded

As usual the government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem as in this article.

The cause of the problem is the American government insane and unconstitutional war on drugs.

It's time to legalize ALL drugs and end these government caused problems.

Time to legalize fairness (and pot)

Holy cow Montini thinks it's time to legalize marijuana in this editorial.

Of course this is one of the rare times I agree with Montini.

Dog left in 100-degree weather, owners due in court

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down.

According to this article there people were arrested for leaving a dog in a hot car.

So what!!!! This is Phoenix!!!! We have over 100 days a year where it is over 100°F!!!!!!

Those under worked and over paid Scottsdale pigs need to find some REAL criminals to hunt down and arrest!!!!!

U.S. issues worldwide travel alert amid terrorism fears

I suspect this article is another cause of H. L. Mencken statement of:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
On the other hand the American government has murdered thousands, and probably hundreds of thousands of innocent people with our unconstitutional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so maybe it is time for the Arab world to attack the evil American Empire.

Global warming causes global violence????

If this article were true, Phoenix would have more murders then Chicago!!!!!

A new lame excuse to ban guns???? Forest Fires???

In this article they are using the lame excuse that guns might cause fires to ban shooting in the desert.

Of course first they ban shooting in the desert and next they ban possessing guns in the desert.

The article says a whopping 5 fires are allegedly started each year in the desert by bullets that hit rocks causing sparks, which then start a fire.

I wonder how many fires are caused each year by cigarette smoking, camp fires, or even by cars.

And of course compare that to the hundreds if not thousands of lightning strikes that occur when a monsoon passes over the desert in the summer.

Kyrsten Sinema inicia campaña en favor de estudiantes

Mas aqui.

Vote for Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema and get free money????

Students want some free money???? Vote for Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema. More here.

"Center for Arizona Policy" mixing religion and government in Arizona

From this article it sounds like Cathi Herrod's "Center for Arizona Policy" has been rather successful in using the government to force their narrow minded religious beliefs on the people of Arizona.

Abortions in Arizona down 7.4% in 2012, report says

From this article it sounds like Cathi Herrod's "Center for Arizona Policy" has been rather successful in using the government to force their narrow minded religious beliefs on the people of Arizona.

First Fridays

On Aug 2, I went to First Fridays in downtown Phoenix.

While the map says it along Roosevelt from 7th Street to 15th Avenue, then down Grand Avenue to 7th Avenue, then down Van Buren to Central, back to Roosevelt and then up to the Phoenix Library on 3rd Street I only went to the part along Roosevelt between Central and 7th Street.

It was pretty cool.

Reminds me a lot of Fourth Avenue in Tucson and Mill Avenue in Tempe 30 years ago.

I ran into Austin Head, a Democrat running for the Phoenix City Council.

In the Republic that day the had a newspaper article about his campaign signs which read:

I (heart) Head
So when I saw the signs I asked about them.

He is a gay guy, who has a medical marijuana prescription.

He said he thinks pot should be legalized.

Since he was gay, I told him I didn't think the government had any business regulating marriage and that marriages should be a civil union, not something that you have to get government approval to do.

I also saw Dennis the guy that is running the campaign to legalize marijuana in Arizona down there.

Several hooting owls???

As I was walking back to the city this morning I heard two owls hooting and talking to each other.

I couldn't see any of the owls.

Even though it was still dark, I can often see the black outlines of the owls on the trees.

A proven model

A Cheap Spying Tool With a High Creepy Factor

In this article we have some cheap low tech spying tools that will allow you to pretend you are the FBI, Homeland Security, NSA, or even the Tempe Police and spy on your neighbors internet use.

Low tech internet spying - NSA tools for the homeless???

In this article we have some cheap low tech spying tools that will allow you to pretend you are the FBI, Homeland Security, NSA, or even the Tempe Police and spy on your neighbors internet use.

Arab atheists, though few, inch out of the shadows

And you thought being an atheist in the USA was a pain in the butt.

According to this article its really a pain for people in Arab countries where the government and religion are the same.

Marc Victor on Facebook

Marc Victor on Facebook via Vahid Thane Lee Eichenauer

Mexican city fines concert $8,000 over drug ballads

In this article it looks like the royal rulers of the Mexican city of Chihuahua are learning a little from our royal rulers in American on how to use the "war on drugs" to steal money for themselves.

I am seeing lots of birds!!!!

When I was riding my bike on the Western Canal I saw what looked like a black egret????

It was like an egret, but a very dark color, almost black.

As I got close to it, it took off and flew away from me.

It landed next to some ducks, which seemed to be hanging out with it.

In the last couple of days I have seen a whole bunch of owls in the area I sleep at.

I have seen several pairs of owls either hanging out together on the same pole or tree, or hooting at each other.

10 years since they made VWs in Mexico

According to this article it's been 10 years since they made VWs in Mexico.

Mississippi law requires cord blood from teen moms

In this article we have more mixing of government and religion.

ASU smoking ban starts today

This silly smoking ban at ASU is all about being politically correct. Because of that, the ban will not be enforced.

I sure wish they enforced the laws against marijuana in the same way they are going to enforce this smoking ban.

Sal DiCiccio brings Phoenix necessary tough love

I don't really like Sal DiCiccio but he does a few things right as documented in this article.

Lobbyists spend big in California in the first half of the yea

In this article we see government isn't about being a good public servant. Government is all about extracting money from the serfs that you rule over and giving that money to the special interest groups that helped get you elected.

Cops pepper spray teenagers pizza????

The sadistic things cops will do to people never cease to amaze me. Read more in this article.

Congress to take a 5 week vacation!!!!

On thing Congress is good at is taking vacations. Read more in this article.

Postal Service takes photos of all mail

The NSA and Homeland Security are not the only folks in the US government that are violating the 4th Amendment by spying on you. In this article the US Post Office snaps a photo of every letter you mail.

Desert Vista High to require students to display IDs

I guess it should be called Desert Vista Prison, not Desert Vista High School. In this article the students, sorry I mean the inmates at Desert Vista High School are going to be forced to wear badges all day at school.

Scottsdale Schools to be run like POW camps???

Desert Vista High School isn't the only high school in Arizona that is being run like a prison. In this article the Scottsdale Schools will now be run like prisons too, where the inmates, oops, I mean students are forced to wear ID badges all the time.

Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos qualifies for pension

Wow our government masters really pay themselves well. Read about Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos pension in this article.

The GOP flips the script on Obama

Sadly our government masters are not the "public servants" they pretend to be. Government is all about power and control. Read more in this article.

Calif. religious-order files reveal decades of abuse

Sadly our religious leaders are not much better then our government masters. Read more in this article.

Southeast Valley buses back on streets after 4-day strike

The good news is the bus strike is over according to this article.

L.A. actors with fake guns bring police with real ones

We are lucky the trigger happy Los Angeles police didn't murder anybody when they showed up at this film shooting. Read more in this article.

Supreme Court may need to decide how private a cellphone is

Sadly the Supreme Court has flushed many parts of the 4th Amendment down the toilet. Read more in this article.

Photo radar bandits for 15 mph school zones???

In this article the Scottsdale Schools are installing photo radar bandits in those silly 15 mph school zones to shake down the serfs they rule over for more money.

NSA is giving your phone records to the DEA.

Our government masters tell us they are spying on us to prevent terrorism. But that is a lie. In this article the goons at NSA are giving the information they collect on us to the DEA to shake us down for committing victimless drug war crimes.

10 years since VWs have been made in Mexico

Here is an article in Spanish about VW bugs in Mexico.

Small police forces snap up military surplus

Sadly the police seem to feel that they are are war with the people they pretend to protect and they are grabbing all kinds of free military equipment from the Federal government to use against us as you will read in this article.

Search Warrants required for drone overflights???

For every thousand negative articles I post there is always one or two good articles. In this article some states are requiring search warrants for drone over flights.

Of course I suspect the police will ignore these laws just like they routinely ignore the 4th Amendment.

Russia protects Snowden from the USA

Russia's protecting Snowden from the USA seems mostly political. See more in this article.

School can’t ban ‘boobies’ bracelets, court rules

With all the dumb, silly, politically correct things the government schools do I am suprised they every teach the kids anything. Read more about the thousands of dollars in legal fees the government schools (public schools) are wasting to prevent students from wearing boobie bracelets in this article.

Babeu criticizes migrant reform bill

I suspect that Pinal County Sheriff Babeu is both a racist and an empire builder in this article.

Priest accused of being with prostitute near cemetery

More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders in this article.

Dancing leads to ‘saggy pants’ arrest

Jesus, don't the cops have any real criminals to arrest??? Read more in this article.

Bradley Manning’s mother: My son is ‘Superman’

Bradley Manning isn't a criminal, he is a patriot and freedom fighter. Read more in this article.

Corporations that sell poisons and industrial chemicals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

Obama - No more drone murders (fingers crossed)

In this article Emperor Obama seems to be lying about saying he is going to stop murdering people with drones!!!!!

Mesa cops murder man in wheelchair

In this article the Mesa police murder a man in a wheel chair.

Valley Metro: CEO approved lack of minimum service

In this article it sounds like Valley Metro did not honor their contract to deliver some sort of minimal bus service during the last bus strike.

I should use this article in my lawsuit against Valley Metro.

BOP Career Opportunities: Chaplain

In this article it sure sounds like the government is mixing religion and government in violation of the First Amendment.

Doctor demonizes marijuana???

In this article we have a medical doctor who seems to be demonizing marijuana and other drugs in an attempt to prevent college kids from using it.

Whenever you lie to kids about things, they usually quickly discover the truth.

Public servants??? No public parasites!!!!

In this article our government masters are not the public servants they pretend to be. They are parasites that prey on us.

Five myths about libertarians

A lot of people have misconceptions about Libertarians. This article addresses those misconceptions.

OC prosecutors: Deputy pepper-sprayed teen's pizza

In this article a sadistic Orange County cop gets his jollies by pepper spraying a teenager's pizza.

Protecting and serving is a bunch of BS.

In reality it's terrorizing and abusing the serfs the police rule over.

Former MCSO officer pleads not guilty to sexual assault

In this article we have more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.

Ex-Phoenix officer’s murder trial set to begin

In this article a Phoenix cop who is accused of murder is going on trial.

This is very unusual, because cops who commit crimes are rarely arrested and put on trial for their crimes.

Despite Administration Promises, Few Signs of Change in Drone Wars

Another empty promise from the Obama Administration to stop murdering innocent people with drones in this article.

10 años del último ‘vocho’ fabricado en México

Here is an article in Spanish about the last VWs manufactured in Mexico.

Interest grows in New Zealand’s designer drug law

In this article New Zealand is going to regulate designed drugs rather then make them illegal.

That is a step in the wrong direction, but is better then making them illegal like we do in the USA.

Use this article when I sue Valley Metro for a refund on my bus pass

When I sue Valley Metro for not giving me a refund on my bus pass for the days the drivers were on strike use this article which said the the CEO of Valley Metro approved the fact that they did not allow any drivers to work to break the strike.

Valley Metro: CEO approved lack of minimum service

When I sue Valley Metro for not giving me a refund on my bus pass for the days the drivers were on strike use this article which said the the CEO of Valley Metro approved the fact that they did not allow any drivers to work to break the strike.

Old tobacco playbook gets new use by e-cigarettes

In this article the tobacco companies seem to be using the same tricks to get people addicted to electronic cigarettes as they did to get them addicted to real cigarettes.

A Cheap Spying Tool With a High Creepy Factor

In this article they list a number of cheap tools that will help computer geeks spy on their friends.

Low tech internet spying - NSA tools for the homeless???

In this article they list a number of cheap tools that will help computer geeks spy on their friends.

Designing Without Tables

As I was riding my bike around on the first day of the stupid bus strike I found some free books that were being given away.

The first book was titled:

HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS
It was written by Dan Shafer.

So far the book has been worth every cent I paid for it.

Or perhaps it would be better if I said that the books isn't worth a penny more then I paid for it. And I got the book for free.

The book seems to say that designing web pages using tables is bad, bad, bad, and then gives a few lousy excuses on why tables are bad, none of which I agree with.

While the book's title claims it is all about designing web pages without table that is very misleading.

The book designs ONE stinking web pages without tables. Yes, I said ONE STINKING web page.

Well the guy gave us one example which has 5 slightly different flavors to create a tableless web page with 3 columns.

The first flavor or example, defines a table with 3 columns and no header or footer.

This web page has one bug which we will see later.

The second example, takes the first tableless 3 column web page and adds a header to it.

This example has he same bug as the first example. The third example then throws in a footer to the tableless web page.

This is where the bug shows up.

In the third example the footer is not at the bottom of the 3 tables.

The footer is at the bottom of the middle tables, but in my version of the example, both the left and right columns extend past the footer which is in the middle.

In the fourth example they fix the footer bug with a stupid JavaScript program.

Jesus, I thought writing web pages with <DIV>'s was supposed to be simpler then when using tables.

Now the fifth and final example fixes the bug in example three using this CSS


Even in this example it is a real kludge.

You must put the <div>'s in this order

  1. #left
  2. #right
  3. #center
or things won't work!!!!

You also have to use a wrapper to wrap the previous 3 <div>'s like this

     <DIV id="left">
     <DIV id="right">
     <DIV id="center">
And finally the whole thing with the headers and footers looks like this:
<DIV id="top">
     <DIV id="left">
     <DIV id="right">
     <DIV id="center">
<DIV id="bottom">

Well after reading the whole book, I guess it was worth 2 or 3 cents more then I paid for it.

Even though I had previously used the

I didn't realized that it could fix the problems of <div>'s being merged together or overlapping.

And again I have don't lots' of JavaScript, but I had not used the taken advantage of the way JavaScript can dynamically fix the footer bug.

Even if it is a kludge.

Interviews with idiots

When I went to an interview in Avondale, the guy who interviewed me admitted he wasn't an experienced programmer and didn't know what he was doing all the time.

But that didn't stop him from accusing me of incorrectly accusing me of using my CSS definitions wrong.

When I define CSS stuff I typically define them like this

.xxx { css stuff}
He claimed that I was wrong and should be doing it like this:
#xxx { css stuff}
And of course that is one of the reasons I created these Stupid HTML tests to play with id=xxx, class=xxx and .xxx {} and #xxx {} to get a feel of how they work.

From my playing and a little Google'ing it seems that the id=xxx and #xxx {} stuff has never been implemented in the browsers as it was defined.

The real question is who knows why.

I also had an interview with another amateur programmer in Gilbert and he seem to be the same way.

Despite admitting that he wasn't really an experienced programmer it didn't seem to bother him to criticize me for stuff he didn't fully understand.

Stupid HTML tests

  1. test 1
  2. test 3 - add in a top section
  3. test 4 - add in a top & bottom section
  4. test 5 - add in a top & bottom section - fixed with clear:both;
  5. test 2 .xxx vs #xxx id= vs class=

Fully Informed Juries

I have to finish this article but when I do finish it the article will be about jury nullification which is when a jury says that even though a person is guilty of a crime they are letting the person go because the laws are unfair, the laws are selectively enforced or the laws are unconstitutional.

Back in the days of slavery juries would routinely find people charged with the crime of helping slaves escape innocent, even thought they were guilty.

In those cases the jury thought that the laws making it illegal to help slaves escape were wrong and unjust.

The same thing happened when America make drinking liquor illegal during what we called the Prohibition.

Juries routinely found bootleggers and other criminals that were involved in the distribution of illegal liquor innocent, even though they were guilty as hell.

Again the juries thought that the laws making booze illegal were unjust and decided to nullify those laws in the jury room.

If you ask me juries should be doing the same thing now when people are arrested for victimless drug war crimes.

The juries should let the people go, even thought the people are guilty because the laws making drugs illegal are unfair, selectively enforced and unconstitutional.

My Petition to Legalize Marijuana in Arizona

Here is my petition to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

Crooked Libertarian Lawyers

Write a blurb on those imaginary phoney baloney alleged Libertarian lawyers that cheat people out of their money and spread lies about them.

I was cheated out of $3,000 by two phoney baloney big talking alleged Libertarian lawyers.

I am going to write about this sooner or later.

I guess that is a way of saying all of the big talking self proclaimed Libertarian lawyers I know in the Phoenix area are crooks.

Drug War Facts and Statistics

Here are some interesting drug war statistics and drug war facts about America's insane and unconstitutional war on drugs.

Things society taught me to hate!!!!

Here are some things society taught me to hate and love.

All of it is irrational stuff.

'Classified' is government code for 'don't embarrass us'

Here is an editorial from the folks at the Arizona Republic on why way too much stuff is being classified by the government as secret.

Where was that photos shot at????

At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.

Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files.

Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos.

A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media.

Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at.

Tempe City Logo???

Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!!
City of Tempe logo - Nazi Germany German swastika, Soviet Union hammer and sickle, and of course a KKK or Ku Klux Klan knight white robe, they must be proud to be employees of the city of Tempe

Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residents

The Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.

Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo

Tempe jackbooted messy yard cops are shaking down Tempe barber Dan Armijo who runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop In this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.

Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe.

Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's.

I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop.

Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard

Jack Lowell - anti-war activist and messy yard criminals all rolled into one According to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.

I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts.

Social Security - How to get your loot

Sure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.

Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back.

Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that.

My Will

OK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.

Spanish Ordinal Numbers

One, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.

The Spanish Alphabet

OK, here is the Spanish alphabet.

B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza.

"RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter.

Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix

This url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.

Map of the Phoenix Canal System

For your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal system

Cops try to murder homeless people???

Man I got screwed up this morning. I gut stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.

Marijuana, grown in a National Park near you!!!!

According these articles drug cartels are moving their operations from Mexico to places that are cheaper to operate in.

And of course that means they are now growing their marijuana in American National Parks which are closer to the final destination of their drug users in the USA.

Babes from the Los Angeles Times

Here are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.

Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011

This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platform

Books on my reading list

Here are some books on my reading list.

They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds.

A Table of Contents for Homeless in Arizona

A toc for Homeless in Arizona?

IBM mainframe computers???

Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?

COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff?

I am a rock?

I am a Rock

Recycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???

Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???

I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program.

After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!!

More articles on Kyrsten Sinema

Some previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.

Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4

If you love taxes and hate guns your will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.

Kyrsten Sinema the government tyrant that proposed a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana

July 2013

August, 2013 - Part 2

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title