Valley Metro Bus Strike LawsuitHere are the nity gritty details about the bus strike and about the lawsuit I plan on filling against Valley Metro and the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale and Gilbert.Here is the bus pass I purchased, but which I could not use on August 1 thru 4 in the cities of Chandler, Tempe, Mesa and Gilbert which had all of their bus service stopped by the bus strike. Some of the bus service was stopped in Phoenix and Scottsdale too. But other bus unions also provide bus service in Phoenix and Scottsdale so bus service did not come to a complete halt in Phoenix and Scottsdale like it did in the other cities. Also the light rail service, which is run by another union continued to provide service. I did ride once on the light rail during the strike, when I went to the First Fridays event in downtown Phoenix. Here are photos of both sides of my bus pass, which I could not use during Aug 1 thru 4. The bus pass number seems to be # L31-0013125. I probably bought it at the APS office in Chandler. |
Glendale arena deal always stankIn this letter to the editor Tim Weaver of Glendale seems to think the Glendale city council members are a bunch of crooks.Hey Tim, I certainly have to agree with you on that. It's not about good government, it's a corporate welfare program for professional sports teams in exchange for bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions. Time to support equality in marriageSadly despite the First Amendment religion and government are routinely mixed.In this letter to the editor Cheryl Reed of Sun Lakes tells us how government tyrants in Kansas took her 4 year old son away from her because she is a lesbian. Fish feeding frenzy????I head a bunch of noise in the water so I checked it out.There must have been 20 to 30 huge fish, maybe 2 to 3 feet long in the water with their mouths open eating bubbles on the top of the water. I suspect they were eating something that I could not see. Kerry tries to quell European outrage over NSA eavesdroppingThe American government hypocrites want to put Edward Snowden in jail for the rest of his life for allegedly spying on the American government. That is at the same time these American government hypocrites are routinely spying on our European allies as in this article.U.S. now tries to rationalize spying on alliesThe American government hypocrites want to put Edward Snowden in jail for the rest of his life for allegedly spying on the American government. That is at the same time these American government hypocrites are routinely spying on our European allies as in this article.Germany Compares Reported U.S. Bugging To 'Cold War'The American government hypocrites want to put Edward Snowden in jail for the rest of his life for allegedly spying on the American government. That is at the same time these American government hypocrites are routinely spying on our European allies as in this article.Syria could become another American military failureKorea, Middle East, Vietnam, Lebanon, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan.What's next??? Syria??? Ex-L.A. sheriff's narcotics sergeant charged with theft in stingIn this article a 28 year veteran narcotics officer is charged with stealing $4,000.Initiative to keep Libertarian & Green Parties on the ballotIn the article an initiative is being started to allow members of the Libertarian and Green Parties to continue to run for office in Arizona.The Republican Party passed a law that for all practical purposes makes it impossible for members of the Libertarians, Green and other small parties to run for office. This initiative attempts to end that law. If you are against the war on drugs, the Libertarian and Green Parties are the only politician parties that want to re-legalize marijuana. The Libertarian Party is the only party that wants to re-legalize ALL drugs. The Libertarian Party is the only party that fully supports your Second Amendment rights. July 2 - Another wind stormWhen I got up we had another wind storm. Also there was lightning in the distance. And again it was warm when I got up. I wasn't cool when I walked to the bus stop.Chicago cops framed these guys for murder????More on "So you think you are going to get a fair trail"I guess being in jail at the time a murder was committed isn't a good enough alibi to prove you didn't do it. According to this article these guys were framed by the Chicago police for murder, despite being in jail at the time the murders occurred. And you thought they had an air tight alibi. OK, their alibis are air tight. But sadly the criminal justice system and the police are corrupt to the core and an air tight alibi ain't going to keep you from being framed by the police for a crime you didn't do and being sent to prison for many years. Some L.A. pot shops shut down while others look to Garcetti for reliefSadly despite the people will to legalize marijuana our government masters are doing the best they can to continue the insane and unconstitutional war on drugs as in this article.More on that Brooklyn pig who may have framed 50 people for murder!!!!Here is another article on the Brooklyn cop who may have framed up to 50 people for murder.The alleged crooked police murder detective is Louis Scarcella. 13 years in prison for chalk graffiti on sidewalk????According to this article the prosecutors and cops tried to put the guy who wrote some washable chalk graffiti on a public street during an anti-wall street protest in prison for 13 years.Jesus, don't these pigs and prosecutors have any REAL criminals to hunt down. And no wonder our prisons are packed full. The morons in the police and prosecutors office are sending people to prison for trivial crimes which we shouldn't waste our tax dollars on. Just how much is Glendale willing to pay to subsidize hockey?Bend over, the city of Glendale, Arizona wants your hard earned money to dole out as corporate welfare to rich professional sports teams in this article.Do I have the combat mental illness PTSD???After hearing that the "Lost Boys of Sudan" had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, something that is usually associated with military combat stress, I wondered if I could have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD???At the AI meeting they said the "Lost Boys of Sudan" had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD from their long walk across Africa where they saw there friends being eaten by lions and alligators. Sure I never had to go thru all that, but I was constantly beaten and tortured as I grew up and life was rather stressful. Do I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSDAfter hearing that the "Lost Boys of Sudan" had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, something that is usually associated with military combat stress, I wondered if I could have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD???At the AI meeting they said the "Lost Boys of Sudan" had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD from their long walk across Africa where they saw there friends being eaten by lions and alligators. Sure I never had to go thru all that, but I was constantly beaten and tortured as I grew up and life was rather stressful. Glendale has been the NHL's patsy for too longIn this editorial the folks at the Arizona Republic actually think that the taxpayers of Glendale will be screwed by the millions of dollars the city of Glendale wants to give in corporate welfare to the Phoenix Coyotes.Glendale City Council Screws TaxpayersCity Council OKs multimillion-dollar deal to keep team in GlendaleGlendale City Council approves millions in corporate welfare for Phoenix CoyotesIn this article I guess we could say the score isTaxpayers 0 - Professional Sports Teams 1In this article the taxpayers of Glendale got screwed again when the royal members of the Glendale City Council voted to shovel millions of dollars of government welfare to the Phoenix Coyotes I suspect if George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were around today they would tell us that things like this is why they gave us the Second Amendment I was screwed by the Chandler pigsI had some lawyers at the ASU college of law review this video I shot during my false arrest by the Chandler police.That video is also on UTube, YouTube or whatever you want to call it. They tell me I was clearly falsely arrested and that I had my civil rights violated. The sad thing is they also told me the system and the police are so corrupt that the piggies will get away with their crimes. Duh, I could have told you that before the arrest. Of course I shouldn't be shooting the lawyers who are only the messengers, the real criminals are the corrupt Chandler Police offices. For more on that false arrest you can check out this URL. It is titled False Arrest by Chandler, Arizona Police. Using government to force religious beliefs on us????In this article it sure sounds like the the Scottsdale-based Christian legal organization "Alliance Defending Freedom" is attempting to use the government to force their religious beliefs on the rest of us using the force of the government.An uh-oh moment for the Arizona GOP?Republican Party screws the Green and Libertarian parties????Here is another editorial on that new Arizona law that makes it almost impossible for Libertarians and Greens to run for office in Arizona.Most people think the stupid law was passed because Libertarians who run for office tend to cut into the votes for Republican candidates, which allows the Democrats to win elections. 55 percent of Americans are on the dole???According to this editorial 55 percent of Americans are on the dole and receive government handouts from Uncle Sam.The editorial also mentions the huge number of Americans that receive food stamps. I think 1 out of every 7 Americans receives food stamps, although the author didn't give us that percentage. Bolivian president’s plane forced to land in Austria in hunt for SnowdenAccording to this article the American government is probably responsible for having the Bolivian president’s plane forced to land in Austria in hunt for SnowdenAnd I thought my civil rights were violated when the jackbooted Chandler Police thugs falsely arrested me last week. (See this URL) Emperor Obama really is a tyrant who thinks he is above international law and can do whatever he wants to destroy his enemies of which freedom fighter Edward Snowden is one of. False arrest keeps me up at nightIt's been about a week since I was falsely arrested by come corrupt Chandler cops and I am still having problems sleeping at night.U.S. Postal Service Logging All Mail for Law EnforcementAccording to this article the US Post Office is helping a whole slew of government police agencies spy on us by monitoring our mail. The article even says the US Post Office helped Sheriff Joe's goons spy on Mary Rose "Bullet in the Butt" Wilcox.So remember next time you get a letter from your mail box, there is a good chance that government thugs at the FBI, DEA, BATF, CIA, NSA, ATF, Homeland Security, TSA, Maricopa County Sheriff, Phoenix Police, Tempe Police, Arizona Department of Public Safety have read the letter before you received it. The government crooks at the Post Office assure us that it is illegal for them to read your mail without a court order, but do you really think those tyrants are not going to help their police buddies at the FBI by requiring a silly court order to read you mail???? Yea, trust me, I am from the government. I wouldn't trust the criminals in the Federal Government any more then I trust the Chandler Police who falsely arrested me last week. 'A' Mountain's religious shrine needs to be movedThe priest who wrote this editorial for the Tucson Star says the religious shrine on 'A' Mountain needs to be removed.Bug bits me on the ***** - OUCH!!!!!It was painful!!!! Last night a damn bug bit me on the *****!!!!!! Ouch!!! Pain, pain, pain!!!!! Ouch!!!!!On the other hand I would rather that happen then get falsely arrested by some jackbooted police thugs. BART strike in San FranciscoI find it outrageous that government workers who work in subsidised industries like BART can go on strike like in this article.If BART is like most other metropolitan transportation systems it is heavily subsidized by the Federal government, and probably gets 80 percent of its revenue from the Feds and a measly 20 percent from people who ride it. Maricopa detective arrested on suspicion of theftMore of the old do as I say, not as I go from our government masters in this article.July 3 - NORML MeetingAt the NORML meeting taxing marijuana came up along with the subject of Arizona Congresswoman or Congressman Kyrsten Sinema's proposed 300% tax on medical marijuana. I was pretty happy because most of the people speaking on the subject seemed to think that Kyrsten Sinema was a two faced hypocrite who will say anything to get elected.That is despite Kyrsten Sinema message that she is a freedom fighter who supports the little guy against big bad government. The only think I added to the conversation that wasn't brought up was that in all of the elections I have seen Kyrsten Sinema run in she has always been supported by the police unions who of course are against the people and for the police state and of course against legalizing marijuana. July 3 - Shoes at a NORML Meeting???OK, several people made fun of me at the NORML meeting because I was wearing shoes.I don't think any of them have ever seen me wearing shoes. The only reason I wore shoes to the NORML meeting, is because it ends so late that I don't have time to change back into the clothing that I wear when I sleep in the desert. So I wore shoes, because I need them when I go to the desert to sleep. I probably could wander around in the desert without shoes, but at night the scorpions do come out and I don't want to step on them. Also while I have tough feet they are certainly not capable of walking barefoot on cactus and mesquite thorns. I remember a couple of days ago when I cleaned the bottom of my shoes off I got cactus needles in my hand from cactus thorns that had stuck onto my shoes. I also wore long pants, which is something I don't usually wear in the summer. Same for the sweatshirt. July 4 - RainI was outside at McDonalds and it rained for a good 30 seconds, maybe 45. H*ll, maybe even a full minute.At first I thought somebody had spit on me when a big huge rain drop fell out of the sky and hit me. Soon after a whole bunch more rain drops fell. The whole thing was over in less then a minute. July 4 - Scorpion in my bed againWhen I went home I discovered a scorpion in my bed. It looked like it was about 3 inches long.From what I understand the big ones are not as nasty as the smaller ones. I saw the fireworks at Tempe Town Toilet. Well I didn't go in side, because the royal rulers of Tempe were shaking down people for money to enter the the park. July 4 - Humid???I don't know what the temperature was today, but with all the humidity it seems a little bit hotter then when we had that 119°F a few days ago.Also it is no longer cool when I get up in the morning and walk to the bus. I took off my shirt this morning. July 4 - Sky Train - An unimpressive waste of moneyI went out and checked out the $1+ billion dollar "Sky Train" that links the Phoenix light rail system to Sky Harbor International Airport.To be quite honest I was underwhelmed. For a stinking $1+ billion dollar project it seemed like a huge waster of money. Part one of the system didn't seem to run more then a half a mile. First it stopped at a parking garage and last it stopped at Terminal 4. I think this is funded by a TAX that the city of Phoenix has slapped on airplane tickets that either fly to, out of, or just pass thru Sky Harbor Airport. I think the tax is something like $5 for each time the plane stops at the airport. Jesus, you could pay a stinking taxi $5 to do the trip. And if you are government should do this nonsense it could be done at a tenth of the cost using buses, instead of the silly billion dollar plus Sky Train. July 4 - Screwed in Guadalupe, ArizonaI went to a Circle K which I though was in Tempe, but really is in the city of Guadalupe, Arizona.I was shocked that the tax on a $1.09 bag of potato chips was 2 cents higher then I normally pay in Tempe. I ask the clerk if the royal rulers of Tempe had raised the sales tax. She told me that the store was not in Tempe, but Guadalupe and that Guadalupe has one of the highest sales taxes, if not the highest sales tax in Arizona. For useless information Guadalupe is a tiny town between Phoenix and Tempe which was founded by Yaqui Indians who were political refuges that were chased out of Mexico during the last revolution. Court: State must pay DNA testing cost for convictsIt's about money, not good government or protecting us!!!!According to this article the state of Arizona passed a law requiring anybody convicted of a crime to provide DNA samples to the government so the government can have an easier time of convicting them of crimes.The Arizona Department of Corrections all on it's own decided to force the convicts to pay for these DNA tests which will be used against them. The good news is that in this article a court said that was a bunch of rubbish and the state of Arizona must pay for these test. Who says the government doesn't have an ironic sense of humor? |
Bay Area cities battle U.S. in bid to save marijuana dispensaries1) Obama lied about not shaking down harmless medical marijuana users???? Yes Obama lied.2) Sadly in this article it sounds like the cities of Oakland and Berkeley are more concerned about shaking down people for marijuana TAXES and the power to regulate marijuana then they are about the right of the people to use medical marijuana. I guess the good news it that should show people that government isn't run for the best interests of the people the government rules over, but for the best interests of our government masters. Tempe, Swiss police swap beats for TV showIn this article it sure sounds like these Tempe cops got a free vacation to Switzerland paid by the taxpayers of Tempe.Protect and serve my *ss. They are just parasites that prey on the taxpayers. Arpaio attorneys plan to appeal racial-profiling rulingAnother article on how Sheriff Joe and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office was found guilty of profiling Mexicans.Arpaio fears loss of power, not moneyAnother article on how Sheriff Joe and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office was found guilty of profiling Mexicans.Messy yard cops shake down vice-mayor of RichmondIn this article the messy yard cops shake down the vice-mayor of the San Francisco Bay area city of Richmond.July 4 - FFRF ad in RepublicOn July 4, the Freedom From Religion Foundation ran a full page ad in the Arizona Republic - cool.
Phoenix Coyotes fans to take hit in walletFrom this article it sounds like the city of Glendale is giving the fans of the Phoenix Coyotes millions of dollars in corporate welfare in addition to shoveling millions of dollars to the rich owners of the Phoenix Coyotes.Corporate welfare for Phoenix Coyotes fans???From this article it sounds like the city of Glendale is giving the fans of the Phoenix Coyotes millions of dollars in corporate welfare in addition to shoveling millions of dollars to the rich owners of the Phoenix Coyotes.Bill Montgomery wants to frame Debra Milke a second timeIn this article it sounds like Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery wants to frame Debra Milke a second time.According to the article the Phoenix Police used a false confession to frame Debra Milke for murder the first time. I am not sure if Debra Milke is innocent or guilty, but the government after showing itself to be corrupt the first time and framing her with a false confession should not be given a second chance to frame Debra Milke for murder. Why the fair tax and not flat tax?According to this letter to the editor the tax rate for the US Income Tax when it first came out was a stinking 1 percent that went up all the way to 6 percent for people that made really lots of money.1913 IRS Income Tax FormIn this URL we have a link to the very first IRS tax form at the IRS website.This is the 1913 IRS tax form which I suspect was the first IRS tax form in the history of the USA. The 1913 IRS tax form was a big stinking 2 pages long. Taxes started out at 1 percent for people that made $3,000 or more, which was about $50,000 to $60,000 in 2013 dollars. The tax rate climbed up to a whopping 6 percent for people that made $500,000 or more. The reason the 16th Amendment passed was because it was sold as a "soak the rich tax" which would force the rich people to pay for everybody's share of government. Cops have hand held fingerprinting machines to ID youThis article is about portable or handheld fingerprint machines that the police carry around with them.I suspect this will lead to a large number of abuses where the police force people to take their finger prints. Death-penalty trials create big costs for taxpayersWhen prosecutors get their vengeance on criminals us tax payers pay for it thru the nose according to this article.The Laws You Can’t SeeThis article is about secret courts which are helping Congress flush the Bill of Rights and Constitution down the toilet.Mesa council approves $130 million bond voteAccording to this article the royal rulers of Mesa, Arizona are going to shake us serfs down for another $130 in taxes. About 40 percent of the taxes will go to the police.Bend over Mesa Mayor Scott Smith wants more money!!!!Love taxes???? Well, bend over, according to this article Mesa Mayor Scott Smith is going to shake the citizens of Mesa down for another $130 million. About 40 percent of that money will go to the Mesa police.Mexican land donation to church draws fireWhen it comes to separation of Church and State the Mexican Constitution does a much better job of it then the American Constitution.But according to this article the government tyrants in Mexico flush their Constitution down the toilet just as much as the tyrants in American do. How do you spell revenue??? DUI tickets.When it comes to DUI arrests, it's all about REVENUE and has almost nothing to do with safety.In this article the cops pulled over 6,074 people for allegedly being drunk, and only a measly 367 or 6 percent were actually drunk. Of course with each DUI ticket pulling in a minimum of $2,000 in fines I am sure that the cops could care less about the 5,707 people they stopped who were not drunk. 6,074 people stopped for DUI, only a lousy 367 were drunk???When it comes to DUI arrests, it's all about REVENUE and has almost nothing to do with safety.In this article the cops pulled over 6,074 people for allegedly being drunk, and only a measly 367 or 6 percent were actually drunk. Of course with each DUI ticket pulling in a minimum of $2,000 in fines I am sure that the cops could care less about the 5,707 people they stopped who were not drunk. Critics of immigration bill say pork was addedIn this article is sure sounds like this immigration law is a huge jobs program for Border Patrol cops, and a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex that manufacture the weapons and tools used by the cops in their war against Mexicans.Into the mind of ... Kyrsten SinemaHere is an article about our favorite socialist Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema.If you ask me it sounds like Kyrsten Sinema will says ANYTHING to get elected. Android security flaw gives Homeland Security easy access to your phone????Here is an interesting article about some software bugs in Android cell phones that will make it easier for the Homeland Security cops to tap your phone and spy on you.Kyrsten Sinema - Vote for me and I will give you free stuff????In this article about US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema she seems to be saying that if you vote for her, she will give you free stuff.US Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema kind of sounds like a Robin Hood, who is in the US Congress and steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Feds planned to arm dronesI have often wondered when the police and military will be using drone strikes to murder suspected drug dealers in the USA.This article seems to say my worst nightmare could come true in the USA, because according to the article the Feds are arming the drones that fly in the USA. Probable cause - We don't need no stinking probable causeProbably cause to get a search warrant??? We don't need no stinking probable cause to get a search warrant.Yea, sure legally that is not allowed, but in this article it sounds like the cops will use any lame excuse to get a search warrant and that judges will routinely rubber stamp these lame excuses and issue a search warrant. Lincoln’s Surveillance StateLong before George W. Bush and Barack Obama were tapping our phones and reading our emails Lincoln was reading our telegraph messages according to this article.Files of bin Laden raid stashed within CIAF*ck that silly Freedom of Information Act, we are with the govenrment and don't have to tell the public about anything we do.In this article that seems to be the logic the folks that murdered bin Laden are using to cover up their crime and keep the American public from knowing the details. Phoenix police officer is sunk by own cameraIn this article Phoenix Police Officer Richard Greco seems to think that when police officers are caught on camera committing crimes and abusing the citizens they pretend to protect that it is unfair to use the videos to punish the crooked cops.Thank you Officer Richard Greco. I have always said that cops seem to think they are above the law and it is nice for you confirm that cops like you DO think they are ABOVE THE LAW. Phoenix police officer Richard Greco thinks cops should be above the law???In this article Phoenix Police Officer Richard Greco seems to think that when police officers are caught on camera committing crimes and abusing the citizens they pretend to protect that it is unfair to use the videos to punish the crooked cops.Thank you Officer Richard Greco. I have always said that cops seem to think they are above the law and it is nice for you confirm that cops like you DO think they are ABOVE THE LAW. Arizona ruling on return of seized pot standsAs I just said the police routinely seem to think there is some type of double standard that allows them to commit crimes us serfs would be jailed for.In this article the police in Yuma, Arizona think it is OK for them to steal medical marijuana from the serfs they pretend to protect. Oddly the court ruled in this article that it is wrong from the police to steal stuff from us serfs and ordered the Yuma piggies to return the marijuana they stole. Court says the police are not allowed to steal stuff???As I just said the police routinely seem to think there is some type of double standard that allows them to commit crimes us serfs would be jailed for.In this article the police in Yuma, Arizona think it is OK for them to steal medical marijuana from the serfs they pretend to protect. Oddly the court ruled in this article that it is wrong from the police to steal stuff from us serfs and ordered the Yuma piggies to return the marijuana they stole. Arizona Originals: Persistent | Kyrsten SinemaIn this article Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema sounds like a Democrat, Republican and Green party member all rolled into one person.Of course the webmaster thinks that Kyrsten Sinema will say anything to get your vote, thus that is why she sounds like a Democrat, Republican and Green party member all rolled into one person. Kyrsten Sinema - A Democrat, Republican and Green????In this article Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema sounds like a Democrat, Republican and Green party member all rolled into one person.Of course the webmaster thinks that Kyrsten Sinema will say anything to get your vote, thus that is why she sounds like a Democrat, Republican and Green party member all rolled into one person. Majority of D.C. Council signs on to bill to decriminalize potAccording to this article there is a good chance that marijuana could be decriminalized in Washington D.C.Brady List of corrupt CopsHere is a list called the "Brady List".The so called "Brady List" is a list of police officers or cops that are too corrupt to testify in court. Why these corrupt cops are still on the pay roll and have not been fired is a good question. I suspect that is an indication that the criminal justice system, which the police are part of is corrupt to the core. From what I have read is that here in Arizona the "Brady List" is kept by the Arizona Attorney General's Office. This "Brady List" only lists corrupt police officers in Maricopa County. This "Brady List" also lists corrupt and dishonest cops in Brady List of corrupt Arizona CopsHere is a list called the "Brady List".The so called "Brady List" is a list of police officers or cops that are too corrupt to testify in court. Why these corrupt cops are still on the pay roll and have not been fired is a good question. I suspect that is an indication that the criminal justice system, which the police are part of is corrupt to the core. From what I have read is that here in Arizona the "Brady List" is kept by the Arizona Attorney General's Office. This "Brady List" only lists corrupt police officers in Maricopa County. This "Brady List" also lists corrupt and dishonest cops in Brady List of corrupt Police OfficersHere is a list called the "Brady List".The so called "Brady List" is a list of police officers or cops that are too corrupt to testify in court. Why these corrupt cops are still on the pay roll and have not been fired is a good question. I suspect that is an indication that the criminal justice system, which the police are part of is corrupt to the core. From what I have read is that here in Arizona the "Brady List" is kept by the Arizona Attorney General's Office. This "Brady List" only lists corrupt police officers in Maricopa County. This "Brady List" also lists corrupt and dishonest cops in Brady List of corrupt Arizona Police OfficersHere is a list called the "Brady List".The so called "Brady List" is a list of police officers or cops that are too corrupt to testify in court. Why these corrupt cops are still on the pay roll and have not been fired is a good question. I suspect that is an indication that the criminal justice system, which the police are part of is corrupt to the core. From what I have read is that here in Arizona the "Brady List" is kept by the Arizona Attorney General's Office. This "Brady List" only lists corrupt police officers in Maricopa County. This "Brady List" also lists corrupt and dishonest cops in A government welfare program for police officers???Why are there some many government welfare programs for cops?Probably because there are a huge number of cops and they all vote. Kyrsten Sinema shovels the BS???The webmaster thinks that Kyrsten Sinema shovels the BS and will say anything to get elected.Of course I suspect that Kyrsten Sinema disagrees with that. 80 percent of the revenue of the University of Phoenix comes from government welfare programsAccording to this article 80 percent of the income that the University of Phoenix receives is from government welfare programs.While University of Phoenix founder John Sperling is a good guy for donating millions to help legalize marijuana he certainly isn't a Libertarian when it comes to receiving corporate welfare from the Federal government if 80 percent of his income comes from Federal aid. Feds to murder dope dealers & Mexicans with drones????According to this article Uncle Sam is putting weapons on drones which will fly over American soil.I wonder what will be next? Will the American police be using drones to murder suspect drug dealers and suspected drug smugglers, like the American military uses to murder suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq???? Desplegaría EU 40 helicópteros en la frontera: WPLet's face it the war on drug and the war on Mexicans who come to the US looking for better jobs is also a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex. Read more about it in this article.And of course these programs are also jobs programs for cop. University of Phoenix sucks up government welfareAccording to this article 80 percent of the income that the University of Phoenix receives is from government welfare programs.While University of Phoenix founder John Sperling is a good guy for donating millions to help legalize marijuana he certainly isn't a Libertarian when it comes to receiving corporate welfare from the Federal government if 80 percent of his income comes from Federal aid. Arizona court ruling upholds DUI test for marijuanaIn this insane court ruling the Arizona courts have said it is OK to arrest people who are not stoned or high for driving drunk if they test positive for minute traces of illegal drugs.Let's face it these DUI or DWI laws are not about safety or protecting the public, but rather about raising money for the government. Latinos now less likely to report crimes to police, poll saysAccording to this article many Latinos are afraid to report crimes to the police, because they fear the police will shake then down for the crime of being Latino.Ex-Albuquerque cop accused in wife’s death testifiesWho when it comes to corrupt police officers the Albuquerque, New Mexico police department seems to be in the run for first place according to this article.Extraen drogas del cuerpo a mujer en ArizonaAccording to this article the Border Patrol Police, ICE, La Migra or whatever you want to call them, got a doctor to slice open a woman looking for illegal drugs.President Lincoln was reading our telegraphs????I wonder if President Obama worships President Lincoln because Lincoln was turning America into a police state long before either Obama or Bush did.According to this article President Lincoln was illegally spying on American citizens during the Civil War by reading their telegraph messages. Phoenix Police Union spreading lies about Sal DiCiccio???This Tuesday, before this article came out I noticed campaign signs up that said Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio was owned by lobbyists.I looked at the find print on the signs and notices they were put up by the lobbyists of the Phoenix Police Union and the Phoenix Fire Department Union. While I don't like Sal DiCiccio, he has been a vocal opponent of the government pork the city of Phoenix shovels to Phoenix police officers and Phoenix firemen and I agree with him on that. I suspect the Phoenix Police Unions and the Phoenix Fire Unions are attempting to use these lies to run Sal DiCiccio out of office because he doesn't support government pork for cops. I have had two problems with Sal DiCiccio. First, years ago I asked him to remove me from his junk email list which he sends out weekly and some times almost daily propaganda why he is a wonderful guy and should be reelected. He is still sending me this junk email despite my request to be removed from his list. Second it appears that Sal DiCiccio is using tax dollars from the city of Phoenix to send out this re-election propaganda I asked him for all the names on his email list. He refused to give me the email addresses. Phoenix Firemen Union spreading lies about Sal DiCiccio???This Tuesday, before this article came out I noticed campaign signs up that said Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio was owned by lobbyists.I looked at the find print on the signs and notices they were put up by the lobbyists of the Phoenix Police Union and the Phoenix Fire Department Union. While I don't like Sal DiCiccio, he has been a vocal opponent of the government pork the city of Phoenix shovels to Phoenix police officers and Phoenix firemen and I agree with him on that. I suspect the Phoenix Police Unions and the Phoenix Fire Unions are attempting to use these lies to run Sal DiCiccio out of office because he doesn't support government pork for firemen. I have had two problems with Sal DiCiccio. First, years ago I asked him to remove me from his junk email list which he sends out weekly and some times almost daily propaganda why he is a wonderful guy and should be reelected. He is still sending me this junk email despite my request to be removed from his list. Second it appears that Sal DiCiccio is using tax dollars from the city of Phoenix to send out this re-election propaganda I asked him for all the names on his email list. He refused to give me the email addresses. Firefighters take low road in campaign to oust Sal DiCiccioHere is an editorial by Laurie Roberts on how the Phoenix Fire Unions and (Phoenix Police Unions if you ask me) are taking the low road in an attempt to boot Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio out of office because he doesn't support big time government pork for cops and firemen.I don't really like Sal DiCiccio, but I do agree with his position that the city of Phoenix should not shovel government pork on the cops and firemen. I have had two problems with Sal DiCiccio. First, years ago I asked him to remove me from his junk email list which he sends out weekly and some times almost daily propaganda why he is a wonderful guy and should be reelected. He is still sending me this junk email despite my request to be removed from his list. Second it appears that Sal DiCiccio is using tax dollars from the city of Phoenix to send out this re-election propaganda I asked him for all the names on his email list. He refused to give me the email addresses. Rosenstein: Should the legal BAC level be .05?While I don't agree with all of this article it seems to point out the DUI laws are a jobs program for cops. That is in addition to the DUI laws being mostly about raising revenue for state, county and city governments, with almost nothing to do with safety. Just like those photo radar bandits.I think that the current .08 legal limit is far too low, and that if we are going to have DUI laws that the legal limit should be raised back to the .15 it was when the crime of DUI or DWI was first invented in the early 1900's. As a Libertarian I don't think that it should be illegal to drive drunk or stoned period. But that instead people should be held financially accountable for any damages they cause while driving drunk or stoned. Should Bill Montgomery be allowed to frame Debra Milke a second time???The Maricopa County Attorney blew it the first time they tried Debra Milke and framed here for murder. If you ask me they should not be allowed a second chance to frame her for murder as this article seems to say they will be given.If anything Phoenix police Detective Armando Saldate who made up the false confession used to frame Debra Milke should be put on trial for perjury. Milke should not be retried for son’s murderIn this editorial EJ Montini also seems to think that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office should not be given a second chance to frame Debra Milke.A $7.4 million government welfare program for cops???They don't want us to know they created a $7.4 government welfare program for cops, so in this article they don't call them cops or police officers. Instead they call them "school resource officers" which is a big word for cops that have a cushy, do nothing job of baby sitting high school kids.Phoenix 'Serial Shooter' Dale Hausner commits suicideAccording to this article Phoenix 'Serial Shooter' Dale Hausner committed suicide in prison before he could be executed.When Dale Hausner and his buddy Samuel Dieteman were driving around Phoenix killing homeless people I was always afraid I would be one of their victims. Despite all the people those two creeps murdered I am still against the death penalty. Innocent people have been executed and innocent people will continue to be executed as long as the death penalty exists. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warns Congress to stop budget cutsLets face it the American military programs are just a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex and a jobs program for generals.Read more about it in this article. State Parks pricing out the publicLet's face it government almost always ends being about money!!! Money for the government bureaucrats who operate government.This article seems to verify that. If you ask me us taxpayers paid for these state parks and should be allowed to use them for FREE, because we are the OWNERS. San Jose: Sex crimes detective facing sex crimes chargesMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.Of course most of the crimes this cop is accused of committing in this article are victimless crimes which didn't hurt anybody, which I think should be legal. More lies and double talk from Congress.I suspect one of the job qualifications for an elected official should to be a professional liar.Politicians, elected officials and government bureaucrats are great at blaming other people for the problems they create as we see in this article. Our government masters will say ANYTHING to get re-elected!!!!And along that line we have this article.Yes, it certainly seems that most of our elected officials, professional politicians and appointed government bureaucrats are professional liars. Yahoo seeks to reveal its fight against NSA Prism requestsSadly as in this article many businesses will sleep with the government instead of doing the right thing and telling our government masters to buzz off and get lost.While I don't like this, it is understandable. These companies can either cooperate with the government and continue doing business. Or they can fight government tyranny, which may cost them millions and cause them to go out of business. How do you spell government pork?????In this article our govenrment masters are doling out millions of dollars in corporate welfare to small Arizona companies.They are digging a big hole by my house???I wonder what they are digging that hole for????The monsoons are here!!!!I have not been hit by a nasty monsoon yet, but that humid cloudy monsoon weather is here.The temperatures are dropping and the humidity is up. A couple of days I have actually been hit by a few raindrops, which I initially thought was somebody spitting on me. Smoking marijuana while Black????Let's face it the "war on drugs" isn't about making us safer. The "war on drugs" is just a jobs program for cops as we see in this editorial.Medical marijuana comes to MesaAccording this article Mesa's first medical marijuana store has just opened.And wow are those prices outrageous!!!!! Giving Tree’s website lists five strains of marijuana, ranging from $390 to $430 an ounce. That's around 8 times the cost of good old fashioned but illegal street marijuana. Did George Zimmerman murder Trayvon Martin???According to this article George Zimmerman was found innocent of murdering Trayvon Martin.If you ask me George Zimmerman does sound like a wanna be cop and nut job racist who could have murdered Trayvon Martin. Did he do it??? I don't know. I suspect there is an 80 percent chance he is guilty. Should he be found guilty??? While I suspect George Zimmerman is guilty, I don't think there was enough evidence to prove it. Based on that I don't even think he should have ever been charged with a crime. That's even though I suspect there is an 80 percent chance he is guilty. If you ask me it's a lot like the OJ trail. I suspect there is a good chance that OJ murdered Nicole. But I don't think there was the evidence to prove OJ was guilty. Also I think the LAPD attempted to frame OJ. Of course I suspect most of the Homeland Security cops who visit this web site on a daily basis probably disagree with that. Yea, I know, your cops and it is impossible for anybody with a gun and a badge to commit a crime. Green P**p???The last couple of days all my p**p has been green.At first I thought I got some deadly virus from the alien space visitors I met last week. But then I realized it was probably that red, white and green coconut candy that I ate that turned my p**p green. Rain????As I was waiting for the bus it started to rain. It was actually enough rain to get a person wet.After we drove a mile and a half the rain stopped and it was perfectly dry. Monsoons clouds and lightning???Last night as I was going to bed I saw some monsoons clouds and lightning in the distance. The good news was they didn't hit me.I love summer and hot weather. The only thing I don't like is the possibility of being struck by lightning while I am sleeping in the desert during a monsoon storm. Mayor Greg Stanton shovels the BS???Most politicians are hypocrites who will say and do anything to get re-elected. In this editorial that is what Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton appears to be doing.Texas abortion providers fear major shutdownsAccording to this article the tyrants in the state of Texas have made abortion illegal by passing laws that make it financially impossible for many abortion clinics to stay in business.Nigerian Islamic extremist: Burn schools, kill teachersThis article is one good reason to keep church and state separate.Of course it's not just the nut job Islamic extremists who do this insane stuff. Here in America our nut job Christian fanatics give the Muslims a run for their money when it comes to doing nutty things in the name of their God. Legal pot prompts a question: What about hash?Want to really screw things up??? Then let the government regulate it. Read more in this article.Best Marijuana Strains: Tangelo KushI never thought I would read an article like this in a major American newspaper.This article was in the San Francisco Examiner. Or was it the San Francisco Chronicle??? Congress blames nameless bureaucrats for police state laws Congress passedTypically when our government masters f*ck things up they blame somebody else for their f*ck ups.And of course the US Congress ain't no different. In this article the crooks in Congress blame other people for the messes they create. Feds make billions on student loans - Honest!!!!!!When our government masters are not blaming the problems they created on other people, they are often making up things to make themselves look like heroes!!!In this article Senator Elizabeth Warren says the Federal government makes BILLIONS in profits from student loans. Yea, sure! And did you know yesterday I discovered the cure for cancer in my garage??? Yea, even though I am a homeless imp, I have a secret garage where I discovered the cure for cancer yesterday. Hey, if you believe that, you shouldn't have any problem believe the stuff the crooks in the US House and US Senate are shoveling at us. No bike light leads to arrest of pot smokerWatch out the pigs will use any lame excuse they can to stop you and search you for illegal drugs.In this article the Phoenix Police used the fact that a guy was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk without a light as a lame excuse to search him for marijuana. Jesus, don't these piggies have any REAL criminals to hunt down???? You know criminals that hurt people like robbers, rapists, muggers and murderers!!!!! Phoenix officer pleads guilty to forgeryThe cops want us to think it is impossible for cops to commit crimes. But that is an outright lie.In this article a Phoenix piggy pleads guilty to some major crimes. More on medical marijuana thievery by Yuma policeThey Yuma, Arizona police think that if you got a badge and a gun that is a license to steal.In this article the courts tell the crooked Yuma pigs to give a woman back the medical marijuana they stole from her. Department of Corrections business is profitableMost people don't know it, but slavery is still legal, per the 10th Amendment in the US.That is only slave labor when a person is convicted of a crime and used as a slave. In this article we find out that the Arizona Department of Corrections is making big bucks with their slave labor. Man charged in Casa Grande blast wants evidence suppressedSadly most police officers think that anybody with a gun and a badge is above the law.In this article a Casa Grande man wants some evidence suppressed because the piggies didn't have a valid search warrant. If I had my way I would throw the cause out of court. If the pigs can't obey the law and honor peoples constitutional rights they should be fired and put in prison and any people they arrest should be released. Spread of DNA databases sparks ethical concernsSadly DNA testing is turning Amerika into a police state. Read more in this article.Let's face it the "War on Drugs" is all about $$$MONEY$$$Let's face it one of the reasons for the "war on drugs" is to serve as a government welfare programs for the corporations in the military industrial complex.Read more about it in this article. Lil Reese arrested on pot charge: 'I got a little weed. So what?'Don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???? You know criminals that hurt people like robbers and rapists. Not harmless pot smokers.Read more about it in this article. Phoenix Convention Center continues to lose moneyFrom this article it sounds like the Phoenix Convention Center is continuing to lose money like it always has.The article to say the city of Phoenix wants more cash from the state of Arizona because the Phoenix Convention center is losing so much money. God created beer in his own image???? |
California Is Facing More Woes in PrisonsIf the government would stop throwing people in prison for victimless drug war crimes none of the problems in this article would exist.No rain for meWhen I went to be last night I was surrounded by monsoons and lightning storms to the north, south and east, but the good news was none of them drifted my way.While I was sleeping I thought I was hit by a few drops of rain, but not much. Trazan plan para asegurar la fronteraDavid Decherd of Mesa thinks he deserves free water????In this letter to the editor David Decherd of Mesa seems to think that he deserves free water, which will be paid for by the rest of us.Coyotes only to partially rape Glendale taxpayersFrom this article it sounds like the Phoenix Coyotes have found a kinder, gentler way to rape the taxpayers of Glendale.But hey, rape, is rape even if it is a kinder, gentler form of rape. ICE - the Dirty Picture PoliceJesus, don't these cops at ICE, La Migra or Immigration and Customs Enforcement have any real criminals to hunt down???From this article it sounds like the folks at ICE, La Migra or Immigration and Customs Enforcement have turned into cops that are in charge of hunting down and arresting people for looking at dirty pictures. Don't these "dirty picture" police have any real criminals to arrest???Jesus, don't these cops at ICE, La Migra or Immigration and Customs Enforcement have any real criminals to hunt down???From this article it sounds like the folks at ICE, La Migra or Immigration and Customs Enforcement have turned into cops that are in charge of hunting down and arresting people for looking at dirty pictures. Avondale, Goodyear, Tolleson, Buckeye and Litchfield ParkHere is some stuff on Avondale, Goodyear, Tolleson, Buckeye and Litchfield Park which are all small towns in the West part of the Phoenix metro area.Zimmerman verdict: Legal experts say prosecutors overreachedWhile Zimmerman may be a racist wanna be cop who gets his jollies killing Blacks he thinks are criminals I don't think there was enough evidence to convict him in this case. Read more here.9th Circuit says Miranda warning must be given in correct SpanishThat certain is nice!!!! The cops are required to tell a Spanish speaking person in correct Spanish that they have constitutional rights according to this article.From that it sure sounds like Chandler piggie G. Pederson lied to me when he falsely arrested me a few weeks ago and told me I didn't have any stinking Miranda rights. Monday - July 15On Monday about 5pm we got more cheep rain. Just enough to get you wet but not more. When I woke up on Tuesday morning I could still see monsoon thunder storms in the distance, but I didn't get hit by any rain.A one way, half mile trip on Sky Train costs $22Sky Harbor's Sky Train is outrageously expensive!!!!According to this editorial rides on the Sky Harbor Airport's Sky Train which is a half mile ride connecting Terminal 4 with the Light Rail Station on 44th Street and Washington is outrageously expensive and cost $22 for the one way trip.The royal members of the Phoenix City Council brag that they didn't use tax dollars to pay for Sky Train, but at best that is misleading and at worse it is a lie. Sky Train is paid for with a mandatory tax or fee on the tickets of all airplane flights that take off from, land at, or just pass thru Sky Harbor Airport. The OwlEvery night I have been noticing an owl sitting in a tree which is near where I sleep.Man those owls are big. I think this guy is as big as a cat. I wave at the owl when I see it. I wonder what the owl thinks. Is flashing your car’s headlights protected by the First Amendment?According to this article the cops routinely arrest people who warn people of speed traps and other crooked schemes the police use to raise revenue.The article says these arrests are also routinely thrown out because it is a First Amendment right to talk about the police. Sadly the article also says that when people sue the police for these false arrests they are rarely successful. Mesa to steal property for light rail with eminent domainWhen government bureaucrats uses the world "eminent domain", it's just a polite way of saying government theft.In this article Mesa Mayor Scott Smith and the gang of thieves on the Mesa City Council say they are planning on using "eminent domain" to steal the property they need to build their billion dollar white elephant light rail project. In the article Mesa Mayor Scott Smith and the royal members of the Mesa City Council give us the usual reason for wanting to use "eminent domain" to steal the property. The pesky owners of the property seem to want to be paid what the property is worth and won't take the low bids offered by the city of Mesa. How dare those serfs expect to get paid what their property is worth. Trazan plan para asegurar la fronteraThis article which is in Spanish seems to support my view that the "war on drugs" is also a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex. In addition to being a jobs program for cops.Coalition sues to halt electronic surveillanceAccording to this article rights activists, church leaders and drug and gun rights advocates found common ground and filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the federal government to halt a vast National Security Agency electronic surveillance program.Valley Metro Bus Strike in East Valley???Are these Valley Metro bus drivers nuts???? For every dollar in revenue that Valley Metro brings in as revenue from paying passengers they lose 4 dollars.If Valley Metro is losing money like a drunken sailor the Valley Metro bus drivers should be willing to take huge pay cuts, not go on strike like this article says they are planning on doing. Pima County Sheriff's deputy runs over 10 year oldMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.In this article a Pima County Sheriff Officer runs over and kills a 10 year old child. Cops & firemen want to boot Sal DiCiccio out of office???When cops and firemen claim they want good government, it almost always means not a good, honest, cost efficient government as most of us would love, but a corrupt government filled with pork and supersized salaries for the police and firemen.In this article the Phoenix Police Union and Phoenix Firemens Union are trying to run Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio out of office, because he supports a lean, mean, well run government that isn't full of pork for the police officers and firemen. Rigging elections in Arizona citiesSadly government is corrupt to the core and politicians will do anything to keep themselves and their corrupt cronies in power.In this article the entrenched elected officials in Phoenix and other Arizona cities are fighting tooth and nail to prevent a new law from taking effect which will force them to have fairer elections that are not rigged to support the existing people in power. Arizona Originals: Persistent | Kyrsten SinemaHere is another article on Arizona's Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema.Kyrsten Sinema is a gay, atheist Congresswoman who represents citizens from the Phoenix Metro area in the United States House of Representatives in Washington D.C. Sinema collects $1.6 million a year in bribes, no campaign contributionsAccording to this article if her current rate of campaign contributions, something the rest of us call bribes, continues, U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema will be pulling in $1.6 million a year, almost 10 times the amount of her cushy $174,000 salary.Fix fire hydrants or bust post smokersWhen you read this article I suspect the members of the Phoenix City Council would rather pay cops to bust people for the victimless crime of smoking marijuana rather then to pay maintence men to fix fire hydrants to prevent people homes from burning down.Yea, those are certainly screwed up priorities, but if you want to continue to get elected to the Phoenix City Council you have to make the people that you work for in the Police Department and Phoenix Police Union happy. Rent control sucksWhen our government masters pass rent control laws such as in this article they always cause more problems when they solve.Also the rent control laws are nothing but a form of theft which allows tenants to steal from their landlords. Politics a family thing???From this article it sounds like politicians is a family thing.I suspect it's like any other business where mommy or daddy teach the kids the basics of getting elected, lying to voters and shaking down people for bribes, or campaign contributions as the crooks, or elected officials call them. Kolby Granville - a Felix Unger on the Tempe City Council???In these articles Tempe City Councilman Kolby Granville sounds like he is a carbon copy clone of Felix Unger.Felix Unger is the nut job neat freak in the TV show "The Odd Couple" Buddhist monk lives the high life with his followers donationsHere is an interesting article about a Buddhist monk in Thailand who leads a real high life with the money given to him by his followers.This guy has everything. Expensive cars, airplanes and I suspect high class hookers. Loud noisy brats on busThe woman has 4 children she takes with her everyday on the bus.Congress should try listening to constituents before votingSadly our elected officials routinely lie to us in an attempt to get us to re-elect them.Read more about it in this letter to the editor from Andrew Barber of Gilbert. Phoenix government cause of hotel market being saturated????While this article doesn't mention it, the city of Phoenix government is partially responsible for the cause of the hotel market being saturated.Sounds like this Tucson cop is also a stick up artist!!!!In this article a Tucson police officer also seems to be a stick up artist.Lawmakers violated the state Constitution in two waysMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters in this article.Experts deride bite marks as unreliable in courtAccording to this article the people who claim to be able to match bite marks on a person to the person's teeth that did the biting are pushing a bunch of hogwash and the stuff they are pushing is junk science.A Taxpayer financed Swiss Vacation for Tempe cops????In this article it seems like we have a vacation to Switzerland for some Tempe Police officers that was financed by the taxpayers of Tempe.Rent control causes crimes????Yes if you read this article you will probably figure out that rent control laws cause crime.USDA mandated rabbit disaster plan for magicians???Here is another article that illustrates the insanity that comes out of government.According to the article a magician that uses rabbits in his act must come up with disaster plans on how to save the rabbits if some natural disaster such as an earthquake occurs. Yes, it sounds nutty and it is nutty, but some government bureaucrat who has a job out of this silly law certainly doesn't think it's a nutty law. Members of Congress vow to rein in NSAI suspect the title of this article is 100 percent BS and double talk from the crooks in Congress who were interviewed.I think that they really mean to say is these Congressmen and Congresswoman want to con the public into thinking they reined in NSA so they can get re-elected another time. And sadly people are dumb enough to believe the lies those crooks in Congress feed us. Diamondbacks announcer accused of threatening wife with knifeI am still mad at the Maricopa County Supervisors for stealing a billion plus dollars from us taxpayers to build a taxpayer funded statium for Jerry Colengelo and his stupid baseball team that I included this article.Using bite marks to convict people of crimes is junk science???It's 100 percent junk science. Don't trust me. Read the article.Berrios political firings to cost taxpayers more than $500,000When you read this article you will quickly figure out that it ain't about good government. It's all about rewarding the special interest groups that helped you get elected.Smoke weed? That's fine with God, pastors sayOK, even if I am an atheist and think God is make believe I certainly agree with this pastor and think weed should be legalized as in this article.License plate cameras track millions of AmericansWhere did you do today??? Well in this article a good number of police spy cameras all over the USA recorded all of your movements and that data will be kept on file for years, just in case you did something wrong.ACLU: Nearly all drivers tracked by policeThis article gets a little more local and if you live in Phoenix, Arizona you can find out a little bit more about the police spy cameras that are recording each and every little move you make.Phoenix Police, Firemen have violated campaign-finance laws????More of the old "Do as I say, Not as I do" from our government masters. According to this article the Phoenix Police and Phoenix Firefighter are probably violating campaign finance laws in their effort to run Sal DiCiccio out of office.While I think Sal DiCiccio is a jerk, I do agree with his conservative views that city governments should not be doling out pork to cops and firemen. A $5.5 million jobs program for cops???This program isn't going to protect us from terrorists any more then me farting in the bathroom.The bottom line is that this program is just a government welfare program for cops and firefighters. MCSO: County detention officer to be fired for sex assaultAnd in this article we have more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.I had a dream about being forced to smoke pot!!!!I had this dream where Ernie and Dave forced me to eat pot to prove I wasn't a government snitch!!!!N.J. court: Warrants needed for cellphone trackingIn this article Chief Justice Stuart Rabner said“No one buys a cell phone to share detailed information about their whereabouts with the police. That was true in 2006 and is equally true today. Citizens have a legitimate privacy interest in such information.” Goodyear police detective accused of sex with minorAccording to this article A Goodyear police detective Jose Roman enjoys having sex with hot 12 year girls.OK, maybe Jose Roman is a pervert, but personally I think victimless crimes like this should be legal, even is Jose Roman is a hypocrite and arrests people for the same crime he commits. Diamondbacks announcer accused of threatening wife with knifeAnd of course this guy who is supposed to be a role model for us attacked his wife with a knife in this article.When Prisoners ProtestIn this article a former prisoner says that prison managers should listen to inmate complaints.License plate readers: A useful tool for police comes with privacy concernsI certainly agree that putting a cop in every persons home to spy on us could reduce crime.But personally I would refuse to pay taxes for the government to hire a cop to be placed in my bedroom to spy on me, and I think most other Americans would be disgusted with the idea. And the idea of having the cops photograph our cars 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to create a database would also cut crime as talked about in this article. But again I am not willing to pay taxes so our government masters can videotape my car 24/7 to create a database to put me in jail, just in case I might commit a crime. Amid Gitmo strike, ex-detainee tells of force-feedingEmperor Obama and the members of the US House and US Senate seem to want have it both ways.They want to treat the people they capture as a result of America's war on Islam and America's war on Muslims as POWs or Prisoners of War, and they also want to treat them as criminals. Come on you police state creeps, you can have it both ways. Read more in this article about the American government's disgusting treatment of the people in Guantanamo. Friday - July 19 - RainIt rained on me as I was sleeping. I woke up about 12:30 in the morning as it was raining on me. I found a dry place to sleep and went back to bed.Friday - July 19 - PeopleAround 4 in the morning there were nut jobs out in the desert with flashlights wandering around in the area I sleep.The good news was they didn't bother me. Detroit goes bankrupt, largest municipal filing in U.S. historyRemember our royal government masters always tell us that we are too stupid to run our own lives and must rely on their wonderful leadership to run things.Yea, sure, when you listen to that BS here is what happens in this article. NSA director wants private companies to spy on us for the government????In an effort to make an end run around the Constitution in this article NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander seems to be saying that the government should have private companies spy on us instead of the NSA.No *sshole, the government should stop spying on its serfs period. What part of the Fourth Amendment don't you understand *sshole???? Detroit’s demise was decades in the makingGovernment corruption should have caused Detroit to go bankrupt years ago, or at least that is what I got out of this article.Free dental work for government pork????In this article the wife of the Virginia governor got free dental work.It's not a bribe, it's a campaign contribution - Honest!!!! Well at least that is what our elected officials want us to think. Using denial-of-service attacks to crash telephone service???In this article from the LA Times they say it is very easy for hackers or anybody else to crash phone lines using denial of service attacks.The phone line DOS attack works the same way a DOS attack works on an internet website. Asiana crash victim died after firetruck ran over herNext time you get one of those lectures from our government masters that us serfs are too stupid to do anything without the help of the government remember this article.Tuesday, 5pm - Atheist Happy Hour at ROBBIE FOX'S - Tempe!Hey, all you atheists in Tempe, come on down and check out the Atheist Happy Hour at Robbie Fox's in Tempe on Mill Avenue.More info on the event. A new way to beat DUI charges???Here is an interesting new technique that might work to beat your DUI or DWI charges.Indiana halts vanity license plates over '0INK' lawsuitWhen it comes to free speech rights on license places the First Amendment is null and void in Indiana according to this article.Goodyear detective sex case may hinder othersThis perverted Goodyear cop who like to make up lies may cause a lot of criminal cases in Goodyear to be flushed down the toilet. More in this article.Intelligence official defends mass gathering of phone dataThe Bill of Rights was meant to stop abusive cops and government tyrants. It's kind of like a set of handcuffs for government tyrants and cops.As expected in this article the police defend flushing the Bill of Rights down the toilet. 7/20 - No rain for meLast night when I went to bed I could see monsoon storms and lightning in the distance, but none of them rained down on me.But according to the Republic some parts of Phoenix got tons of rain. $85 bribe will get you thru TSA lines faster???According to this article an $85 bribe will get you thru the TSA lines much faster???OK, they call it an $85 "enrollment fee", I call it an $85 "bribe". Ain't much difference, the bottom line is if you grease the palms of our government masters you can get things done much quicker. According to the TSA, these "bribes" or "enrollment fees" as the TSA goons call them will bring in $255 million in revenue for the TSA. Think of the TSA "enrollments fees" as kind of like the bribes which our US Senators and Congressmen accept, except again they use the words "campaign contribution" instead of "bribe". Sat - July 20 - I got soakedAt about 8:30 it started to rain. It rained for at least several hours. I got soaked and froze to death. No wonder I froze to death. It was almost a record cold day.My sweatshirt was soaked, my Levis were soaked and I was cold. The interesting thing was lightning came when the storm first started, but as the storm progressed the lightning stopped and all it did was rain. All the places I usually sleep were flooded except for one. And the cardboard I sleep on also got pretty soaked. I hope I can use it to night. The the time I got up all the monsoon clouds had cleared Sun - July 21 - More rainAfter I had finished eating breakfast at around 9 I was surprised because there were heavy black monsoon clouds outside.Again we had heavy rain, but this time it was only for maybe 10 minutes. Usually in Phoenix during the monsoon season we don't have rain this early in the morning. I was dumb enough to soak my sweatshirt in water and again I froze to death during the night. No wonder I froze to death. It was almost a record cold July 21. U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is both for and against Obamacare???Well if your against Obamacare, in this article U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema seems to want you to think she is also against Obamacare. Although based on her voting record Kyrsten Sinema is probably a big time socialist who is for Obamacare.And if you are for Obamacare, also in this article U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema also seems to want you to think she is also for Obamacare. This is probably U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema true position. Frequently the same bill will be voted on several times in the US House or US Senate and our double talking Congressmen and Senators will routinely vote against a bill on the first vote and then flip flop and vote for the same bill the second time around. No our Congressmen and Senators are not confused idiots who don't know which way to vote. They do this very intentionally to mislead people so they can claim to be FOR the bill when they talk to people who are FOR the bill, and so they can claim to be AGAINST the bill when they talk to people who are AGAINST the bill. That's probably why U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema voted against Obamacare which she almost certainly supports. So she can trick people who are against Obamacare into voting for her. Phoenix elected officials are liars or idiots??? Probably both.article our Phoenix rulers said if we approved a bond to expand the convention center, private investors would build a new downtown hotel to support it.That was a lie. Our Phoenix rulers ended up using our tax dollars to build a new downtown hotel. Next our Phoenix rulers conned legislators into picking up half the cost of the expansion, they promised that it wouldn’t actually cost the state anything. Again that was a lie. Now our Phoenix rulers want to renege or renegotiate. Dubai pardons woman at center of rape disputeThis article is one good reason why we shouldn't mix government and religion.Florida football player arrested for barking at police dogJesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down.In this article the cops in Flordia busted some poor smuck for barking at a police dog. If some police dog barks at me I have a First Amendment Constitutional right to bark back at the dog. Drunk San Francisco fireman MAY lose his job????Yea, MAY lose his job. Like MAY in MAYBE, might, perhaps.Jesus, if a civilian got drunk and ran over some other civilian like the fireman did in this article the civilian would be thrown in the slammer and charged with DUI or DWI. But not this San Francisco fireman who was drunk and ran over some poor guy with his ladder truck. Police save us from more imaginary bomb threatsThe cops will give us the BS line of:Better safe then sorryBut when I read these articles about the cops protecting us from imaginary bomb threats I think it is mostly a jobs program for the police and has absolutely nothing to do with our safety. NSA growth fueled by need to target terroristsThis article seems to want to justify the growth of the super secret NSA on evil Muslim and Arab terrorists.Personally I think that is a bunch of BS. The American foreign policy is the cause of t he growth of the NSA. Some Mormons Search the Web and Find DoubtThe article seems to imply that the Mormon religion is a bunch of baloney because there is lots of on line information to debunk the superstition of the Mormon religion.Well that may be true, but there is enought stuff on the web that will allow a person to debunk any of the Christian religions as nothing more then superstitious rubbish. Yearly deaths - Cigarettes 6 million, liquor 2.5 million, marijuana 0According to these articles smoking kills 6 million people worldwide every year. Liquor kills 2.5 million people every year worldwide. And of course that evil, evil, drug, marijuana which has been illegal since 1937 kills a grand total of zero people every year worldwide.If you ask me I think our royal government masters have their heads screwed on backwards because they want to keep marijuana illegal, while they love tobacco and alcohol because of all the taxes they bring in. Yearly US deaths - Cigarettes 443,000, liquor 75,000, marijuana 0According to these articles smoking kills 443,000 people in the USA every year. Liquor kills 75,000 people every year in the USA. And of course that evil, evil, drug, marijuana which has been illegal since 1937 kills a grand total of zero people every year worldwide.If you ask me I think our royal government masters have their heads screwed on backwards because they want to keep marijuana illegal, while they love tobacco and alcohol because of all the taxes they bring in. Harassment claim is latest blow to San Diego mayorIn this article we have another one of those famous "Do as I say, not as I do" lines from our royal government masters.This article is about San Diego Mayor Bob Filner who seems to think a woman's only place is in bed. Spice is for people who are on probation???I was waiting for a bus yesterday and I guy took out a pack of cigarettes. I thought he was going to smoke one, so I started to leave because I hate tobacco smoke.But instead he pulled out what looked like a joint. I asked him, "Is that a marijuana cigarette". He told me no, it wasn't marijuana, but it was spice. I told him that if it wasn't tobacco I didn't care because I am allergic to tobacco and was going to leave if he was going to puff on a tobacco cigarette. He mentioned that he couldn't smoke marijuana, because he was on probation and it would show up in a drug test. Don't worry David Dorn, I didn't snitch on the guy, even if spice is illegal I could care less. David before you start making up lies about people being snitches perhaps you should get your facts straight. But I guess when you are "Gods gift to the universe" the facts don't matter to you. Cop gets ‘desk duty’ for leaking bomb suspect photosWhen cops commit crimes they rarely get more then a slap on the wrist for punishment as we see in this article.Union jerks cost Gary Schrum $50,000????Read this article and you will see why in general I don't like unions.Sadly unions usually behave like criminal thugs who are solely there to shake down the owners of a business for money to give to the union members that work for that business. Bikers rousted at northern Ariz. rally sue policeSadly cops seem to think that anybody the consider criminals doesn't have Constitutional rights.That seems like the case in this article where the cops are accused of falsely arresting members of a biker gang solely because they are bikers. Top public pension earner sues Vernon after CalPERS cuts his benefitI routinely say that the whole purpose of government is to provide cushy jobs for our government masters.This article supports that statement very well. Campbell calls for Arizona prison chief to resignJust because Campbell is asking for the head of Arizona's prisons to resign in this article doesn't mean Campbell is a good guy.How do you spell revenue - 15 mph school zones!!!If you ask me those 15 mph school zones you read about in this article are mostly to raise revenue and have very little to do with safety.Blame Washington 'compromise' for where we are todayWhen an elected official says "compromise" as in this article they usually meanI will vote for your pork, if you vote for my porkCompromise isn't about good government. Compromise is about passing your pork that benefits the special interest groups that helped you get elected. Officials call synthetic drug verdict a victoryIn this article the people lose again in the insane war on drugs and the government tyrants score another win.In this article a jury upheld an arrest for people that where selling legal drugs that simulate illegal drugs. Detroit a snapshot of U.S.This article seems to verify my statements that government isn't about serving the people, but rather that government is all about extracting the money from the people government pretends to serve and putting the cash stolen in the pockets of our government masters.NRA's black commentator becomes Web sensationHere is an interesting article about a young, skinny and Black gun expert.Kind of blows away the myth that only fat, old white guys own guns. NSA revelations reframe digital life for someIn this article we see that our government masters have pretty much flushed the Fourth Amendment down the toilet with the Patriot Act, and if you want any freedom from government spying you better not use email or a telephone.3 charged in Phoenix phony-pot-dispensary bustJesus, don't these piggies have any real criminals instead of people accused of victimless drug war crimes like in this article.Black Boxes in Cars: A Question of PrivacyI have nothing against black boxes being installed in cars by the manufacture of a car.I do have a problem when the government mandates that a car manufactor install black boxes and then uses the data collected against the owner of the car in a criminal or civil court as in this article. U.S. military drone surveillance is expanding to hot spots beyond declared combat zonesThis article seems to verify my statements that much of the wars carried on by the Federal government are not to protect Americans from bad guys, but rather to serve as a jobs program for generals and a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex.227,000 people think YOU should pay for their housing in NYC????Yes, according to this article a quarter of a million people in New York City do think that THEY deserve to have you pay THEIR rent.Of course these same quarter of a million people in New York City also think it is OK for the government to point a guy at your head and make you empty YOUR wallet to pay for THEIR rent. Proof elected officials can't be trusted???If you read this article you will quickly figure out that politicians can't be trusted and that the main purpose of government is to remove the money from YOUR wallet and give it to the elected officials and special interest groups that helped them get into power.FDA must approve drugs used to murder????Yes, the FDA is required to approve that the drugs used by state governments to murder people convicted of crimes are safe according to this article.If you are confused about that statement, so am I. How can drugs used to murder people ever be classified as safe for human use by the idiots at the FDA???? Key Homeland official facing ethics inquiryMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters in this article.License plate cameras used to falsely arrest Phoenix City Council Candidate????In this article on of those computerized license plate scanners was responsible for helping the Phoenix Police falsely arrest Phoenix City Council Jeffrey Brown.Pope Francis Car Makes A Wrong TurnIn this article the Pope gets lost in Brazil.If the Pope can't get his directions correct in the material world, why should we trust him with guiding us in the supernatural world??? Why not just let the private sector deliver the mailI guess if you asked the postal unions that question and they answered honestly they would tell you it would cause their over paid, under worked union jobs to be eliminated.Read more about it in this article. Will doctors set the prices you pay under Obamacare???I suspect that Obamacare will become a jobs program for doctors in addition to being a government welfare program for poor people.Read more about that in this article. PRISM a small part of more intrusive snooping effortIt this article it sounds like it is easier for the government to force or twist the arms of large corporation and get them to give the government the data they collect on us, rather then for the government to get the information themselves by reading our email and tapping our phones.Sounds kind of like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. And while we are talking about that how do you guys at the NSA and Homeland Security who are reading this web page spying on me feel about being called similar to the government thugs that helped the Nazis murder the Jews, or helped the Soviets and Chinese murder millions???? Yea, I know, you guys don't consider yourselves government thugs, you are protecting use from something. Yea, something. Who knows what that something is??? No charges against Senator Rick Murphy in sex inquiryDid you expect anything different to happen when a guy that controls your supply of money is accused of a crime.Here is the article you decide. Tea Party scandal could lead to IRS restructuringaccording to this article the Tea Party targeting scandal shows the need for a major shake-up of the Internal Revenue Service, the chairmen of Congress's two tax-writing committees said.Of course if you understand how government really works, don't expect any changes. NSA: The finder and keeper of countless US secretsAccording to this article the super-secret agency is under the spotlight after last week's revelations of two surveillance programs. One involves the sweeping collection of hundreds of millions of phone records of U.S. customers. The second collects the audio, video, email, photographic and Internet search usage of foreign nationals overseas — and probably some Americans in the process — who use major Internet companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Yahoo.Fully Informed Juries - Jury NullificationThis article will be my basis for a talk on FIJA or Fully Informed Juries.I usually say Fully Informed Juries instead of the correct term which is "Jury Nullification". "Jury Nullification" is when a jury decides that the law used to charge a person with a crime is either unfair, unjust or unconstitutional and the jury chooses to acquit the person even though the person is guilty. My Petition to Legalize Marijuana in ArizonaHere is my petition to legalize marijuana in Arizona.If we are going to legalize marijuana, we certainly should not tax it or regulate it in any way. Former Tempe police officer gets 90 days, probation in theft caseAccording to this article Tempe Police Officer Aaron Smith has received a 90 day slap on the wrist jail sentence for stealing stuff from the Tempe Police evidence room.Slime bag murderer Dale Hausner commits suicideAccording to this article serial shooter, or serial killer Dale Hausner committed suicide before the state of Arizona could execute him.Republicans pull a fast one on votersIn this article we find out that the Republicans in Arizona have passed a bill that for all practical purposes it makes it illegal for Libertarians and Greens to run for office in Arizona.Brewer signs bill outlawing Libertarian candidates???In this article we find out that the Republicans in Arizona have passed a bill that for all practical purposes it makes it illegal for Libertarians and Greens to run for office in Arizona.My Petition to Legalize Marijuana in ArizonaWhile I support Dennis Bohlke and his Safer Arizona petition to legalize marijuana because it is a thousand times better then the current practice of throwing people in prison for the victimless crime of smoking marijuana, I do have some problems with it.I don't see why marijuana should be taxed. Why should some government bureaucrat get a couple bucks every time you smoke a joint??? Why should minors be denied the use of marijuana. If a minor has a headache or some other ill they can to to the drug store and buy a bottle of asprin. They should be able to do the same thing if they have a headache or some other ill they think can be cured with marijuana. Here is my petition to legalize marijuana in Arizona. My petition doesn't tax marijuana or regulate it in any way. Just like it was in 1937 before marijuana was made illegal at the Federal level with the passage of the "1937 Marihuana Tax Act". Home values go down, taxes go upYea, you probably thought that if you home value went down, your taxes would also go down.If you believe that line of BS, you are probably also dumb enough to think that our government masters are public servants who serve you. In reality the way government works, is that our government masters rob you to make themselves and the special interest groups that help them get elected wealthy. And of course that is why according to this article the taxes on your home are going up, while the value of your home is going down. Is it time to end the war on drugs????
Napolitano heading further west than Arizona good for this stateThe first time I remember Janet Napolitano is when she used her Federal jackbooted goons to raid a casino on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation.I have hated her ever since then. In this article former Mesa Cop Bill Richardson seems to think Janet is a jerk. I agree with him 100 percent. Janet Napolitano has found her niche????The first time I remember Janet Napolitano is when she used her Federal jackbooted goons to raid a casino on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation.I have hated her ever since then. In this article talk show host Rick Jensen seems to think Janet is a jerk. I agree with him 100 percent. Janet ducks another tough jobLast but not least in this editorial Linda Valdez also seems to think that Janet Napolitano is a do nothing government bureaucrat.Thur 7/25 - Rain - BugsI rained this morning. I didn't get soaked because it didn't rain till I was out of bed when the rain started.I had finished easting breakfast when I noticed it was raining like crazy outside. Last night I was eaten alive by the bugs. I was being constantly bit by bugs. I didn't get much sleep at all. I don't ever remember being eaten alive by bugs like I was last night since I became homeless. Dale Hausner reminds me of the jerkIn this article Dale Hausner says he has absolutely no remorse for the crimes he committed. He sure reminds me of the jerk.‘Serial Shooter’ Dale Hausner thinks he was going to go to heavenIn this article it says that ‘Serial Shooter’ Dale Hausner was a superstitious dope who believes in the supernatural and thinks he is going to the Christian heaven, despite all the murders he has committed.What a jerk. Letters a window into final days of ‘Serial Shooter’Here is another article on the suicide of Dale Hausner who was the ring leader in the Serial Shooter crimes."Speed Enforced By Drones"As a joke this guy put up a bunch of signs saying traffic speeds were enforced by drones armed with missiles on some highways in the San Francisco Bay area according to this article.The problem isn't the Patriot Act, it's the people that passed it.The jerks in Congress keep telling us that they never intended to allow the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security and a whole slew of other federal police agencies to spy on us when they passed the Patriot Act.But that is a like. They keep repassing the Patriot Act again and again. More in this article. Comedian shocked the sheriff? Off-color jokes stir controversyWhile the police claim to treat us all equally they act like a bunch of racist, homophobic jerks in their private meetings according to this article.Fountain Hills gets its 1st marijuana clinicAccording to this article Fountains Hills now has a medical marijuana clinic.Bill to halt casino moves forwardThe American government continues to screw the American Indians.In this article our racist Congressmen are attempting to outlaw an Indian casino in Glendale, Arizona. Mexico’s drug war boils over againAccording to this article Mexico's new President Enrique Pena Nieto is losing the drug war like is predecessor, Felipe Calderon.Hey, it's time to end the insane "war on drugs". The only constant in today’s politics: PessimismWell government isn't getting better, but according to this article more people are starting to realize that government sucks.Uncle Sam to screw Indians again????The crooks in Washington D.C. want to continue to screw the American Indians.According to this article our racist Arizona Congressmen in Washington D.C. want to pass a law to screw the American Indians in Glendale, Arizona. Good news!!!! People are starting to realized government sucks!!!Well government isn't getting better, but according to this article more people are starting to realize that government sucks.Senate pushes sanctions on nations aiding SnowdenIf the US Senate was going to do the right thing it would order the NSA, CIA, DEA, BATF, Homeland Security and other Federal police agencies to stop their illegal, unconstitutional spying on Americans.But instead the in this article the US Senate seems to approve of the illegal spying and is busy passing more police state laws that put sanctions on any country that helps freedom fighter Snowden, who exposed the illegal spying by American police and military agencies. US almost certain to lose money on GM rescueAccording to this article GM's stock would have to triple in value for the US government to break even on the money it spent bailing out GM.Greg Stanton seeks to end pension ‘spiking’ - Yea, sure!!!!!! - Trust me!!!!!In this article Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton says he want to end the illegal practice of allowing the police to spike their retirement pay.While I can't prove it I suspect this is another lie, just like Mayor Stanton's promise to repeal a sales tax which mostly goes to the Phoenix Police. If you ask me Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton seems to be owned by the police and fire unions. Tempe home survey yields new code enforcementIn this article Tempe City Councilman Kolby Granville sounds like nut job Felix Unger of the TV show the "Odd Couple".Arizona Taxi drivers now subject to random drug testingFrom this article the new law that required taxi drivers to take drug tests sounds like a government welfare program for the companies that give drug tests.The real kicker is that even if a taxi driver fails the required drug test, nothing can be done to prevent him from driving a taxi. Which is why I suspect that this law was written as a welfare program for corporations that give drug tests. Prosecutor carving notches on his gun???This article isn't about justice, it's about a prosecutor who is carving notches on his gun so he can prove he is tough on crime and get reelected.The guy in the article was driving recklessly, that is a given, and caused an accident. The accident knocked down some power lines and two good Samaritans who tried to help the guy were electrocuted. While the guy in the article is certainly a moron who shouldn't be driving he certainly is not a criminal who deserves to go to prison. Government snooping is going too farIn this editorial by the Arizona Republic, they certainty seem to think that the Federal government has gone to far by tapping our phones and reading our email.Chandler Vice Mayor Lowell Huggins arrestedAccording to this article Chandler Vice Mayor Lowell Huggins was arrested in a gunshot and disorderly conduct incident.7/25 - Attacked by a cockroachI heard some sounds and thought somebody was sneaking up on me. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye.It turned out to be a giant cockroach that wanted to attack me. At first I didn't know what to do, but then I took off my shoe and killed it. I forgot about it till the next morning when I woke up and there was a dead cockroach next to my bed. 7/25 - More bugs biting meTonight I got ate alive by bugs again.This night I wore two socks like gloves to keep the bugs from biting my hands. That didn't work too well they crawl under the socks and bite my hand any how. I also wore a t-shirt under my sweatshirt and tucked it in to keep the bugs from biting my back and belly. And I wore a full ski mask to keep the bugs from biting my head and face. And on top of that I wore my rain coat with a hood, again to keep the bugs from biting me, and because it might rain again. I probably have between 20 and 30 bites on each of my hands and feet, along with another bunch of bites on my back from the bugs that have been attacking me. Today I bought some small women's gloves to were at night to prevent the bugs from biting my hands. This is the worse case of being bitten by bugs that I can remember since I have been homeless. Inhaling bugs????Tonight as I was walking out to the desert I inhaled another bug.The damn critter just flew up my nose. I don't know if it flew out, or if it's stuck and died in my nose. The same thing happened to me a few days ago. A jobs program for Scottsdale Police OfficersThis article about how the city of Scottsdale is going to reduce crime in Scottsdale bars sounds like nothing more then a thinly disguised jobs program for Scottsdale cops to make lots of overtime money at the expense of bar ownersPolice body cameras won't stop police crimesThis article seems to say body cameras worn by the Scottsdale Police will prevent people from being victims of police crimes in Scottsdale.What rubbish!!! These cameras won't prevent police crimes. The real reason for the cameras it to help the Scottsdale police get more evidence which will be used to convict the people they arrest for crimes. Saying the cameras protect people from police abuse is nothing but government propaganda to make the police look good. Even police pay has limitsIn this editorial the Arizona Republic is against the Phoenix practice of spiking police pay, which is also illegal under the Arizona Constitution.Police raid Phoenix compassion clubIn this article the Phoenix Police raid a medical marijuana compassion club.Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???? You know criminals that hurt people, like robbers, rapists and muggers. Not harmless pot smokers. $250,000 for moving your bogus business to Arizona???In this article a 26 year old kid conned the state of Arizona into giving hime $250,000 in corporate welfare for moving his imaginary business from California to Arizona.Montini loves cops and unionsIn this editorial EJ Montini seems to love cops and unions and no matter how corrupt they are he will defend them.Light-rail train strikes, kills pedestrian in TempeAccording to this article the light rail train in Phoenix has struck and killed a pedestrian near McClintock and Apache in Tempe today.I didn't get eaten alive by bugs tonightThe good news is last night I didn't get eaten alive by bugs. I did move a few miles down the road trying to find a place with less bugs.The bad news is I have a lot more bites on my hands, feet and back then I thought I did before and they all hurt. Ouch!!!!! Gruesome light rail accident in Tempe and MesaIn this gruesome light rail accident a mans body was sliced in half and his dead body was drug several miles along the light rail line in Tempe and Mesa leaving body parts along the light rail tracks.Body parts spread over 5 miles of light rail track??In this gruesome light rail accident that occured in Mesa and Tempe, a Valley Metro light rail train sliced a man in half and dragged his body several miles thru Mesa and Tempe, finally depositing half of his body at the light rail station on the Tempe/Phoenix border on Priest and Washington in Tempe.Now I know why I am hyperI went to Elena Quintana's talk at HSGP on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and now I know why I am hyper and why it take a very long time to get over stuff that happens to me.No job references for whatever reason???In this article the guy who asked the question said that is boss is a jerk and thinks that anybody who quits the company to work for somebody else is an ingrate who doesn't deserve a good job reference.The guy says that the owner of the company that he works for won't let his managers give references for anybody. Dale Dauten and J.T. O'Donnel who write the column "Jobs Talk" give some good answers on what to say in cases like this when you don't have any references. Glendale Police Chief Greg Dominguez threatens to burn down store and kill employeesIn this article it sounds like it is impossible to fire a crooked police chief????Glendale’s assistant police chief Greg Dominguez threatened to burn down Spanky’s Smoke Shop in Peoria for selling “stuff” to his son. Assistant police chief Greg Dominguez also threatened to kill a store employee. If a civilian threatened to burn down the Glendale City hall and kill the mayor of Glendale for giving the Coyotes millions of our tax dollars that civilian would be in prison right now. But when the Glendale police chief does the same thing it's no big deal. It's impossible to fire a crooked police chief????In this article it sounds like it is impossible to fire a crooked police chief????Glendale’s assistant police chief Greg Dominguez threatened to burn down Spanky’s Smoke Shop in Peoria for selling “stuff” to his son. Assistant police chief Greg Dominguez also threatened to kill a store employee. If a civilian threatened to burn down the Glendale City hall and kill the mayor of Glendale for giving the Coyotes millions of our tax dollars that civilian would be in prison right now. But when the Glendale police chief does the same thing it's no big deal. Va. first lady McDonnell spent thousands from husband’s PAC on clothesMore of the old "do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.In this article the wife of Virginia governor sounds like she thinks she is the royal queen of Virginia. Man killed by light-rail train car in Mesa identifiedAccording to this article Wade L. Stokley was the person who was sliced into several pieces by a Valley Metro light rail train as it was traveling from Mesa to Tempe.Body parts of Wade L. Stokley were spread along 5 miles of the light rail train tracks from the Sycamore and Main light rail station in Mesa to the Tempe light rail station at Priest and Washington. Mexicans outraged by humiliation of Indian boyaaa4_police.html#mexicanindians0728 |
John McCain is against the "military police state"???Yea, John McCain is against the military police state as much as Hitler thinks the Jews are the master race.Read more about it in this article. Kyrsten Sinema votes to support the military police state???In this article Arizona's Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema seems to have flip flopped from an anti-war person to a person who is a big time supporter of the American military and American police state.In the article Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema voted against a bill that would have limited the spying done by the NSA. John McCain and Barack Obama working together???Sadly when Barack Obama seems to be a carbon copy clone of American tyrant George W. Bush.So it's no suprise that Barack Obama is working closely with another George W. Bush clone, John McCain. Read more in this article. Low-level staff have access to ‘invasive’ surveillanceThe royal rulers in the US Senate and US Congress tell us that the records of our phone calls and emails which the NSA has been collecting on are safe from the prying eyes of our government masters.But in this article that sounds like a bunch of double talking BS coming from our government masters. The article seems to say that any low level grunt in the NSA has access to your phone calls and emails. A push in Mexico City to legalize marijuana useWill they legalize marijuana next in Mexico City???Who knows? Maybe they will according to this article. BART workers' paychecks already outpace their peers'Those under worked and over paid union workers on BART in the San Francisco Bay are paid very well according to this article.Revealers of government secrets share how their lives have changedWe are always hearing from our government masters that they are there to protect our rights.But from this article it sound like our government masters could care less about our rights, and in fact that our government masters will severally punish any of their fellow government bureaucrats who expose government crimes and waste. Secret surveillance court overhaul is urgedYea, but don't count on the secret surveillance court being overhauled anytime soon. For more read this article.What part of the Constitution makes prostitution a FEDERAL crime????I suspect that probably 99 percent of what the Federal government does is unconstitutional.And I certainly think it is wrong to force young children into slavery as prostitutes. But I don't beleive their is one word in the US Constitution which give the Federal government the power to regulate prostitution as the FBI is doing in this article. NYC Mayor candidate likens "stop and frisk" to suspicions that killed Trayvon MartinFinally a person in New York City who thinks the "stop and frisk" program is wrong.In this article a candidate for mayor comes out and says it is wrong. Mayor 'Headlock' Filner won't spell out his misconduct, so we willAccording to this article the women of San Diego are breathing easy now that Mayor Headlock is taking himself off to “behavior rehabilitation.”Patterson: SSDI is nothing but government social welfareAccording to this article Social Security Disability Insurance is turning into a monster.Paradise Valley high-school students will be required to wear ID badgesGuess what kiddies you now have to wear a government issued photo ID badge on your chest every time you go to school according to this article.Don't worry kids, if you are Jewish you won't be forced to wear a yellow Jewish star next to the badge. You high school principle assures you of that. Just like the high school principles in Nazi Germany assured the Jewish kids there of the same thing. Puritans on San Jose city council don't like 'Bikini bar'From this article it sounds like the religious nut jobs on the San Jose city council want to shut down the 'Bikini bar'.Haven't those religious prudes on the San Jose city council heard of a thing called the First Amendment???? Corporate welfare at Tempe Town Lake!!!!Here is an interesting article about the millions of dollars in corporate welfare the members of the Tempe City Council are giving to developers on Tempe Town Toilet, aka Tempe Town Lake, in exchange for bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions.I have these problems with Tempe Town Toilet or Tempe Town Lake as the royal members of the Tempe City Council call it. 1) A large part of the time the park is not open to the public, but used for events to raise money for the royal rulers of Tempe. And these events are expensive to attend and most people who live in the city of Tempe, and pay for the Tempe Town Toilet can't afford to attend the events. 2) These events cause huge traffic jams and parking problems in the downtown Tempe area 3) When these events are concerts they routinely keep people awake late at night in the entire downtown area, and as far north as Roosevelt Road in Scottsdale which is also Continental Drive in Tempe. I am not sure how far south the concerts can be heard. Also check out: Corporate welfare at Tempe Town Toilet!!!!Here is an interesting article about the millions of dollars in corporate welfare the members of the Tempe City Council are giving to developers on Tempe Town Toilet, aka Tempe Town Lake, in exchange for bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions.I have these problems with Tempe Town Toilet or Tempe Town Lake as the royal members of the Tempe City Council call it. 1) A large part of the time the park is not open to the public, but used for events to raise money for the royal rulers of Tempe. And these events are expensive to attend and most people who live in the city of Tempe, and pay for the Tempe Town Toilet can't afford to attend the events. 2) These events cause huge traffic jams and parking problems in the downtown Tempe area 3) When these events are concerts they routinely keep people awake late at night in the entire downtown area, and as far north as Roosevelt Road in Scottsdale which is also Continental Drive in Tempe. I am not sure how far south the concerts can be heard. Also check out: ACLU to court: Begging in Arizona is not a crimeMany government tyrants make begging illegal in an attempt to run people they consider scum out of town.In this article the ACLU says that is wrong and trying to stop it. Pedestrian killed in incident with light-rail train in East ValleyIn this article some schmuck had a run in with a light rail train in Mesa and Tempe and got killed. The resulting accident left body parts strewn over 4 or 5 miles of light rail tracks in Tempe and Mesa.Pot use inches higher in Scottsdale districtLooks like those kiddies in the Scottsdale Schools love to smoke marijuana according to this article.Of course if you ask me I would rather have them smoking pot then drinking liquor because pot is much safer then booze. Judge to decide if Phoenix Police have to obey the lawThe Phoenix Police union thinks that they are above the law.According to this article a judge may have to tell the Phoenix Police that they are required to obey the law like everybody else. Cops kill 95 year old man armed with butter knifeAccording to this article the cops murdered a 95 year old man armed with a butter knife.Jesus, don't these cops have any real criminals to hunt down and kill???? Criminal shot in marijuana robbery!!!In this article a may was shot in the face after he broke into a home attempting to steal some marijuana plants.Of course if marijuana was legal, a pound of marijuana would cost less then a pound of tomatoes and we would not have people committing silly crimes like this. Glendale denies unlawful ‘meetings’Remember when President Clinton tried to claim it wasn't sex after it was discovered that him and Monica were doing some fun stuff in the Oval Office.Well it seems like our government masters have the same loosey goosey destination of "unlawful meetings" as Bill Clinton has of sex according to this article. SWAT teams love the war on drugsAccording to this article police SWAT teams love the war on drugs.A good alibi won't keep you out of prison???Sorry a good alibi won't keep you out of prison according to this article.Sadly innocent people are routinely railroaded to prison like the guy in this article was, despite the fact that they had fool proof alibis because our criminal justice system is corrupt to the core. Firetruck kills passenger in Asiana Flight 214 plane crashAccording to this article one of the passengers on the Asiana Flight 214 plane crash in San Francisco was killed when she was run over by a firetruck after the plane crash.Selectively enforcing the graffiti laws in Tempe???In this article Tempe Councilman Granville seems to be a nut job clean freak who wants the Tempe messy yard laws enforced with an iron fist.More messy yard laws in Tempe????In this article we have more from messy yard clean freak Tempe City Councilman Kolby Granville who wants to enforce Tempe's unconstitutional messy yard laws with an iron fist.Stop Russia’s affrontIn this letter to the editor Susan Hurley of Mesa complains that Russia is mixing government and religion with it's crack down on homosexuals.Border statistics demanded by Arizona's congressional delegationFrom this article it looks like the goons in the BP (Border Patrol) are only going to tell us the statistics that makes them look like heroes!!!!State inmate Deon Patrick hopes for freedom as co-defendant exoneratedIn this article Deon Patrick has a perfect alibi on why he didn't commit the murder.Sadly the jury was deaf, dumb and blind and didn't see his alibi and he has been in prison since 1992 for a murder he didn't commit. According to this article Deon Patrick is hoping somebody will look at the facts and let him out of prison. The NSA hears and sees everything you do!!!!! |
Don't expect our government masters to obey their own laws!!!!You expect our government masters to obey the same laws they expect us serfs to obey????Don't make me laugh. In this article Metra Chairman Brad O'Halloran received nearly $22,000 for his service as an elected trustee in Orland Park despite a state law banning Metra board members from receiving a paycheck from any other government post. US Post Office Slush Fund????In this letter to the editor it sounds like Congress is using the US Post Office to create a slush fund for the members of Congress to spend on the special interest groups that helped them get elected.Kind of like Congress uses the Social Security taxes it collects for everything but Social Security benefits. Millions in U.S. Subsidies Go to Dead FarmersAccording to this article millions of dollars of US government pork are going to dead farmers.I wonder how they spend the money?? Eugene Robinson: Snowden deserves our thanks, not our derisionAnd in this article a lot of people besides me think that Edward Snowden is a hero and freedom fighter. Not the criminal the American government wants to paint him as.Student left in DEA cell to get $4 million from USAccording to this article a college student the DEA thugs almost murdered by locking him in a cell for several days will get $4 million from the crooks at the DEA.Unwitting drug mule sues FordI think the lawsuit in this article is a frivolous lawsuit.But the article illustrates a very good point, that the simple possession of an illegal drug can get you locked up in prison for many years. Even if the drug wasn't your drug. Bus on Justin Bieber tour in border pot bustThis article is pretty much like the previous article and again it illustrates a very good point, that the simple possession of an illegal drug can get you locked up in prison for many years. Even if the drug wasn't your drug.A gun and badge means I can have sex with any woman!!!!!Sadly a lot of cops think that having a gun and a badge means they can have sex with any woman they want to. Read more in this article.LAPD officer pleads no contest to charges of molesting two young girlsMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" in this article from a cop who works for the LAPD.Arizona DPS officer convicted in embezzlement caseAgain more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" in this article where an Arizona DPS cop gets convicted of embezzlement.Krauthammer: Detroit succumbs to Stein’s LawIn this article Krauthammer makes some comments on the bankruptcy of Detroit. It's just the usual government corruption.Tempe home survey yields new code enforcementAnd in this article Tempe City Councilman Kolby Granville seems to want to be a Felix Unger of the Odd Couple when it comes to enforcing Tempe's messy yard laws.Joanna Allhands thinks Tempe Town Toilet will be a disasterIn this editorial Arizona Republic reporter Joanna Allhands seems to think that Tempe Town Toilet aka Tempe Town Lake will continue to be a disaster for the taxpayers of Tempe.Of course the royal rulers on the Tempe City Council will continue to make out like bandits with all the bribes, oops, I mean campaign contributions they take in exchange for giving business that build on the Tempe Town Toilet millions of dollars of taxpayer money. Well fellow taxpayers of Tempe, there ain't much we can do other then bend over and give our hard earned money to the royal rulers on the Tempe City Council, who will then give our hard earned cash to the millionaire developers who give them campaign contributions. Enjoying that wonderful feeling of security in America |
Busted spoke shuts down bikeI think last Sunday when I left Circle K and road off of their sidewalk onto the parking lot I busted a spoke on my bike.That busted spoke caused the rim to bend to the right making the wheel rub the frame sometimes. When I went to the bike coop the guy noticed the new busted spoke. I didn't notice it until he pointed it out. First we tried to remove the gear on the wheel so we could replace the spoke. But some of the metal on the gear broke as we tried to remove the gear, so we gave up on that. Next I tried to true up the wheel. More bad news, two of the spokes on the left side of the rim were frozen and I could not adjust them. Because of that I figured I would not be able to true the wheel. But I was wrong. So next I loosened maybe 4 spokes on the right side of the rim and I was amazed that the wheel straightened up almost perfect. I said almost perfect. The wheel is still a little off, but it's amazing I could get the wheel working that well without tightening any of the spokes on the left side. Well if the bus strike comes, at least I will be able to ride my bike. Well if no more spokes break. Bus strike tomorrow????The bus drivers that are union thugs my go on strike tomorrow. We will have to wait till then to find out what happens.July 30 - More motorcycles keeping me awake at nightMan those loud motorcycle sounds can travel a long way. I was again kept up late at night by loud motorcycles racing.Corporations that sell poisons and industrial chemicals1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 1993 hops - A lame excuse to nullify the 4th AmendmentarticleTempe OKs controversial lake planarticleTempe City Council sells out to special interest groupsarticleAriz. ruling says police can temporarily take gunsarticleLeaked docs give new insight into NSA’s searchesarticleGive Snowden his due: He made a surveillance debate possiblearticleGovernment Tyrants 1 - Freedom Fighters 0articleBradley Manning convicted of some chargesarticleEgyptian military plays Uncle Sam as Uncle SaparticleWarrantless Cellphone Tracking Is UpheldarticleWant a marijuana prescription? Get in linearticlePope Francis says he won’t judge gay priestsarticleWhy marijuana, estate planning don’t mixarticleGOP lawmakers urge crackdown on illegal pot clubsarticleFully Informed JuriesThis is an article I am writing on jury nullification.Jury nullification is when a jury decides to acquit a person that they think is guilty because the law is unfair, unjust, selectively enforced, unconstitutional or a number of other reasons. My Petition to Legalize Marijuana in ArizonaHere is my petitionCrooked Libertarian LawyersWrite a blurb on those imaginary phoney baloney alleged Libertarian lawyers that cheat people out of their money and spread lies about them.The two phoney baloney self proclaimed Libertarian big talking lawyers who say they are freedom fighters but really are crooks. Drug War Facts and StatisticsHere are some interesting drug war statistics and drug war facts about America's insane and unconstitutional war on drugs. drug_war_facts_statistics.htmlMarc Victor on Facebook |
Things society taught me to hate!!!!Here is some stuff that society taught me to hate and love.Use this article when I sue Valley Metro for a refund on my bus passWhen I sue Valley Metro for not giving me a refund on my bus pass for the days the drivers were on strike use this article which said the the CEO of Valley Metro approved the fact that they did not allow any drivers to work to break the strike.Valley Metro: CEO approved lack of minimum serviceWhen I sue Valley Metro for not giving me a refund on my bus pass for the days the drivers were on strike use this article which said the the CEO of Valley Metro approved the fact that they did not allow any drivers to work to break the strike.4th of July - Tempe Town Lake4th of July - Tempe Town Toilet |
In this cartoon some poor smuck who is soon going to be
illegally searched, felt up, inspected, videotaped and abused
by TSA goons, or in this case the Tempe Police says:
Who says the government doesn't have an ironic sense of humor?The sign says Freedom Festival Entranceor since I am making fun of the police state at the Tempe Town Lake, which people in the Phoenix area call "Tempe Town Toilet", the sign should say: July 4There is also a metal detector which is labeled Patriot ScanAnd a cute police state sign that says Wait here for next cavity search specialistAnd last but not least some smuck, whom I presume is naked, with his hands raised up as he is being felt up by some TSA goon, or in this case a Tempe Police Officer.
Here is a poster for the July 4, 2013 Independence Day Celebration which is held at Tempe Town Lake. Tempe Town Lake is affectionately called Tempe Town Toilet by the people in the Phoenix area. We are told by the royal rulers of the Tempe City Council that Tempe Town Lake as they call it, or Tempe Town Toilet as the people call it is for the people of Tempe to enjoy. But that is rubbish. The only purpose of Tempe Town Lake is for the royal rulers of Tempe to raise money for themselves and the government bureaucrats in the city of Tempe. And of course the royal rulers of Tempe are going to shake us down for $8 to enter the park ($60 for VIPs), which was paid for with our tax dollars. Let's face it they are not the "public servants" they claim to be. They are royal rulers who constantly shake us down for money and micromanage our lives.
Here is a photo of the part of the poster which says Important InformationIn this important information it pretty much tells you to bend over sucker, this is the "Peoples Republic of Tempe" and all your Constitutional rights have been flushed down the toilet. It says: Only ... 1 gallon [water] per person ... allowed. No firearms, knives or other weapons allowed. All persons and bags are subject to search.Of course the 2nd Amendment has been flushed down the toilet with the part of the "Important Information" that says No firearms, knives or other weapons allowed.And of course the 4th Amendment has been flushed down the toilet with the part of the "Important Information" that says All persons and bags are subject to search.Last but not least the royal tyrants on the Tempe City Council want to shake us down for as much money as possible by allowing people to only bring in ONE measly gallon of water per person. And while they claim that silly rule is "for our safety" we know that is a bunch of BS, and the rule really is to force us to buy as much as possible from the food vendors, which the city of Tempe gets a cut of the sales. And remember this is Arizona, not Cleaveland. Just a few days ago it hit 119°. At night the tempatures in July are routinely above 100°F past 9pm, which the fire works will start. And the royal rulers of Tempe are using that hot weather to squeeze as much money out of us serfs as possible by forcing us to buy our water from their concession stands.
And last but not least here is a photo of a banner hanging at the entrance to the Tempe Town Toilet, or the Tempe Town Lake as the royal rulers of Tempe call it. This large banner again pretty much tells you to bend over sucker, this is the "Peoples Republic of Tempe" and all your Constitutional rights have been flushed down the toilet. It says: all persons and bags will be searched prior to enteringflushing the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights down the toilet. The banner then says 1 gallon of sealed water per personThe greedy royal rulers on the Tempe City Council know that it is hotter then h*ll in Arizona and want to force us to buy all our liquids at their concession stands. Screw that "public servant" nonsense they like to tell us, those royal rulers want to shake us down for as much money as possible at these events. Next we see that the gun grabbers on the Tempe City Council have also flushed our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms with the words on the banner that say No firearms, knives or other weaponsAnd last but not least at the bottom of the banner we are again reminded that the 4th Amendment is null and void in the People's Republic of Tempe by the words All persons are subject to search including personal belongings |
Things society taught me to hate!!!!Here is a blurb on some of the things society taught me to love and love.Where was that photos shot at????At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files. Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos. A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media. Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at. Tempe City Logo???Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!! |
Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residentsThe Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan ArmijoIn this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe. Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's. I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop. Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yardAccording to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. Social Security - How to get your lootSure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back. Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.The Spanish AlphabetOK, here is the Spanish alphabet.B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza. "RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter. Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in PhoenixThis url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.Map of the Phoenix Canal SystemFor your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal systemCops try to murder homeless people???Man I got screwed up this morning. I gut stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.Marijuana, grown in a National Park near you!!!!According these articles drug cartels are moving their operations from Mexico to places that are cheaper to operate in.And of course that means they are now growing their marijuana in American National Parks which are closer to the final destination of their drug users in the USA. Babes from the Los Angeles TimesHere are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site on my reading listHere are some books on my reading list.They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?IBM mainframe computers???Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff? I am a rock?I am a RockRecycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program. After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!! More articles on Kyrsten SinemaSome previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 If you love taxes and hate guns your will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.